
Mid-Week Humor with Ray Stevens – The Streak

Back in the 70s, Ray Steven’s, The Streak, climbed the charts. It was hilarious! The year I started college, I had a run in with a streaker.  This is my story…

Each day, I rode into town with Robin to take the city bus to school.  I was attending a technical college. After class, I always went back downtown to ride home with Robin.  One particularly warm fall afternoon, I was sitting beside the window on my return trip.   In the distance, I spotted a young man walking on the sidewalk.  The city bus went through the heart of the University of Tennessee.  He appeared to be dazed wearing what looked like white shorts and no shirt.   I figured he was a UT student who had partied too much.

The older women at the front of the bus were laughing. I didn’t understand what was so funny until I looked a little longer and stared a little harder. Eh-hem…as it turned out the young man wasn’t wearing white shorts.  His tan line was definitely noticeable from afar, but as the bus got closer it became obvious he was buck naked.  I wonder if he felt the draft? I believe I must have turned every shade of red imaginable once I realized what was really going on. Yeah, back in those days I was really uptight and couldn’t see the humor in something as bazaar as that.

Seconds after passing him, we all could hear a siren. It was the KPD fixing to nab themselves a severally under dressed young man.  I wonder, if he ever was able to forget that embarrassing event?  Probably not.  These days, I just chuckle out loud when I see something ridiculous. Life is too short to not enjoy, right?

Enjoy the funny with this old classic…

Have a wacky Wednesday! =D

By the way, for my political Conservative minded friends, I just learned recently Mr. Stevens appears to share common ground with us. You may get a few laughs out of these sorts of videos on YouTube that he has put together.



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