
14-03-2025 Vol 19

‘J’ song titles playlist and #BoTB results

Awww Mondays a Comedy Plus (Sandee) weekly sponsored hop

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!  Tomorrow is our 41st anniversary. I’m not sure how so many years have slipped past us but we’re still hanging together, goin’ stronger every passing year. I count myself extremely blessed. God gave me the purrfect husband! 

Remembering that day as if it were just yesterday…

I used Pixelmator Pro to apply Bokeh blur effect to create a dreamy feel of reflection on that magical day.

Okay, it’s time for this week’s theme “Song titles beginning with ‘J’“.

My ‘J’ song title playlist tracks:

  1. JAZZMAN ~Carole King Great song! I love all of King’s works – excellent lyricist and singer!
  2. JESUS IS JUST ALRIGHT ~ Doobie Brothers This was one of my favorite bands from the 60s and 70s.
  3. JOY TO THE WORLD ~Three Dog Night Another favorite group from the same the 60s-70s era.
  4. JUNE HYMN ~The Decemberists  I wanted a song with ‘June’ in the title and I love the band name since I’m a December baby. 😉
  5. JUST AN OLD-FASHIONED GIRL ~Eartha Kitt  I was surprised when I saw who sang this song and it is possibly the first thing I’ve come across of hers that wasn’t ‘Santa Baby’.
  6. JE T’AIME MOI NON PLUS ~ Jane Birkin et Serge Gainsbourg This song released in 1969 making it to #1 in the UK and #2 in Ireland but was banned from several countries because of the song’s immodest sexual tone.  Gainsbourg wrote this song for his then girlfriend, Brigitte Bardot. Here’s the French to English translation of the lyrics.


This month’s honorary co-hostess is… Musings & Merriment with Michelle!


DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

I’m gonna make this short and sweet. In last week’s ‘Summer Breeze’ BoTB, the winner is…  The Main Ingredient with a 10 to 9 victory!  Okay, lets rally around for another listen to the song that many of us know today’s winner for,  “Everybody Plays the Fool” from 1972!

Next battle is June 15th. I hope you’ll join in me next time for the fun.

To celebrate our anniversary, I’m cooking! We’ll have steaks, asparagus, salad, baked potatoes, home-made angel biscuits, and for dessert home-made cheesecake.  Cooking is another of my creative outlets that I thoroughly enjoy and besides my mother always said, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Perhaps that’s why DH has hung around for the 4+ decades. lol  Have a boogietastic week! X💋X💋, Cathy























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31 thoughts on “‘J’ song titles playlist and #BoTB results

  1. Happy belated anniversary – hope that meal was as delicious as it sounded. Your playlist-the first three are all favorites of mine (at one time owned all but one Doobies LP, if I recall correctly). The last three – the last song that was totally new to me; I had no idea, and your link was some fascinating reading. Thank you for a wonderful “J” set!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Cue the Flintstones I love The Flintstones. I am glad Main Ingredient won, I have to say. I love your J choices and would add, Just in Time sung by Judy Garland and Jackson sung by the man in Black himself

  3. hahaha Think I’ll sing-a-long with Sandee… So cool!
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary Dear DH and Cathy, ♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you.♪♫
    I hope you have the best day ever & I think you should take the whole day off & just be in each other’s arms! Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful idea? Of course it doesn…. oh for heaven’s sake, START NOW & start early! Love all your tunes sweety, that Eartha Kitt sure had a unique voice didn’t she. Your french song sounds like the right thing for your Anniversary – you’ve rocked the house! HUGS TO YOU BOTH.. BE HAPPY.. MUCH LOVE & FUN FOR YOU BOTH! BIG HUGS!

    1. Marie,

      Many thanks for the anniversary wishes. I can’t believe 41 years today, we exchanged our vows and we still feel like honeymooners for the most part. How cool is that? I think it’s wonderful. I hope we always feel this way! We won’t get to cuddle the whole day long but we’ll enjoy a nice meal this evening. 🙂

  4. Happy anniversary! You didn’t married too much after we did.

    Love your playlist. Eartha Kitt, by the way, did a whole lot more than “Santa Baby.” She spent a lot of her career in France, and was known there for the song “C’est Si Bon.”

    My choice didn’t win, but both songs were good, so I’m happy.

  5. Congratulations on the anniversary. I think that’s a pretty great achievement. My wife and I have another decade and a half before we reach that milestone.

    Nice Battle outcome. You matched your contestants very well.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      This battle surprised me. I didn’t think George & Al would do well but then things leveled out as the votes came in. Thanks for the well wishes for our anniversary. I’m still awed by years vanishing so quickly on us.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you and DH. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family are safe and healthy. Great songs you have here.

