

I have a special request…say a prayer for DD#2. She’s in the hospital with pneumonia (admitted yesterday morning). We saw her last night. To look at her, you would not know she’s sick but she struggles to speak and is short-winded. At 2 pm today, she’s having a blockage removed in her lung. I’ll follow-up with an update ASAP.

Just for fun and maybe because I’m just a wee bit unprepared today for obvious reasons. I decided to jump on the first idea popping into my mind this morning for today’s lesson on the letter “J”.



Commercials today lack the creativity and memorabilia of jingles’ past. These few select picks to prove my point will forever be stuck in the recesses of my brain and I bet they are for you, as well.

Wrigley’s gum was always popular at our house. My mother always kept Double Mint gum in her coat pocket and when this commercial aired I thought it was totally cool with the use of twins which forever became synonymous


A catchy fun jingle which makes a kid wanna get a scrap just so they could run to the medicine cabinet to grab on of these.


I remember the Chiquita Banana jingle, but the commercial used in my childhood years was different. This one is really cute, funny, and educational – very clever!

Here’s another catchy one that was a sure bet for children to help Mom remember their product.

Feminist would love this song up until the end. That being said, I love it! As a girl, it sorta sent an empowering message to me. You know the whole, I can work outside the home, do everything around the house, and still find time for my husband. Okay, in truth this isn’t exactly how it works in the real world, but I still enjoy the concept of this little jingle even after all this time.


1.  Thinking back to your own childhood, name your favorite commercial and give us a line from the jingle you remember most?

2.  Do you think retro commercial jingles have a place in today’s marketing? Would it help sales?

Visit Miss Jenny and the rest of the Alphabe-Thursday classroom for more homework assignments of the letter “J” and while you’re hopping around, be sure to play along with Miss Amanda in her latest edition of Thursday Two Questions.

I’m gonna leave with this, definitely out-dating this gal. The first jingle is from 1939 (my daddy’s birth year) and the second one is from 1950.







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