
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Love Lifted Me when I found Victory in Jesus as You Raise Me Up

Welcome to week 175 of

Create with Joy, our first spotlight dancer of the New Year picked this week’s theme – songs that represent key moments in your life.  For example, Stevie Wonder’s song In the Key of Life always stuck instrumental with her throughout her life.

What tunes do you find that are a key to those instrumental moments in your life? Whatever that music is, then we want to hear it right here on Monday’s Music Moves Me!

Gospel music was a cornerstone of my youth. Music is an instrument that God used to speak to my heart as a child. Even before I surrendered my heart to Christ, I found comfort in these old classics and even to this day when I’m burdened my heart soars knowing that through Jesus’s love I will emerge victoriously.



Classic gospel music holds a dear place in my heart. The next artist isn’t a gospel singer, but this song is encouraging and inspiring – two key elements that are instrumental in restoring my spirit.



We all have go-to songs during times of crisis or sorrow. Songs that just seem to pick us up when nothing else will. It gives me a great sense of comfort knowing that through music God tends to my emotional well-being.

Our lovely hostesses, XmasDolly, would like to thank you for joining the party and as always JAmericanSpice, Stacy Uncorked, Just the stuff ya know & myself are happy that you came. Now, it’s time to get our groove on with you so remember to link up and shake your bootie with the fellow rockin’ blogger buds below!



Remember, to be considered for honorary co-host each month, then be sure to add your URL to the link up.

Dance party rules:  Grab XmasDolly 4M button here,  display it on your blog, and then add your favorite weekly music theme YouTube videos for everyone to enjoy. We aren’t music snobs if you have tunes to share, then that’s all that matter coz all we want to do is dance with you!

Did you have a good time on the dance floor? I did.   Next stop… your place!  What key songs are instrumental in your life?

Be sure to come back next week to dance freebie style with the 4M crew, and if you can’t get enough music, then join me for Saturday Song-suasion!

LadyJava's Lounge 



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9 thoughts on “Love Lifted Me when I found Victory in Jesus as You Raise Me Up

  1. Oh Cathy I love all of these! I remember them as a child and young girl growing up. Those are cornerstone and always inside, no matter what new ones pop up.

    Thanks for such wonderful memories Cathy.

    Enjoy the rest of your week. *HUG*

  2. Christian music always was a part of my life being as I went to a Catholic Grammar School and one year of high school then it got to broking These are great choices. I got both sides of the fence really because Mom was Catholic, Dad was Methodist, and I went to Asburn Baptist bible school with my kids because they were the only ones who would pick them up and drive them home. We all live in God’s home don’t we.? Great job my friend.

  3. Christian music is still a big part of my life. I grew up with old time gospel and in my 20’s-30’s found the contemporary. All of it still has its place.
    Nice choices this week.
    Love Josh G.
    ~Naila Moon

  4. “loved me ere I knew Him” YES!! I love this old hymn. Our choir can really raise the roof on this one too.
    I don’t know what it is about Josh’s version, but it always moves me to tears. I always think not just of God, but my mom and how strong she has been my whole life. Now that I am a mom, I have a better idea at how hard being a single mom it must have been. She’s my other Rock. 😉
    Great uplifting tunes today my friend! Blessings.

    1. You Raise Me Up always brings a tear to my eyes. The words are just beautiful and uplifting. That’s amazing that your mother raised you by herself. I know that was difficult and challenging at times. You turned out to be such a wonderful woman. Be sure to tell her that she did a fantastic job!

  5. I was thinking about putting up a few of my Sunday school songs this week, like This Little Light of Mine, so I am glad to see your Gospel contribution.

    1. Gospel music is a very big part of my early years. I am so thankful to my parents for instilling in me a passion for songs that express not only love for God, but the appreciation for His gift to me through His son.

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