Battle of the Bands

No BoTB!

It became quite clear earlier this month that I’m extremely pushed to get done what I want without stretching myself too thin. Something has to give, so instead of my sanity, I decided it best to sit the showdowns out for the summer. 

My goal is to return on September 15th if all goes well. Of course, I say I’m sitting things out but then find myself sucked back in because I’m a glutton for punishment.  I have to stand firm on my decision as much as it pains me.  

Please forgive me fellow BoTBers and to all expecting another showdown. I know what you’re thinking, ‘If You Leave Me Now‘ but don’t worry there are plenty other battles going on today.  Hop over to Stephen’s place for a list of battles taking place.



I’m not taking a blog hiatus yet but I do need to pull back on things.  I’m sure in the coming days, I’ll cut something else out of my normal blogging routine to ease the load.

Mark your calendar of my return to Battle of the Bands on September 15th! 😉

Join me for your choice song picks on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday dance floor! 


X💋X💋, Cathy


  • angelswhisper2011

    We totally understand, CK, sometimes you need a half or full break of blogging and sometimes it just sneakes into it, when you have so many other things to do that you hardly have time to blog or hop anymore, at least not like you wished 😀 Enjoy your break, we will be here waiting for you to come back😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday and breaktime ahead🐾😽💞 wait..let me give you an Extra Pawkiss to bridge the time🐾😽💞

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    It’s always OK to cut back! We’ll miss you but you have to do what you have to do. Don’t give it a second thought – except, do check out Leonid and Friends. John Holton turned me on to them and what he says above – well, just check them out if you have time.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I discovered Leonid and Friends on John’s blog a few months back and really dig their sound. I’m really surprised that they aren’t cracking out records with their level of talent. They are pAwesome! While I’m taking a break from BoTB, I am keeping the 4M dance floor boogieing all summer long, so no worries there but that’s about all I’ll be doing. If I do anything more then it’s because I found time to do it during my down time. Thanks for your loyality and support. You’re a furtastic furriend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks, I plan to take time for my artwork, exercise more frequently, do some organizing around the house, continue the house hunting, and lots more. These are all things I normally do but adding these things into the blog mix can get a bit overwhelming at times which takes my joy away from all things. I’m sure cutting back will allow me to feel refreshed again.

  • John Holton

    Hope you get everything done that you need to.

    Hey, if you like Chicago, check out Leonid and Friends on YouTube. It’s a Russian band that sounds just like Chicago. I almost think I like them better, and I’m a huge Chicago fan (at least up until Terry Kath departed this mortal plane).

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, I do like Leonid and Friends. You shared them with me before which I’m grateful for and even let DH listen to them. They are surprisingly good. Have a great day and I’ll see ya around the cyberblock!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I appreciate your show of support. It means so much to me to have such good, loyal friends like you in my circle. I won’t be totally MIA but I’m definitely scaling back for summer. It’s important to step away to do other things to keep from having a total meltdown. 🙂 I’ll see ya around, my friend!

  • aisasami

    Cathy, おつかれさまです! It loosely means “Thank you for your hard work” in Japanese. It is ok to take a break after working so hard. I just took a month long unannounced break form BotB and I occasionally don’t blog too. I will miss your BotBs but I will get to see your 4M posts still! Enjoy the summer weather!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      You’re sweet to send me Japanese greetings of thanks. That means a lot to me. I am not taking a full blogging break, as you pointed out that I’m keeping my 4M posts going. However, the semi-hiatus will be welcomed by this gal. It’ll be just thing needed to get myself back to where I need to be for blogging. I’ll see you on the dance floor, my dear!

  • Debbie D.

    We’ll certainly miss you at BOTB, but I understand completely. I’ve cut out all blog hops for the summer EXCEPT that one, because I only do it once a month on 15th anyway. Enjoy the warm, sunny days and come back refreshed! 🙂 Have a good weekend and Happy Father’s Day to your DH!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I will miss participating with y’all but I’m going to do my level best to cast my vote each time in each battle. It’s great having good friends such as you who understand the need for a blog break and supports me 110%. Here’s to us both finding our mojo again while away from our normal blogging routine. I know we’ll find that magic again! Happy summer and thanks for the HFD greetings for DH, my friend. 😉

  • Cherdo

    Enjoy your break and come back soon! I’ve had to do it from time to time, too. See you on Facebook, buddy!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I won’t be completely gone from Blogosphere this summer. This will be my last full week of blogging but I will continue running my Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me post each week and of course, you’ll see me from time to time on FB. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Arlee Bird

    Boo hoo! I’ll miss your BOTB posts. BOTB is about the only thing in the blog world that keeps me active in the community these days. Hope you can’t stand being away and decide to rejoin us sooner than you’re planning.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yeah, everyone is talking about cutting back in Blogosphere for the summer and really this is a good time with Internet traffic not at its prime. It’ll do me good to step back a little. I won’t be completely gone and even though BOTB is every other week, it turns into a weekly posting when you consider sharing the results. I’ve pushed myself for a year to keep going because I felt that I needed to for other people but now I need to give myself purrmission to cut back. I will be a better blogger for it, too. I’m gonna miss all of y’all, too. I’ll do my best to make the rounds during my semi-hiatus, my friend. 🙂

  • Jacqui Murray

    I completely understand, Cathy. I just got back from a month break, feeling good. Well, my desktop broke and my laptop got lost so if I’m honest, I’m pretty frazzled. But I am excited about blogging again!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      When you give yourself time away then when you return, so does the excitement. I enjoy it but I do need more time away to pursue other things.

  • Rain Frances

    Hey Cathy 🙂 Scaling down on the blogging is a good thing when you need it and everyone’s been through it so no apologies are necessary! I had to scale down too, I actually have a few blogs, but I only do a few posts a week now on my main one because it got to be too much for me. I have more computer time in the winter, so I blog more then. Hope you’re having a nice Saturday!!

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