Thankful Thursday

Jan. 24th #ThankfulThursday & How Snow Makes Me Feel #WritingPrompt

Purrsonally speaking I’m thankful for everything God gives me each day but I’d like to recognize specifics.  Today I am VERY thankful that after Friday’s fall (details here) I escaped with minor injuries. I am doubly thankful for my mobility to my arms returning quicker than I first expected.  Boy, was I ever sore Friday night!  

I’m joining Thankful Thursday and Ten Things of Thankful. What are you thankful for this Thursday?

Kat from Mama’s Losin’ It shares six writing prompts each week.  I’m SHARING HOW SNOW MAKE ME FEEL in gifs. 

Initially, I’m like, “Oh goody! Goody! Snow, beautiful snow!

As winter’s majesty blankets the earth.

My child-like sense of wonder fills my head with making snow angels in the fresh powder and

pushing the snow across the yard creating big snowballs to build a snowman or

sledding down the longest hill again.

After a long exhausting day of outdoor fun, I can snuggle in front of our fireplace (if we had one) in my warm fuzzy socks and sweats with DH sipping on a hot cup of hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows in hand.

But, then I the arctic blast of reality hits causing me to remember how tricky inclement conditions can get and

how awful it feels outside.

Suddenly, I’m like…

The cold along is bad enough to set my hair on end and I’m thankful to not be dealing with icy or snowing weather at the moment.  Of course, winter is still with us. Anything is possible and certainly will get us at one point before winter says goodbye.

How does snow make you feel? Do you have it where you live now? Are you expecting it in the immediate forecast? Are you a fan of winter?  

X💋X💋, Cathy


    • Cathy Kennedy


      We get plenty of rain but I really don’t like it when it rains when it’s super cold because that means snow or ice. More often the latter which means horrible, tricky driving conditions. I’d say the wrecker service loves it, though. 🙂

  • Beverly Nickerson

    I like the Family Vacation Sledding Gif. We live in Florida. I have a friend who took her friend to Nashville, TN last over Martin Luther King weekend. That friend had never seen snow. It snow heavy enough in Nashville for her and friends they were visiting to be out excitedly sledding at 3 am. For the uninitiated, the first snow experience is fantastic. (I didn’t do a mama kat prompt this week, but I am excited and thankful to find just the purse I was looking for to replace my 10 year old one.)

    • Cathy Kennedy


      We always know who’s not from the area when we see how they react to the snow in the Smoky’s. I recall one year we were up there and a family of four, mostly the two kids, were having lots of fun. The kids were trying putting snow in the truck bed and after talking to the parents we learned they were from Florida. This was the kids first experience with snow. We laughed to ourselves because we knew the snow would be melted by the time they got back to Gatlinburg. I remember that childlike wonder over the snowfalls and although, I enjoy seeing it from afar I really do not miss it. Our youngest daughter likes the winter so much so that she moved to Maine where now she gets plenty of winter snow, cold, and all! She loves it, too.

  • -Eugenia

    Okay, I admit it, I love snow and winter. After living in FL for 40+ years, I grew tired of the year-round heat. I love living near Atlanta, because we experience four seasons and most of the time, the weather is mild. Have a great weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I can understand why someone who lived in a warmer climate might find the cold and snow appealing. I wouldn’t like the year-round heat of Florida. It’s the extremes that really get me, you know? We’re bracing for an arctic blast to move in tomorrow. There’s a chance of snow but I seriously doubt that it’ll amount to much. My biggest concern is icy patches and super cold temps. I sorta figured you might live near Atlanta since you speak of visiting northern Georgia frequently. 🙂

      • -Eugenia

        Cathy, even though I like the cold weather, it doesn’t like me. I have to dress warm with lots of layers. With that said, the heat would get to me, as well. Georgia, is pretty mild, IMO. I live in a suburb north of Atlanta – Roswell, GA.

        • Cathy Kennedy


          Atlanta is a lot milder than Florida but I can feel the difference from here to there. It’s a lot warmer there than here in the winters usually. I’m so thankful we do not live any further north. lol I’d imagine ya’lls temps are going to be cooling down beginning tomorrow, like us so keep warm now!

  • Arlee Bird

    I can’t say that I’m a fan of winter, but snow sure is pretty to look at especially when it’s new fallen. It’s the cold I can do without.

    It’s a beautiful sunny day in the seventies here in L.A. so no snow on the ground where I am. I did step outside to look towards the mountains which are visible since it’s nice and clear out and I did see one mountain still topped with snow. Best of both worlds!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I definitely do not like the cold. It is the wickedest part of winter. 🙂 That’s furtastic you can see the mountains from your home. We can see the mountains from our front porch when visibility is clear. The other day when I got home from my appointment I noticed snow on top of Ole Smoky. 🙂 It’s always purrty to see and I’m glad the snow is there instead of here.

  • sandy

    Well that answer is a conundrum – (been wanting to use that word as I kind of like that it ends with drum and it kind of sounds like the definition could be a cooperative effect with nuns drumming … weird sense of humor combined with my catholic upbringing )..I kind of like winter and I kind of don’t. i love it in someone else’s yard, driveway and street. I love to photograph snow scenes and maybe for about five hours see it in my yard however, the reason I don’t like it…is because….we live on a street that where normally it might take someone’s yard 2 days to melt from a 1 to 2″ snow fall if it is in sun – for us it can take just about until Memorial day (okay, that’s an exaggeration)…but I prefer it any place than on my street, driveway and yard.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m not a fan of winter but I am a fan of the four seasons, so I know I have to put up with the unpleasantness of the extremes. While it gets very chilly here at times I know it’s not horrific like other spots in the US and oh good heavens nothing like Canada. I can’t imagine living in a place where winter seems to stretch on forever. Photographing snow would be nice but I don’t get to do that very often. The park tries to keep the road maintained but there are always some spots that get really slick. We used to like going to the Smoky’s after a good snowfall but not so much these days. It sure is pretty, though.

  • John Holton

    I moved to Atlanta to get away from the snow and old. When it snows, I hate it, because it means I’m stuck in the house for a few days. Yes, it’s great to look at for about a minute, after that, I’m like “Go. Away.”

  • Sandee

    I don’t mind snow at all. In pictures. I don’t want to see snow outside my windows. I don’t want to try to walk on icy sidewalks. I don’t want to shovel snow just to get the car out of the garage. Snow is good as long as it’s not where I am.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love you. ♥

  • Brian Frum

    We’re in that Winter go away category too but we’re very thankful you’re okay and healing up. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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