Battle of the Bands

Live and Let Die BOTB Results

Howdy-hi, folks!  I appreciate everyone who turned out to vote in last week’s BoTB between Guns N’ Roses and Billy Joel tackling Paul McCartney’s Live and Let Die Bond theme song.  I thought the outcome would be different but you my loyal peeps proved me wrong.

I’ll cut to the chase. The winner in round 11 BoTB is Guns N’ Roses

Congratulations boys!

This is how the votes fell.

GNR – Tom, Eugenia, Mary, Birgit, John, Sandee, Kinga, Rain, Diedre, & Mike.  Mimi tossed hers in for them if I needed a tie breaker which I didn’t but surely appreciated the offer. 😉

Billy Joel – Lee, Stephen, Robin, & Myke

There you have it.  Don’t Cry maybe next time your favorite artist will win. 🤞

I’m not doing a dual battle, as many others aren’t either but here are the BOTBers who shared a July 1st showdown:  Mary, John, Stephen, & Mike’s.  Do stop by their place to check out their battle results!

Mark your calendar for the next BOTB showdown on CAAC for August 1st!

You’ll find me boogieing on the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor next time with your choice song picks and you’re invited to join the party! X💋X💋, Cathy


  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    CAThy ~
    Sorry I’m half a million years late commenting here but my life has been pretty too-much hectic. And with my Sister coming to visit me this Saturday, for the first time in 6.5 years, things are about to get even hectic-er.

    Yeah, I was also surprised that Girls ‘N Roses won this Battle. And I was a bit disappointed, too, because I rather dislike them. A copycat “artist” if there ever was one, without a single trace of anything even remotely original about them. (Aerosmith and a couple other bands should have sued them for plagiarism!)

    Anyway, I LOVED that Maxine cartoon. All the tatted-up boys ‘n’ girls thought they were being so outrageously counter-culture. But now, in 2021, it’s WE who refused to mark up our temples with graffiti who are the outrageous counter-culture.

    Looking for a “follower”? Look for tattoos.
    Looking for a true rebel? Here I am! No graffiti on me!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m sorry life has been crazy on your end but hooray the sis is coming to see you! I hope y’all have a great time. This battle was really interesting and I wasn’t really sure who would win but I thought for sure Billy Joel might’ve had it sewed up in a bag. However, I was way wrong on that one. Oh well…yeah, I don’t have any tats on my person, either. I’m really glad about that, too. Why deface God’s beautiful creation – the human body? It’s an artwork in itself and doesn’t need any embellishments. 🙂

      Thanks for dropping by, my friend!

  • Michael Todd

    Man, this was a brutal smack down. I know Billy’s version was lame, but I am a fan, so I had to support.
    What a blow-out… Epic take down. I feel like a baseball pitcher who gives a up a monster home run.
    I hate the other team scored, but a part me watches that ball disappear into the sky, and my only thought is,
    “Hey, I had a part in that long shot.”

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yep, you sure did have a part in that long shot but I thought for sure Billy would do better than he did. Had I voted, I’m not sure who I would’ve gone with in the end.

  • Arlee Bird

    G & R’s version was good, but I still think the vocals were gratingly whiny.

    I won’t leave a link to see if this comment goes through okay.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      You’re welcome to leave a link if you want or when you leave include your email address when you comment, you can include your blog address if you want. That way when someone clicks on your name it should take them to your site. Thanks for checking in today, my friend!

  • Nicole/DVArtist

    Hmmm I was sure I voted in that one. Maybe not. I am so behind in blogging, then the internet went out. Hope all is well with you. The funny is so true.

  • Sandee

    I sort of knew Guns N Roses would take that to the finish line with a win.

    Love your graphic. That would be something to see.

    I’m trying to get access to Marie’s blog and sent her an how to, but it didn’t work. I know if I could get access I could fix her blog. I know you could too.

    Have a fabulous day, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  • Birgit

    It’s funny but if Billy Joel did they so hard which sounded so fake, I would have gone with him. I am not into heavy metal but this one was better than most. I love the cartoons especially the last one. I am sick of seeing stupid tattoos. I will just wait and see how they will like them once t(sir body becomes old and wrinkly.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    I hope you are having a good week, dear friend. The hurricane brushed the Gulf Coast and we got the worst conditions from it between 2:45 and 3 am yesterday. We’re far inland and therefore there weren’t any uprooted trees or power outages in our vicinity, but our lawn is covered in deep puddles. We were still getting rain bands from the storm last evening. The long hurricane season has barely begun and it is unusual to see so much activity this early.

    I figured this would be the day you reported the final tally in your BOTB. Having cast my vote for GNR in the contest,I am pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I didn’t think there were that many fans of hard rock among your followers. I expected the race to be much closer than it turned out to be. Perhaps the lopsided score was more due to people’s dislike of Billy Joel or that particular recording by Billy than to their love of GNR. I always read the comments of others after I have voted, and I noted Stephen saying GNR is a highly overrated band. I agree with him, but I also think Billy Joel is overrated. The “tie” is always broken by the edgier, harder rock version in cases where I am not completely sold on either artist.

    I giggled at the meme at the end of your post because it tells the truth. It’s hard to find bodies at the beach these days that aren’t covered with ink. Me no likey. I fully expect to see a tattoo on someone someday that reads: “This space available for advertising. Call 555-7700.” 🙂

    Thanks for revealing the result of your battle, dear friend Cathy. Enjoy the rest of your week and weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      As I said, I was really surprised how this battle went down. I, too thought it would be a closer call or heavily in favor of Joel. Many felt Billy tried too hard and I think I picked up on that initially but couldn’t make the connection why mentally I couldn’t commit to his version fully. It turned into an interesting battle with an unexpected outcome.

      I’m glad you’re doing well after the recent hurricane. The stormy season is never fun. I dislike all the thunderstorms that come in the summer which is worrisome because sometime it brings tornadoes but we’ve been blessed over the years to not have gotten any damages from Mother Nature. Some parts of the city are worse than others. I think living in a slightly higher elevation of town helps. We’ve also noticed where we live the wind always seems milder than the west side of town.

      I had to nod my head in agreement about half expecting to see someone use their bodies for ad space. I like art but not on the body. One’s skin is a masterpiece and needs nothing more to make it beautiful.

      Thanks for joining me today to learn your favorite artist won in this battle showdown, my friend!

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