Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! There won’t be any Wednesday Hodgepodge Q&A today. Joyce is setting out this week. You know life catching up with her and all but hey, we understand. It happens to us all from time to time. So, I’m keeping things really simple and decided this is a good time to share my newest iPad art sketch of an oriental girl.
I exteneded last week’s linky party to go a week longer. The entries are in reverse order (newest to oldest) so if you see your link from last week please add your photo post today below!
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Over the weekend while knocking around the 1963 one-hit wonder, Sukiyaki, played taking me wayback. I was two years old when the song was released. Yes, I was definitely way too young to form an opinion on the song but the one thing I can tell you is I thought it was beautiful. I even knew it was love song, even though I didn’t understand a single word. Anywho, that tune and my artwork spurred me to look for Japanese mewsic to share. I found a YT playlist that I thought sounded pretty. I hope you enjoy it, too.
Before I close, I wanted to let you know I am making a slight shift in my blogging schedule for summer since Blogosphere will turn into a ghost town. My mid-week posts will run most of next month but for my other routine posts, I’m joining in the BoTB on the 15th each month only and I’ll keep up with my Monday co-hosting gig. Have a safe, fun summer! Please join me on the dance floor with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!
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Your oriental girl is very cute. Love that kimono!
Thank you, Mary! I’m glad you like my oriental girl and her kimono. I had a pair oriental pjs when I was little that my uncle brought back from Korea or Vietnam when he served. They were the purrrtiest thing I’d ever seen, too!
I agree – you are a talented artist. I used to work with a young man who had spent a year in Japan working in an elementary school as a teacher’s aide – he had gotten big time into Japanese culture. He ended up moving to New York City to become a translator – I sometimes wonder (as I know his Dad) how his life is going.
I can’t imagine what it’s like to live in a faraway land that’s so different from life the way I know it. I guess it’s quite the adventure. That would be cool to know what became of him after so many years. I often wonder about people I know like that sometimes. Have you looked to see if he’s on Facebook? Thanks for you sweet comment and visit, dear friend.
Hi Cathy! I love your drawing! You are a very talented artist!
– Lisa
You’re so sweet. Thanks for visiting!
Your sketch is very good and you have the feel of the Geisha and the way she moves. I wanted to listen but I can’t which is. Bummer. Summer things do slow down so enjoy the summer months. Here it has been 35C with the humidex which is way too hot for me.
I’m glad you liked my Oriental girl. Oh, drats I’m sorry my YouTube playlist didn’t work for you. I always forget to check the region and there’s no easy way to see that I can tell if it will work for all parts of the world or not. Can you offer any insight on how to keep me from doing this so often? Yikes, 35C (95F) is way too hot for me, too. I think the warmest I recall it being here so far is in the upper 80s. I don’t think we’ve broken the 90s plane yet. UGH! What does this tell us about how this summer is going to be? I think it’s going to be more horrible than usual.
That’s a lovely sketch, Cathy!
Blogging in the summer does slow down a lot.The weather is just too nice and so many people go on holidays. Enjoy! I’m continuing my #MusicalMemories series this week. it’s all about 1967. 
I’m not so much outdoors except for the weekends as I am trying to get much-needed chores done. In the winter I’m not inspired to get moving like I should. I’ll hop over to check out your newest musical memories series. Thanks for popping by!
Lovely! I’m enjoying listening to the music, too. I often listened to Spotify’s “Mandopop” playlist while living in Beijing, but never got into Japanese culture.
I have a Spotify account but I rarely go there to listen to mewsic unless that’s the only I can hear something someone is sharing. Thanks for the playlist suggestion. Thanks for stopping by!
A very pretty sketch!
Thank you, Mimi!
It’s beautiful indeed. You are one talented artist
Thank you, Indah!
She is lovely and so well done!
Happy Times to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
That means a lot coming from such a fantastic artist like you. Thanks for the visit!
She’s beautiful. You really do these sketches so very well.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Big hug. ♥
You’re a kind friend, Sandee! Thanks for stopping by, my friend.
Lovely drawing. You caught the essence.
Thanks, I tried!
Lovely sketch, Cathy. You definitely are talented. Have a great summer and stay safe.
Well…I appreciate the kind words. Sometimes I think it would be super nice to do more with my art but I comfortable just doodling right now. I know there are far better artists around who’ve spent their entire life purrrfecting their craft. Perhaps, if I had started sooner then I could pursue a career in art. I lacked the confidence to believe in myself to attempt something outside my comfort zone. I’m a late bloomer and that’s ok.
Thanks for the encouragement. It’s fuels me to keep trying!
Your sketches are always a treat! You have so much talent.. thanks for sharing them
It’s my pleasure to share my artwork. I don’t consider myself a serious artist but I sure do have fun doodling.
Thanks for dropping by for a peek!
You did a great job with the drawing. Thank you for hosting.
Thanks for visiting, Ellen! I’m falling apart at the seams this week with trying to stay on top of things in Blogosphere. I’ll be visiting you soon!
Hi, Cathy!
It’s a wonderful idea to treat us to one of you sketches when a regularly scheduled hop falls through. Your oriental girl is another fine one. As I gaze at it I can’t help thinking that, with her slim figure and pretty facial features, she looks a lot like you.
I like the authentic hairdo you put on her and the color composition is pleasing to the eye.
I was age 13 in the summer of ’63 when “Sukiyaki” topped the chart. It’s odd because I don’t remember the song being played very often on my local top 40 radio station that year, or maybe I simply tuned it out because I favored rock ‘n’ roll and teen pop. Tragically the artist, Kyu Sakamoto, was killed in a plane crash in 1985 – the deadliest single aircraft accident in aviation history – 520 killed including Sakamoto. He was only 43. My taste in mewsic has expanded greatly since my youth and today, as you know, I enjoy cleansing the palate with sounds from other lands. That’s why I enjoyed listening to your Best Japanese Songs play list this morning.
Happy Wednesday to you, dear friend Cathy!
I’m not quite as slim as my oriental girl. Maybe, that’s the way I hope to be someday again.
I remember reading about Sakamoto’s death a few years ago when “Sukiyaki” touched my ears after decades of not hearing it. Thanks to Google finding out things is easy peasy. I knew you’d enjoy the Japanese songs playlist. You’ve introduced many international sounds to my ears in recent years and it’s because of you I’ve stopped out of my mewsical thinking box to find unknown treasures around the globe. Thank you for your kind comments on my sketch. I probably will draw another Japanese girl in the future. The human form, especially females particularly interest me. Have a good afternoon, my friend!