Thursday Two Questions


In my opinion, an organized person is someone who isn’t a pack rat. This family definitely falls into the “pack rat” group with some of us more of a pack rat than others.  The down side of hoarding is that one day you’re faced with what to give up in your stash, in part or whole.

To know what to keep and what to throw out is a major pill. This has been the predicament I have been in ever since our daughters moved out in 2009  I have gone through their stuff several times sifting the keepers from the trash and believe it or not this is precisely what I’m still doing to this day – sifting & ditching. On top of that, I’m now left doing the same thing with DS’s treasure trove hodgepodge. It’s a nightmare!

I meant to start this horrific job in the spring. Well…you know what happens to well thought out plans, sometimes life throws you a curve ball and I got hit hard, more like knocked off my feet. If you don’t know about my “curve ball”, you’re welcome to read, Every day is a gift.

In the middle of the sorting (mostly tossing), I decided to take a stab at restoring DD#1’s old XP laptop. It crashed in 2005. The scenario, every time I started the computer up, I got a black screen with a blinkie underscore. My thought, the hard drive reading path is damaged and couldn’t boot the OP (Windows). Attempting to repair the operating system didn’t fix the problem, so I figured it was toast. However, yesterday I thought crazy like, why not try reformatting the hard drive? Throwing all caution to the wind, I inserted the operating system disk, selected the partition to delete, picked the non-partitioned drive, and then let it do its thing.

This would be a long process, but I didn’t have any place to go while I cleared away the junk. A few hours later like magic, Windows successfully reformatted the drive and loaded the operating system files. Now…IT WORKS! Am I that good? I don’t think so, but “reformatting” wasn’t an option eons ago. I didn’t want to make an irreversible choice wiping out all of DD#2’s documents and pictures. The only difference from then and now, I didn’t have anything to lose, so I just went for it – without fear or hesitation.

You’re probably cringed at the thought of me erasing that hard drive. The good thing is, I had all the original programs and most of her important files & pictures archived. The only thing that was totally lost was her recent docs/pix added to her computer.

I’m  feeling pretty good about my progress yesterday.  I socked myself into that hairy mess and made a nice dent in filling two garbage bags, as well as salvaging DD#1’s computer NOT to keep, but to give to her. Another full day of doing this same thing and this krazy stuff for it to go ker-pluie!

1.  What is the first “K” word that crosses your mind? Left click to show my answer–> Kennedy 🙂

2.  What city can you name that begins with “K”? Left click to see my answer –> Knoxville, obviously! 😀

BONUS: Do you wanna help to make this mess go Ker-pluie faster? I hope you’re saying, Yes, how can I help? One of my clean up projects is to unload the children’s bookshelf. If you have kids (or know someone who does) who like to read, then check out the book collections I have for grabs here.

Hop on my NO rules Thursday tidbits linky party!

Thanks for joining me today. Please, visit Miss Jenny and the rest of the Alphabe-Thursday classroom for more homework assignments of the letter “K” and while you’re hopping around, be sure to play along with Miss Amanda in her latest edition of Thursday Two Questions.

Thursday Favorite Things Mama’s Losin’ It
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