Wordless Wednesday

Mt. Mitchell State Park Visitors Center View #WW #SWF

Good morning, kittens and dawgs! We had a gorgeous day last month in the mountains while on the Blue Ridge Parkway. This is the visitors center near the Mt. Mitchell State Park summit. We were on our way back down to the parkway when we saw a picture we wanted to get.


This is the view we saw that we wanted to try to capture.  I love how the wildflowers and fence frame the bottom of this shot!


I thought the hillside with its large flat boulders and low-growing shrubs in the foreground against ginormous fluffy clouds and swatches of blue sky overhead was dynamic! dsc_7062

On the other side of the boulders in the previous picture is Radio Station Road (not paved). It’s usually gated off. I walked up it and took this picture of the opposite valley looking back toward the Smoky’s.


I did a screen grab of a satellite view of the area. I placed a star where we parked our car to give you a better sense of where I snapped these pictures.


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[tweetthis]#MtMitchellStPk Visitors Center View. #WW linky now open. Come join me! #photography #skyview #mountains[/tweetthis]

I am taking a blog hiatus beginning October 1st -17th but I do have my routine weekly posts scheduled. I will link with a few regulars, do return visits, and respond to comments. It’ll be sorta like I’m not away from Blogosphere. Meanwhile, the work continues on repairing blog posts and until I get everything tidied then I’ll continue to use today’s photo contribution as a double up with my global participation on Skywatch Friday.

Please join me for Friday Sillies and more Friday fun stuff!









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