Wordless Wednesday

Rice Grist Mill near Norris Dam #WW

A view of Norris Dam from an overlook on 441 just past the marina about seven-tenths of a mile on the left. You can find easily on Google Maps and you can even see the overlook from where I took this photo.

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! In 2014, I shared some shots of Norris Lake with the Skywatch Friday community. Last summer, we spent a lot of time taking drives to nearby communities. On one such adventure, we revisited Norris Dam State Park and on the way along 441, next to WG Lenoir Museum is the Rice Grist Mill.

We visited the museum many years ago with my in-laws and then again when our kids were small, as well we’ve seen the grist mill many times. I’m not sure if it’s still a working grist mill but I believe it was during the 80s. I hope to get another photo op of the mill this year. I love photographing old buildings, don’t you?


[tweetthis]I linked up with Curious as a Cathy for some not-so #WW fun & I invite you join the party! #photography[/tweetthis]

Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.


1. Speaking of endings….at your wit’s end, at loose ends, a dead-end, burn the candle at both ends, all’s well that end’s well, or no end in sight…which ‘end’ phrase might best be applied to your life lately? Explain.  “At loose ends” fits the moment. A few weeks ago our 40+-year-old refrigerator killed over. I don’t know what its problem is. Really, 40+ years and it dies? What’s with that? 😉 Anywho, the space it occupies is not deep enough to match today’s appliances and the ratio of freezer to cold storage is off. Who wants to HAVE to bend waaay over to stick her head into the frig every time? Who wants to HAVE to climb into the frig to get wants all the way in the back? I can tell you  not me.  This is just ridiculous. We will look at one more possibility and if this doesn’t pan out then we may need to consider getting a refrigerator with no freezer or a frig with the freezer on the bottom. Neither is a purrfect solution but it will provide the basic need to keep our food cold…lets hope.

2. What was a must-have accessory when you were growing up? Did you own one? If so tell us what you remember about it.  You’re asking a person who isn’t very fashion oriented this question? When I was kid I, I wore hand-me-downs so I was happy to get what I had and during my youth hip hugging bell bottoms was the trend. My aunt gave me plenty of gently worn seconds that belonged to her husband’s niece who was older than me, so I did have a few pairs of bell bottoms to wear. My favorite was a pair of lightweight white denim slacks. That’s about all I remember about them, though.

3. Something that made you smile yesterday? I answered my questions on Tuesday morning so my response to this from Monday. While making my daily blog runs, I visited two blogs that made me smile.  Steve shared a funny joke and Lisa shared her big-eyed girl sketches that not only made me smile but inspired me.  I, especially liked her sleeping girl so I drew one in Procreate with my Apple Pencil and iPad.

4. January 30th is National Croissant Day. Do you like croissants? Sweet or savory? We’re having chicken salad for lunch…would you rather have yours served on a croissant, a wrap, a bagel, bread, or a roll of some sort?  I haven’t eaten a croissant in years. I like them okay but it’s not something I’d order.  In my working years, a guy I went to college with started his own croissant business. He made sandwiches with his and delivered them each day.  Although, he had a good product, I can’t image in being profitable. He eventually worked in the same office as I did as a computer consultant.

5. Sum up your January in fifteen words or less. That’s easy, not a whole lot going on around here!

6.  Insert your own random thought here.  I mentioned last Wednesday I wanted to share a few photographs of churches that caught my eye. This little chapel, located by Lake in the Sky, is in a small community called Top O’ the World off the Foothills Parkway in Tallassee Tennessee. This off-the-beaten path discovery made for a lovely quiet afternoon drive. A great place for a summer home but I wouldn’t want to live there in the winter since it’s a bit remote.


Have a good day and please join me tomorrow for 2018 round three of Battle of the Bands(#BoTB)!





  • Pamela

    That church is just adorable and I’d love to know what it looks like inside. Churches all have such different atmospheres and I love absorbing the calm and peace that you find in them. I am amazed that you had a fridge that lived for over 40 years – that’s incredible and further proof that things used to be built to last much better than they are today.
    Your picture of Norris Dam is lovely – the sky is such a beautiful blue.
    Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day.

  • K. Radford

    Hi….I LOVE your pics! You are very talented! I told you in a note here, but it is on the page before this one I think. I don’t know if you saw it or maybe I got things turned around. HOW unlike me! 😀 I have a cold and my hubby has the flu so if you run out of things to pray for, a prayer for us would be very much appreciated! I hope you are having a good week! Don’t get sick!! ~Karla~

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for visiting and for the nice compliment. I did see your comment on Monday’s post just now. When I get busy sometimes I miss responding to previous post commenters but I eventually spot them. 😀 I certainly will keep you and your husband in my prayers. This is tough cold/flu season. DH told me yesterday a co-worker’s 26-year-old daughter’s friend died this week from the flu. I hate hearing stuff like this. I know the very young and old are more susceptible to it or those with auto-immune problems. It just pays to exercise extreme caution when dealing with the public while doing everything you can to keep from transmitting germs to yourself. I can’t say enough…keep those hands away from your face until they are thoroughly washed. I believe this is the #1 thing people DO NOT do. Coughing and sneezing on people is probably the next way people are catching the crud. It blows my mind to be in a store when someone will expel millions of germs without covering the mouth at all. Use your shoulder folks, not the hand, and stop the germs from spreading! I’m not lecturing you, of course, but to the countless others who do not practice these basic habits on an on-going basis. OH well…I hope you both are doing better today. Rest and drink plenty of fluids. Sending up those prayers for a speedy recovery.

