Cathy Chats

Olympic Moments #CathyChats


Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! Our good friend Stacy first introduced Brothers Osborne but earlier this month Mary from Jingle Jangle Jungle reminded me of them and I really enjoyed her playlist, especially  “21 Summer” and  track #2 “It Ain’t My Fault”. I encourage you to listen to the entire playlist if you have time. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for today’s discussion on the Winter Olympics which just concluded.  Are you a fan of the Olympics? Did you watch any of the games? Do you have any special moments?


The winter games aren’t my favorite and with all the hype with a ‘more diversified USA’ team, political statements, blah-blah-blah … my heart just wasn’t into the Olympics this time. NBC didn’t provide good coverage airing events that seemed to promote their agenda instead of supporting the Olympics or shooting for ratings. However, we did watch some games. Let’s just Curling wasn’t one of them. Boring! Nuff on that…anyhow on the weekend I was sick I happened to wake up after a five hour nap to catch this SUPER moment in Olympic history!


Ledecka’s stunned look is priceless. We laughed ourselves silly over the Czech Republic snowboarder taking the gold in the Super-G and on borrowed skiis nonetheless.  Thanks to our very own Mikaela Shiffrin(gold and silver medalist). What a wonderful kind act!  Incidentally, Ledecka also took gold in the snowboarding parallel giant slalom. The first double gold winner in two different sports in 90 years but what’s makes this special is she’s the first woman to do it. Congrats Ester on a job well done!

Team USA didn’t do so well in the Winter Olympics, taking 4th in overall medals earned. Norway totally owned the games with Germany close behind followed by Canada.  You can see what metals the USA won in a particular game, here.


We all can’t be gold metal Olympians, but we can take home the gold with a bag of Hershey’s Gold! Might I say, they are yummy!




Last week, Eugenia word prompt ‘BODACIOUS’ gave way to this creative attempt to honor the athletes in the winter games.


Valiant Olympian

© 2018 Cathy Kennedy


The open outdoors so spacious
Wisps of cold air nip flirtatious
Tenacious world athletes compete
Audacious feats, a narrow sweep
To the winners’ seat (s)he meets
A gracious defeat, a bodacious victory
Olympian medalists making history


I’m linking up taking a HOT coffee break with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew this morning and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.









  • Stacy Uncorked

    That so cool about the snowboarder not only winning gold for snowboarding, but killing it on borrowed skis for the skiing event, too! Respect! 🙂 We didn’t watch the Olympics – we’ve just never been into them ever. Though when cool stuff like that happens, you know I go find the videos to watch the replay. 😉

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, YouTube makes it so much easier to find national moments missed like this or just about anything. 🙂 The clip I found is entertaining with the chick narrating.

  • Terra Heck

    Curling is actually the only Olympic sport I managed to watch this year! Like you, I wish all the political stuff didn’t have to be played into it. Hope you have a great day!

  • 15andmeowing

    I didn’t watch any of The Olympics. I binge watched the first 2 seasons of the comedy show Mom.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We didn’t watch nearly as much of the games as we would had they aired stuff of interest. At times like that we just streamed one of our TV shows. We just finished the complete series of Grimm and now trying to catch with a newer show, “Zoo”. We’re on season two on Netflix.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, what’s amazing about it is she’s not an alpine skier…well at least that’s not what she’s known for. Obviously, if you can snowboard, you can ski. lol The reported that she didn’t listen to advice given how to pursue the course. She did it her way and squeaked past the the projected winner, Jorien ter Mors from the Netherlands.

  • Trudy

    I love the Olympics–winter and summer–and tried to keep up, but alas, I fell far, far behind and finally threw in the towel. That’s mostly because I enjoy watching almost all the events (with the exception of hockey) and that takes a WHOLE lot of time!! Even though I still have them on the DVR, I probably won’t watch them at this point. Well, maybe I will watch the closing ceremonies.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I wasn’t that absorbed by the games. I usually bore too easily watching more than an hour or two of any kind of sports. We did catch some of the closing ceremonies which was better than some past closings. I’m looking forward to the summer games, as I like them better. Thanks for dropping by!

  • John Holton

    Since “our shows” were all reruns, we watched the Olympics in the evening. Or, rather, we had them on as background noise while we read, played Two Dots/Candy Crush, and stuff like that. I’m used to people in the entertainment industry showing how little they know every time they open their mouths, and professional sports (“amateurs,” my backside) are just part of the entertainment industry, anyway. In any event, the closing ceremony was kind of cool (especially that 13 year old kid shredding away on the guitar), the two Russian girls (they’re 15 and 18, respectively) that came in 1-2 in the figure skating were kind of cute (and I love to watch Carolina Kostner from Italy skate: she’s older than most skaters and much more artistic and graceful), and Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir are always good for a few laughs. But really, I’m with you, I wish they’d just focus on the task at hand and keep their opinions to themselves.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t think I saw the guitarist you mentioned in the closing ceremony. We turned in a bit late, so I guess we missed him. I’m glad the Olympics is over, though. We did stream our favorite TV shows most evenings because NBC did not have what we wanted to see scheduled. We mostly watch alpine skiing and bobsledding events.

  • -Eugenia

    I watched some of the Olympics and my favorite is ice skating. I’m also tired of being subjected to political views by Olympians and actors/actresses. I love the poem, Cathy. A bodacious masterpiece!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Ice skating is my favorite, too. However, I’ve grown less enchanted with it because female skaters aren’t as graceful as they once were and there are even fewer masculine male skaters than yesteryear. That’s like a bucket of ice over my head and major downer! Thank you for the compliment on my poem. You’re much too kind, dear friend! 🙂

  • Comedy Plus

    I’m tired of all the political crud they are spewing. I want to see them bring home the gold, not what they think about politics. I didn’t watch very much at all for the same reason.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t think our team can bring home the gold like they used to because organizers are more concerned about having a ‘diversified’ group of athletes instead of the ‘cream of the crop’ to compete in the games. It’s sad when PC gets in the way. In my opinion, they may as well just stay home. Thanks for visiting.

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