Challenge,  Get To Know Me (g2km)

Popcorn! – Day 12 G2KM Blog Challenge

Yesterday was one of my puny days.  I was having trouble with my tummy.  On Monday, I enjoyed one of my favorite snacks, popcorn.  Unfortunately, popcorn is one of those foods I should either avoid altogether or at least make an attempt to not eat too much.  What’s too much?  It’s hard to say with my tummy problems.  This is the first time in a few years where I’ve had any food to make me this sick.  It’s not pleasant so I won’t go into the details.  However, as sure as the wind will blow, I am bound to make the same mistake again. Why? Because I love popcorn!

Do you know how long popcorn has been around? According to, popcorn kernels have been found in archaeological digs dating 5,000 years ago and it’s also believed that popcorn may have been a part of the first Thanksgiving.  Cool, huh?

One of my favorites is movie popcorn loaded with lots and lots of butter. Get this, the first commercial popcorn machine was invented 126 years ago.  In my early 20s, I would often get popcorn for lunch from one of the downtown vendors.  It tasted just like movie popcorn. Interestingly, I learned popcorn didn’t take off in popularity until the Depression Era. The main reason being is it was an affordable snack food for families.

There are a few different methods of preparing popcorn.  For years the common way to cook popcorn was to place the kernels in a covered kettle with a little oil.  This is still one of my favorite ways.  I recall from my childhood one of the first easy made popcorn,  Jiffy Pop. Did you enjoy this as a kid, too?  I thought that was the coolest stuff.

In junior high school, when I was with the student council, we would pop corn in an old fashion vendor type machines with a wire basket.  Do you remember these popcorn machines?  I believe these are still in use at carnivals and state fairs.  This method turned out some tasty corn.

In the 1980s, microwave popcorn sort of ‘exploded’ (pun totally intended) and has remained the most preferred way to making popcorn.  This has become my common cooking method.

There are many ways to enjoying popcorn.  Do you like popcorn seasonings?  Many like it plain while others prefer to jazz their corn up with herbs or spices or popcorn seasonings like I do.  Some like a sweet popcorn called ‘Kettle Corn’, where you simply toss the corn with honey or sugar or even caramel.  To add a yummy twist to your caramel corn, then toss in some nuts into the mix.  Personally, I’m a caramel corn fan with or without nuts.

Popcorn remains reasonably priced when preparing it at home regardless of your preference for munching on savory or sweet corn.  Next time you’re at the grocery store, why not show your support for midwest farmers and buy some popcorn.  Your family will be happy that you did, as you settle into the living room around the TV with a large bowl of popcorn.  It’s a win-win situation all around!

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