Friday Fun Stuff

More #Love #Humor

Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs!  Another week bites the dust. This is DH’s off Friday, so I’m sharing nothing but sillies with you. Now that, that heart and rose occasion is behind us, I thought another dose of love humor was needed…just in case your Valentine’s Day wasn’t up to par and you can use a few laughs with this edition of Friday Sillies!












‘I put her up on a pedestal, and then she got up on a soapbox!’









That’s a wrap for now but I hope to see you on the dance floor for ‘freebie mewsic pick’ with my favorite country mewsic playlist on Mondays Mewsic Moves Me!

X💋X💋, Cathy








 Friday Features Linky Party  






















  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I enjoyed your Friday Fun Stuff, dear friend. Several of the the memes are especially funny because they tell the truth about human or animal behavior. Food is indeed more important to a cat than the type of activity we associate with “love,” and a dead mouse would indeed make an delightful Valentine’s Day gift for that special feline. The guy who sees the shadow of what he thinks is a sexy woman has a big surprise waiting for him around the corner. It reminds us that things are not always as they seem, as they appear at first glance.

    I also enjoyed “Siri Love Song,” a parody of the 2011 Britney Spears hit single “Criminal.” The song parody came out in the fall of 2011 and coincided with the Siri intelligent personal assistant’s integration into the iPhone. As such it serves as an excellent promotional piece to demonstrate Siri’s functions. In the years since 2011, technology has continued to advance, bringing us closer to a time when humans will actually be able to have personal interactive “love” relationships with machines.

    Thanks for the Friday sillies, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for stopping in for some giggles. I’ve been out of commission this weekend, not in a fun way, either. I was sick from Thursday evening until late last night. I began feeling more like myself this morning but am feeling the after effects. Part of your response …a time when humans will actually be able to have personal interactive “love” relationships with machines. reminds me that we are actually in that age now. Did you know that sex robots exist? Recently this came up on a radio talk show or an online news article which had DH cracked up. I just rolled my eyes thinking that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. What will they come up with next? See ya soon, my friend!

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