Wordless Wednesday

Market #artprompt sketch #ScribblePicnic with the #ABCWednesday Letter ‘E’!

This week Michael challenged the Scribble Picnic community with the word prompt, ‘Market’.  Initially, I thought about our home state of West Virginia and the simple life of our parents.  DH’s cousins lived down a little ridge just past his boyhood home where they had an apple orchard.  I remember visiting the Kennedys as a child, DH’s cousins, and the grandmother gave me a large yellow delicious apple that required both hands to hold. It was the sweetest, juiciest tasting apple I had ever eaten.  That said a lot because I really didn’t like fruit much because it was too sour to suit my taste but this apple made a believer out of me.  I drew this in Procreate on my iPad. 

I will endeavor a second illustration but really didn’t inspire me when thinking of the word ‘market’. One thing stood out in my mind above everything else and that’s Market Square Mall in downtown Knoxville.  

I imagined this little section years ago bustled with electric energy as a central gathering place for farmers to sell livestock and fresh produce to the community.  With that in mind, I began sketching my next design in pencil.  It isn’t quite exhausted yet but if I decided to share it anyhow.  The illustration got quite elaborate as I busily added details.  My perspective is off but I am persevering through my errors with the hopes of purrfecting my art.

My Market Square Mall isn’t exact replication but my work was inspired by the era and environment.  You might find the history quite interesting. 

Today’s post is in part sponsored by the letter ‘E’ and the ABC Wednesday community

My linky party is open to all regardless of what kind of post you have as long as you’re a personal blogger.  ALL commercial websites, advertisers, or other spammy, non-fun links are subjected to immediate termination by the linky hostess!

[tweetthis]I linked up with Curious as a Cathy & I invite you to join the party! #WW #abcwednesday #scribblepicnic @a_dotty_hill [/tweetthis]

Who knows maybe I’ll have something to share tomorrow in Blogosphere, so be sure to check back. 😉 Meanwhile, I hope y’all have a blessed day! 


X💋X💋, Cathy

Mid-week hops:

🎨Scribble Picnic   ✍️ABC Wednesday 

📸 These Wordless Wednesday Communities:

Comedy Plus Wordless Wednesday Xmas Dolly


    • Cathy Kennedy


      BTW, did I tell you that you share the same name as my favorite uncle? 🙂 That’s wonderful you like your Farmers Market. I really need to revisit ours. It’s been years. Maybe, that’s something DH and I can do this spring.

  • Jeanna

    I love both your sketches and I’m betting they look a lot like the real thing. Now you’ve made me hungry for a big ol’ golden delicious apple (the red delicious has nothing on the yellow).

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The real ‘Market Square Mall’ in downtown Knoxville has changed over the years. While it’s a place where vendors set up for special occasions, it’s nothing like it was decades ago. These days if you want that ‘market’ experience the best place to go in our area is the Farmer’s Market. I haven’t been in years but loved going. We might have to do this again when the local farmers begin harvesting their produce. I’d love to have some fresh grown apples again. My late in-laws had several apple trees and that was a huge treat for us. Gone are those days. 🙁 Thanks for visiting.

  • XmasDolly

    I love your drawing. I saw it on FB & told you so… hehehehe~ You did an exceptional job on this one girlfriend! I use to draw years ago and then crocheting took me over…. hehehe! Have a great weekend girlfriend! BIG OL’ HUGS!

  • sandy

    If someone had given me that prompt I would have sat here befuddled – couldn’t have thought of a thing except delicious tamales I get from the “Tamale Guy” that has a booth every week at our street market in spring and summer. j

    Cute sketches you did for “market”.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Market day with filled baskets and busy shoppers. A place for neighbors to come together to share in a collective experience in community spirit. That’s something we’ve lost in our society. I vote for getting back to a more simple life again, how about you?

  • Rain Frances

    Hi Cathy! I LOVE your Market Square Mall sketch! Well done!!! And the apples!!! So cool! I had a hard time with “market” too but it all came to me over the weekend! 🙂 I love the challenge!

  • DrillerAA

    I haven’t done any drawing or sketching is quite some time. I did a few zentangles after retirement. I need to rekindle that interest. Thanks for the post and the inspiration. I like the simplicity of your work. Well done.

  • Mary E. Sullivan

    You are so right about tasteless apples and sadly, a lot more fruits probably due to way many of them are grown now. It is somewhat frightening isn’t it? However, as I can’t eat raw apples due to a swallowing problem, I cook mine down into lovely chunky applesauce, add cloves and other spices and they are really tasty on my yogurt, oatmeal etc. Then there’s always apple tart/pie – which is a favorite and I always sweeten that with pure maple sugar which is wonderful. I have several apple cake recipes I enjoy baking also.

    Love your market piece for Scribble Picnic Cathy – if only we could find apples at that great price!!!!!!
    Mary –

  • My GBGV Life

    Great drawings, love the first one with the apples. Mom doesn’t like to eat apples much. She used to eat one a day when our late sister Katie would have a piece or two with her, but since she passed, she rarely buys apples.

  • Brian Frum

    I think your drawings are darn cool. We used to have several orchards pretty close to us but sadly they are gone and replace with housing developments.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Almost Wordless Wednesday, Scribble Picnic Day and Letter “E” Day, dear friend!

    I am very impressed with your sketch of the bounty from the apple orchard brought to Market. Well done! Nothing beats munching on a piece of fresh picked fruit. For decades Mrs. Shady’s uncle operated a citrus farm here in Central Florida. Whenever we visited him at Christmas he loaded us up with as many oranges, grapefruit and lemons as we could carry. They were enormous, juicy and delicious. I am even more impressed by sketch #2 – the scene of the farmers market beginning to fill up with shoppers. That sketch has the makings of a wonderful piece of art when completely fleshed out and finished. I encourage you to take your time and bring it to life. You have an artist’s eye!

    Happy Wednesday to you, dear friend Cathy!

  • Debbie D.

    Hi Cathy; Golden Delicious apples are my favourite! Produce markets are always interesting. I think your sketches capture their essence very well, especially the second one. Happy Wednesday! 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Golden yellow delicious is still my favorite but the problem is store-bought produce can’t compete with what I had years ago. In fact, most of the apples I buy are rather tasteless. It’s such a disappointment to buy pretty produce to only find it lacks flavor. The second sketch is my favorite, too.

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