Meet Me on Monday

Meet Me On Monday


Welcome to the 51st edition of  “Meet Me On Monday!”

For the better part of the summer, Java, our lovely hostess  has taken a break from her weekly meme.  While we all understand Java’s need for a little time out from ‘Meet Me On Monday’ to tend to the busyness of summer; we missed her!  Today, it’s official – she’s back!

This is your chance to play along with your readers – a get to know me/you meme. Every Sunday Never Growing Old will post five get-to-know-you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post. This gives us an opportunity to learn a little more about each other, and then Java will add a linky so we can follow who participates. Be sure to link your POST URL, not your main blog address.

If you want to contribute a question or suggestion please email Java and if she uses it, then she’ll give you credit.

Java wants to know…

  1.  I can’t stand when someone pulls over in front of us while we’re driving and then just move at a crawl or someone who speeds past us on the interstate to grab the next exit. Like how much time did that save? We’re talking about maybe…milliseconds shaved off some one’s time. Crazy, right??
  2.  Do you do daily, weekly or monthly grocery shopping?  Grocery shopping is my least favorite thing to do period. I’d most rather do anything than to do this, but it’s a job that has to be done. Bi-weekly grocery shopping is typically the norm for us, but if we’re out running errands then I will make a stop at least once a week to pick up extra  milk or anything else I know we’re getting low on. I hate making a killer shopping spree resulting in full trunk, back floorboard, and rears seat covered. That’s just not any fun to have to unload then put away.
  3. What kind of car do you drive? We currently drive a red 2003 Toyota Camry.
  4. Crunchy or soft tacos? I prefer crunch tacos to soft ones.  I just can’t get into the groove of soft tacos for some reason. It makes me think of an enchiladas instead of a taco, you know?
  5. What’s the habit you are proudest of breaking? It’s a tie between biting my nails and popping my knuckles.  Growing up, I was a nail biter. My finger nails were a wreck and it was a huge pain to grow them out. I pretty much nipped this bad habit in the bud by the time I hit my early 30s. What can I say, I’m slow! I’m not sure when I stopped popping my knuckles, but it’s been many, many years. I, too was afraid of developing arthritis and even though scientists say this doesn’t lead to it, you have to wonder what harm it may cause at some point. After all, you’re breaking the fluid sack between joints and that just doesn’t sound good in itself.

That’s all for now, I’ll see you next week. Meanwhile, wanna join a dance party? Check out…80s Rapture with 4Ms!

Have a marvelous Monday!





  • Dominique Goh

    #1 Drives me nuts too.. I’m glad to see that Java has returned with this meme.. I love participating in it.. will start on it from next week as it’s already Tuesday over here.

  • EmptyNester

    I totally agree with you on number 1- drives me NUTS! I’ve gotten into grocery shopping more now that we’ve gone gluten free—I guess because I’m shopping for new things. Once that stops…LOL

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