Challenge,  Get To Know Me (g2km)

My Favorite Scents – Day 27 G2KM Blog Challenge

What woman doesn’t like the whiff of beautiful perfume?  We all enjoy tickling our senses with our favorite fragrance. Are there other things you like smelling?  Do certain aromas evoke particular emotions?

One of the best things I love smelling is lined-dried bedding.  Did your mother hang her wash out to dry on a spring day?  This was a normal mode of operation for many households for generations and even after the clothes dryer became affordable many mothers continued to carry their wash outdoors.  My mother did this every spring.  I loved coming after school to find my bedding had been freshly washed and hung in the sun to dry.  Snuggling between sheets which have been air-dried in the outdoors fills me security.  I would imagine it has to do with my mother.  The basic things my mother provided me: food, clothing, shelter equate a cozy sense, which translated into everyday things she did making me feel secure.  Even to this day, when I slide beneath clean sheets, not necessarily line-dried as I’m not able to do this, I remember that same pleasant sense.


There are few things which are unmistakable by their scent.  One thing is that of a newborn baby.   Did you know babies have a natural smell all of their own which is beautifully innocent and delightful?  It’s true.  Your nose is delighted with the similar scent  of baby lotion or powder – two fragrances synonymous with a ‘baby’.  I rarely used either of these products with our kiddos and yet they always had this amazing smell about them.  I loved burying my face into their tiny chests to sniff up all their goodness, which without fail made me smile.
Another distinctive aroma is fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies.  The warm yumminess floats throughout the house sending positive vibes.  Baked goods offer a sense of comfort.  Is this a nature reflex to food in general or is there a deeper connection on an emotional level associated with cookies baking?

These are some of my top scents, which evoke a strong response in me every time.  What scents grab you emotionally and awaken certain sensations?




  • Donnie

    Down here in Florida some ladies wear a liberal amount of scent and it can send your sinuses into fits. I no longer wear perfume because so many of our friends are sensitive to it so I look at it differently. My favorite is the smell of a little baby too.

  • Cat Chat With Caren And Cody

    want to laugh? I LOVE the smell of Captain Black pipe tobacco! (I am NOT kidding!) it reminds me of a Philosophy Professor I had in college that used to smoke a pipe in class…I had a huge crush on him and I found the smell to be so sexy and earthy.

    I also love the smell of leaves burning…reminds me of bonfires in High School.

    I was just mentioning this morning that I love the smell of wood being sawed (I am smelling it because they are sawing the wood for our floor right now)…didn’t realize I love that smell. It reminds me of a woodburning kit my sister had as a kid.

    I am noticing a theme in what I like, things burning lol….anyone know a good psychiatrist? lol

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Donnie…I can relate to what you’re talking about. For years my nose was rather sensitive to fragrance. I couldn’t walk down the detergent aisle without suffocating. To this day, I’m still overwhelmed with an abundance of anything too perfumey. In moderation I enjoy and love beautiful fragrances to dabble behind my ear.

    @Caren…you know, I love the smell of wood burning, too. And, as long as I’m not too close to saw dust then I like the scent. Oddly, I like some pipe smoke. It’s funny how I pushed these out of my mind. However, it’s best to limit any kind of smoke as it pollutes the lungs no matter how much I like it. You don’t need a psychiatrist, you can get all the free advice you want on blogs. With that being said, then you’ll be safe as long as you don’t play with matches. =D

  • Cat Chat With Caren And Cody

    want to laugh? I LOVE the smell of Captain Black pipe tobacco! (I am NOT kidding!) it reminds me of a Philosophy Professor I had in college that used to smoke a pipe in class…I had a huge crush on him and I found the smell to be so sexy and earthy.

    I also love the smell of leaves burning…reminds me of bonfires in High School.

    I was just mentioning this morning that I love the smell of wood being sawed (I am smelling it because they are sawing the wood for our floor right now)…didn’t realize I love that smell. It reminds me of a woodburning kit my sister had as a kid.

    I am noticing a theme in what I like, things burning lol….anyone know a good psychiatrist? lol

  • Donnie

    Down here in Florida some ladies wear a liberal amount of scent and it can send your sinuses into fits. I no longer wear perfume because so many of our friends are sensitive to it so I look at it differently. My favorite is the smell of a little baby too.

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