Random Tuesday Thoughts

Movie Reviews, President’s Day, Farmhouse & Coffee Chat

Coming off a 4-day weekend and lovin’ it! Getting back into the groove of things is another thing, though. I guess, a cup of coffee or two or three may help me to get focused. It’s a rainy Tuesday here in the Tennessee Valley, but that’s not gonna stop me with spilling my random thoughts out on my blog page. Wanna read more? Then, come on!
Warning! Warning! This turned into one doozie of a post in length. Feel free to read it in its entirety, if you wish or skip around.

The extended holiday weekend meant a lot of movie watching, which began on Thursday night.  Family night at the movies in our living room is our funniest form of R&R.  While I can’t recall everything we viewed, I do remember seeing Quantum of Solace. The second James Bond movie casting Daniel Craig as 007.

Let the record state, we are die-hard James Bond fans period. But, and there’s always one of those…but, the writing collaborates did a bad job on this script, as well as Casino Royale. This was a huge disappointment, especially with the four years between it and Die Another Day.

After seeing Quantum of Solace, I now know precisely why these new James Bond films have shortcomings. Here are four major difference in the way James Bond movie use to be from now:

  • The writers have done away with the charming side of Bond. Do you remember those little humorous one-liner comebacks and flirty nature of Bond? Women around the world love a handsome man like Bond toying with her emotions just a wee bit.
  • Where are the scenes with Bond sporting his classy good mannerisms and style? Personally, I loved seeing Bond in a suit or Tux throughout the movie. Craig’s Bond character is too casual.
  • And, good grief,  what about those sexy Bond girls? They seem fewer and fewer in numbers in both of Craig’s Bond roles.
  • Edgy, creative action? Uh-un, nope. Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace are more brutal than creative. Perhaps, the writers only wanted to appeal to graphic video gamers found in today’s youth than people such as myself.

Daniel Craig is an excellent actor. The producers are not only wasting his talent but the viewers’ money with a “politically or socially correct” Bond. It would do everyone good if the producers would simply employ screenwriters who can pull together the same flavor of past classic James Bond movies. Next Bond flick on our watch list is Skyfall . I hope we aren’t left frustrated and as always, you can be sure to count on my two-cents about it here!

Watched 101 Dalmatians with Glenn Close Sunday night. Disney did an impressive job with this movie. It’s very much like the animated movie. The animals were super talented and well-trained. A real joy to watch on the screen. Glenn Close did total justice in the role as Cruella deVile. If you have Netflix, then watch it now or put it in instant queue so you won’t forget to watch it when it’s convenient!



Yesterday was President’s Day. This gave DH & I an extra day of togetherness to enjoy. DS had to work and since we had to get up early, then we decided to drop him off at the mall. Our plans were loosely sketched out for the day, but we were free spirits. As soon, as we departed company with DS, then we were on away to look at some property for sale, but before we could get very far down the road DH said, “I’m in the mood for donuts.” Now, this comes as no surprise. Secretly, I didn’t mind splurging a bit, too, and it sounded like a lot of fun.  We turned around and headed for Dippin’ Donuts to get an assorted dozen. The morning was absolutely beautiful and it was great fun to leisurely sit in the car doing nothing, but chatting over donuts and coffee.

Once we finished, we resumed on our way to the property I have eyed on the net. As it turned out the 9.12 acres had too many near-by homes and the road leading to the property was horrible. This means a nightmare when the weather is nasty. That being said, I can now cross this off place off my list of hopefuls.

Last November, Costco opened for business here in town and we did not dare entertain the idea of going close to the holidays after one look at the parking lot.  We said, “Uh-un, not gonna go in there until things settle down.” So, I was pretty excited about visiting Costco for the first time yesterday. The store looks nice enough but they didn’t have too much to offer that Sam’s Club doesn’t offer. That along wouldn’t sway us to buy Costco’s yearly membership. What really dissuaded us from subscribing to their membership is Costco is considerably more expensive than Sam’s Club. For us, the cost wouldn’t justify itself.

I’m anxious to try out my newly purchased Omron HR-500U heart monitor which arrived last Thursday. Look for an upcoming review of this product soon!

That’s a wrap on my randomness, but why not join me as I participate in Patrice’s farmhouse chat questions this week?

What’s your favorite fruit?

I like a variety of fruit. It’s so hard for me to pick just one, but since you’re asking then I think if I had to narrow it down to one then it would be Yellow Gold Apples.

Wendell would like to know if you’ve ever been horseback riding.

I sat on a horse once, does that count? I was just a wee girl when someone put me on the back of a horse. It was so scary to someone so small. My experience wasn’t the best and in my little mind I decided that very day to never get back on another horse again and I haven’t.

Do you carry a small purse, a big one, or just a wallet?

When I carry a purse at all it’s small but I prefer to keep my purse securely locked away in the trunk when I’m running errands with DH. It’s so liberating to NOT have to carry even a small purse around.

If you could travel to one state for a day (all expense paid), where would you go? If you’re not in the US, where would you like to travel within your country?

Putting aside my fear of air travel, germs, & confined spaces, right? Okay, if I could do that, then I would LOVE to visit anyone of the National Parks out west!

What was your first car?

I’m assuming you speaking of other than the car (Ford Fiesta), I inherited after marriage, correct? If so, then my first car I helped to pick out and buy with DH was a 1985 Toyota Supra. It was so sleek and gorgeous!


Les from Time Out For Mom wants to know this Tuesday…

Do you have a favorite hero/heroine among your books?

Sheepishly, I must admit. I am not a novel kind of gal. The closest I come to reading is cookbooks and magazines. Anything longer than a few paragraphs at a time really loses my attention fast. It’s like my brain won’t slow down long enough to enjoy a good book and once upon a time I really did like reading novels. But then, that was before children. Something must have gone oddly wrong with me.


Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies at….



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