
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Meet Me On Monday – Favorite Hot Dogs to Favorite Clothes Designer

Thank you for joining me for another edition of MMOM, hosted by Java at Never Growing Old Blog.

Here are Java’s 5 Questions for this week:

1. What do you put on your hot dog?  When I was a kid, my mother ordered hot dogs from a church fund-raising group which were the bomb.  The ladies made home-made chili for those dogs. Mmm, good!  My all time favorite way to have hot dogs is with everything – mustard, chili, onions, & cole slaw. Fabulous!   

2. Do you play Sudoku?  How interesting you should ask this question. Yes, I just began playing this number game.  I keep saying, “I need to exercise my brain.”  Just like the rest of your body, if you don’t work it out then it’ll turn into a pile of mush, too.  That’s kind of scary, too.  I mean, how horrible would it be to not remember those I love in my later years?  Sudoku is challenging, yet fun.  I downloaded Sudoku on my MacBook and I try to play every day.  What are you doing to exercise your brain?

3. What is your favorite vegetable?  I love George Bush’s least favorite vegetable — broccoli!  I love it raw, steamed, cheese covered, in soups, or fixed any way.  Broccoli is an excellent cancer fighter source food with its fiber properties, as well this little guy is a good cholesterol lower, it has anti-inflammatory benefits, it helps to rebuild Vitamin D stores in your body, and a detoxer.  Go green, eat some broccoli today!

4. Do you color your hair?  Well…sometimes, yes!  I’m a do-it-yourself kind of gal.  It’s hard for me to imagine going to a salon to do what I am capable of achieving in my home.  Call me El cheapo, chintzy, reasonable, or any other synonym for cheap.  However, I like to think ‘frugal’ best suits me if you please.  The result may not be salon perfect, but it turns out okay. 

5. What is your favorite brand of clothing? Like in a designer brand?  Are you kidding me?  I don’t see myself as a designer chick.  I do have a few pieces of clothing which sport a designer name, but believe it or not, my husband bought these items for me.  He exclusively shops for me.  Girls, don’t be quick to judge because you would be so surprised to see what an excellent eye he has for picking out the perfect outfits for me.  He has gotten me dresses by Ralph Lauren and Guess. 

There are others he has bought me, but my mind draws a blank.  To be honest, I’m not a label reader, really.   What can I say, he’s a dream-boat and he treats me like a princess!

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4 thoughts on “Meet Me On Monday – Favorite Hot Dogs to Favorite Clothes Designer

  1. Now following from MMOM hop….
    I agree w/ ya on the brand question alto i’ve heard of people who only wear” certain” brands…I say- to each is own I suppose. Never heard of coleslaw on hot dog. B4 either…hmmm…but I like both things just not tried them together maybe i’ll do that sometime.
    Swing by Undeserving Grace when you get the time!
    have a blessed cold maybe snowy week!

  2. Cheap just sounds so negative..I prefer frugal, as well.Or canny 😉 Just a thought.

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