      • K. Radford

        Thanks for the prayers! That was very sad about the 26 year old that died. My cold is much better than it was 3 days ago. I am not sure what the deal is with my dh. It looked like he had the flu. He got really dizzy, very sick ( I will spare you the details) and then dizzy again for a little while and then he was fine. What was that….the 1 1/2 hour flu? Your prayers must be seriously powerful! BTW, I could use a few million dollars…you know, if you happen to think of it the next time you say your prayers. 😉 You are right about people passing germs around. I was watching a thing on the news and they say that many people don’t wash their hands enough and also not well enough. Also, if everyone would stay in when they start getting sick instead of going to work, school, etc. they amount of germs being passed around would be way lower.

        I am SO jealous that you have been to Nashville. It is on my bucket list. As you may have surmised, I really love country music. Alas, my dh doesn’t like it as much as I do so, I am thinking if I go, I will be alone. All alone in Nashville with all those cowboys. Cowboys all over just hanging out. A cowboy here, a cowboy there….oh the excitement would probably kill me!

        Now when you say drink plenty of fluids, would a hot toddy count? 😀

        • Cathy Kennedy


          I’m glad my prayer was answered so quickly but then maybe it was yours that did the trick. 😉 Nashville is about three hours from us, so we can drive there easily on a long day trip. Last fall, we visited Opry Mills. We went to the mall and strolled around outside the Grand Ole Opry. It’s a neat place. This summer if DH’s eye is better (he had surgery to repair a detached retina last March & has two pending surgeries for this spring) then we want to go back but this time go downtown. I’ve heard many people will drink a hot toddy when they are sick but I have not had one. I don’t drink alcoholic beverages. I never cared for the taste. That’s fine by me. Have a good evening. 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for the suggestion. We JUST discoverd this as a possibility last night. Today, I’m going to look at every one I can find online to find a very simple, low-cost unit. We don’t want anything fancy.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m sure we’ll figure something out. Last night, we looked at a Kenmore Refrigerator. It won’t work. Anywho, we did look at Samsung counter depth refrigerator that will fit our space. Other than not reliable issues associated with the brand, it has the french doors and three times more than we want to pay but this pointed my mind in a new direction to look. Off I go for more refrigerator hunting online!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t think I wore the platform shoes but I do remember having chunky heels shoes. I mainly wore sneakers. Platforms are hard to walk in. I feel like I’m about to fall down. lol

  • Arlee Bird

    What a beautiful setting for that mill. I’ve never been there, but it looks like a destination worth visiting if one were in the area biding time.

    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      If you visit Norris Dam and the grist mill you may want to consider going to the Appalachian Museum. It’s not very big but it’s interesting. We went years ago and I’d really like to go back.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      No, I haven’t heard of salted egg croissants before. Generally if we get breakfast out which isn’t often, it’ll be either donuts or sausage & biscuits. I tend to not think of croissants. I think would like try making them, though.

  • 15andmeowing

    Nice photos, I remember learning about grist mills at Old Sturbridge Village ( a museum near me). I love croissant egg sandwiches from Dunkin Donuts- I want one now 🙂 Have a great day!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Other than the refrigerator problem, this month is just about like all the others. I’m fearful for all of our appliances, though. They are all getting old, even the newer ones.

  • Under the Oaks

    Enjoyed your pictures of Norris Dam and the Mill! Been to Tennessee often and thought of moving to Franklin at one time for retirement. We stayed at the nicest B&B in Monteagle, Monteagle Inn. It was beautiful around there… Sewanee. You are bringing back memories!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      The Nashville area is nice but the traffic is a bit too much to suit me and it’s much too far from the mountains. We enjoyed a few day trips there last summer and wouldn’t mind going again this year. Hopefully, you can retire to the area. Nashville is a nice city over all, even though it’s not a purrfect match for me.

      • Under the Oaks

        That was a few years ago we thought about retiring there. I think Florida has always been the plan and that is where we will head… Venice, Florida. It is where we go every winter. I’d pick mountains or ocean… 🙂 The husband has been retired since 2007. We just have had stuff holding us here in Missouri.

  • John Holton

    “All is grist for the mill…”

    I flew Air France a few years ago when I was returning to Atlanta from Singapore. It was one of those flights where they serve dinner and breakfast. At dinner (which was, as you can imagine, amazing), we each got a baguette, and at breakfast they served croissants the size of hubcaps (okay, that’s a slight exaggeration, but they were big). I got seconds on all the bread. Trust me, the French know bread… That might have been the best flight I have ever been on. We get the small croissants at the grocery store to have with soup; I prefer the ones from Publix to the ones from Kroger. Haven’t gotten the crescent rolls from Pillsbury in some time….

    • Cathy Kennedy


      DH is a huge bread eater, especially if it’s good stuff. I’m sure the crosissant on your flight home was tasty and your going on about it put me in the mood for fresh baked croissants but where do I actually find a good quality nearly home-baked croissant? I may have to try my hand at this sometime. DH will thank me for it, I’m sure. The ones you buy at Kroger & Publix, are they made in their bakery or is it the freezer area? I may have to check it out.

      • John Holton

        The ones from Publix are made in the store, while the ones from Kroger are made elsewhere and sold in the deli. You might be better off making them yourself, but I have a feeling it would be a lot of work, as would any bread that requires yeast. Ideally, there would be a local bakery that made them, or maybe a French restaurant, though I wouldn’t know of either in Knoxville. Be worth a try!

        • Cathy Kennedy

          Thanks, John! I don’t mind making homemade bread sometimes. I make biscuits frequently. It’s been awhile since I’ve made yeast rolls, though. This could be a fun baking project. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Shilpa Arya

    That’s a nice idea to revisit the place again and see how it changed over a period of time. I m tempting to go back to few places I visited before .

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