Saturday Songsuasion

Saturday Song-suasion 54: Jackie Evancho

The first time I heard this artist, I was absolutely blown away considering she was only 10-years old. I present to you, Jackie Evancho from AGT 2010….

Pierce was so right, Jackie’s angelic sound captured not only America but my heart. This sweet, darling little girl with an amazing voice!

Now, fast-forward…Miss Evancho’s pose and charm on stage ever persist singing Somewhere at our Nation’s capital on Memorial Day.

Jackie’s musical forte is Classic, but imagine my pleasant surprise to see her POP cross-over with Go Time…

Jackie is the youngest platinum artist ever and she has a new album Awakening to release later in the month.

Did you know Jackie debuted in the film The Company You Keep starring Robert Redford?

Thank you for taking time out of your weekend in hopping over to listen to the music! I hope you enjoyed your visit. In fact, I hope you enjoyed it so much that you cannot wait to tell your friends. Go ahead, hit the share (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) button! You know you wanna. 😉



Have a songsational Saturday!



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