TV Shows

Poor Lisa Rinna

This season’s of The Celebrity Apprentice has started out more cut-throat than in the past.  The men have conflict issues, but wow, the women are in center ring duking it out.  The attitudes of both the men and women are horrific.

Sunday night displayed exactly what I’m referring to.  Donald Trump asked, “Ladies, who will be your Project Manger?” At the second, Lisa Rinna said, “I am, Mr. Trump” she unknowingly doomed her spot on the women’s team.

From the get-go, the women begged Lisa to take on the Project Manger position.  She was feeling uncomfortable with tackling it so early on.  However, after caving to the pressure from her teammates’ assurance they would give her all the support she needed, then she stepped up and owned leadership into the next task.

Star Jones is a lawyer.  She knows what it takes to be confrontational and argues her point aggressively.  Dionne Warwick is 72 years old and is very much set in her mature ways.  I know with age comes wisdom, but I believe a way of handling how you share what you’ve learned over the years without demeaning someone in the process.   Don’t you agree?  Then NeNe Leakes who openly said something to the effect, letting Lisa be Project Manger will get her out-of-the-way quicker.  Doesn’t this imply, I don’t want to win this task, so Lisa can get canned? What’s with the attitude anyhow?  Isn’t this about winning the task to raise money for charities? It sounds to me like a bit of ego running NeNe’s motivation instead of a good heart.

Lisa did not only get thrown under the bus but then she got trampled on by most of the women who should have been more loyal and true to their word.  For the starlets(you know who you are and so does America) left remaining, you gals don’t seem vicious to go head and toe with the three ladies mentioned above.  Considered your days numbered.  Lisa, my dear, you got the raw end of the deal.  Farewell!

Some terrific Tuesday Blog Hop memes, I’ll be playing are….







  • Cathy Kennedy

    @PrincessMom…love your name there, girl! Wow, you’re number 200 you say. Now that’s cool! Thanks for participating in the blog hops and jumping over to see me. Come back anytime!

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @KerrieLynn…Mmm, your recipe for Golden Puffed Donut Balls sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to give this a try. Thanks for stopping off today. A new friend is always welcome!

  • KerrieLynn

    Hi, I am joining in “The 6 In the Nest’s Tuesday Blog Trail” and I am following you now! If you are able, I would love a follow back. Thank you!
    ~KerrieLynn ღೋ☙❤
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  • Debbie

    Cathy, thank you so much for returning my visit. I have been trying for the past 20 minutes to add your blog to my reader and it just won’t let me. I hope I have you in there somehow because I’d like to be a regular reader!

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Debbie…this is so true. I mean, did you watch the episode? Star was really curt with LaToya. At one point, LaToya got really misty eyed and Star said, “Just suck it LaToya” or something to that. I felt bad for LaToya. Some people are just are more sensitive than others. That was pointless in my opinion. Again, where is the charitable heart?

  • Debbie

    I guess she’s lucky to just have been fired. Star Jones could have eaten her:)
    Came over from the blog hop to say hi. It’s nice to meet you!

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @b.lee…yes do catch the show!

    @Donnie…you bet, Lisa looks terrific! I’m glad she fixed her lip. I don’t understand why someone so gorgeous would want to alter their appearance. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Right?

    @BabyDealDujour…me, either! They are a frightening pair. The others are too soft & won’t have much of chance against them. Of course, they may surprise me and I hope they do.

  • BabyDealsDujour

    I would not want to be on a team with Dionne Warwick and Star Jones! Yikes!

    Stopping by from
    We are already following and have a great momAgenda organizer giveaway going on now. Hope you’ll stop by and check it out. 🙂

  • Donnie

    I don’t watch the show but did watch Lisa Rinna’s reality show a bit and I’m glad to see her lip reduction surgery went well. She looks terrific.

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