  7. A perfect J song for you two is “Just the Two of Us” by Bill Withers, I been listening to smooth jazz, R&B, and soul since yesterday.

  8. ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary Dear DH and Cathy, ♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you.♪♫

    Awww on that cute kitty and all those beautiful flowers. Great shot.

    That was close on the battle of the bands.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  9. Happy Anniversary. Great playlist. My dad met Eartha Kitt. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that my dad was a teacher. Every summer he’d work at a day camp, and my sisters and I would go to camp. He’d also drive other campers to and from the camp in our station wagon. One summer Eartha Kitt came to Long Island to do a two week concert series at Westbury Music Fair, and she wanted to send her daughter to day camp…and my dad was chosen to transport Kitt Kitt from the hotel to the camp.

    1. Robin,

      How cool your dad got to drive Eartha’s daughter to camp. That story sounds familiar. Have you shared it on your blog? Thanks for sharing it here today. Also, thanks for the anniversary congrats!

  10. Wow! That kitten’s eyes are the “Cats meow”. They almost match some of the flowers.
    Congratulations on 41 years of marriage. My wife and I recently celebrated number 46 and are looking forward to the big 5-0!
    I can remember when Carole King and James Taylor dominated the air ways. Her music and lyrics always had a special ring to them. Jesus is Just Alright and Just an Old Fashion Love song both crossed my mind for this week but I chose a couple of more obscure tunes. Thanks for a great playlist this morning.

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy anniversary to you and DH! 41 years is a tremendous achievement. Based on what I have learned about you over the years, I do indeed believe you found the purrfect hubby and DH the purrfect wife. Mrs. Shady and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary this week. That picture of you walking down the aisle is like an image from a dream – pure magic. I’ve never seen anything quite like it. What a special moment captured by the photographer!

    I enjoyed your J-song set. Mrs. Shady #1 loved Carole King, bought her “Jazzman” single and played if often. That Doobies’ song was big at the time of its release, and it was a pleasure to be reminded of it this morning and to hear it again. I’m excited about the flow of this playlist as I listen to Three Dog Night. You are bringing back one of my favorite periods in music, the late 60s and early 70s before Disco started to dominate the mewsic scene. Wow, I appreciate the introduction to The Decembrists, a baroque pop and indie folk rock band from Portland, Oregon. They play and sing cleanly and their harmonies are glorious. How about that Eartha Kitt? She loved to play with her voice, purring and growling as she sang, giving all of her recordings a distinctive sound. When I was a boy Eartha appeared and sang on many mewsic variety TV shows, and she played Catwoman on Batman in the 60s. I enjoyed that French song by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Their sexy song belongs in the same category as Donna Summer’s “Love To Love You Baby” and Sylvia Robinson’s “Pillow Talk.”

    You always manage to pull off a squeaker in your band battles. I’m surprised to learn that your latest finished that close and happy to be on the winning team having voted for The Main Ingredient. Thanks for posting their biggie.

    I appreciate that inspiring meme at the end of your post. Once again, I congratulate you and DH on your anniversary. I’m sure he will love the meal you are preparing for him with all those yummy homemade items. You have a long list of talents, Cathy, and he is indeed a lucky man. Have a great week, dear friend!

    1. Tom,

      I meant to add on my photo that I took the liberty of doing a little photo-play with the image. I updated my post with a note on my photo-edits. Thanks for the anniversary congrats. It really doesn’t seem like 41 years have gone by already. I told DH that I think I’ll keep him around for another 40 years. 🙂 You guys have a number of years of togetherness, too. I think it’s wonderful when couples can build a lasting relationship. It’s not always easy but if when you have something worth hanging onto then you make sure it works. You always toss me some great nibblets and this morning is no exception! I love the info on Eartha Kitt playing Catwoman. I’m sure I caught some of the old reruns as a kid but had no idea that was her then or now. Most definitely Serge Gansbourg & Jane Birkin’s hot song belongs in the category as Donna Summer’s ‘Love to Love You Baby’ which made quite the stir in its day. Like you, I was very surprised to see how my battle tightened up with only one vote separating the two contenders. That was great and so happy you picked the winner, my friend. You have a good day and again thanks for you sweet sentiments for our anniversary, dear friend!

  12. That’s one mighty fine playlist, CK, and you put in a little Romance, huh 😉 Cheers for a Happy Anniversary tomorrow, that’s one great archievement. Bon appetite and save one little tiny piece of the cheesecake please watering mouthie🙏Extra double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      I don’t know about saving a tiny piece of cheesecake. DH LOVES the stuff it’s all I can do is get a bite myself. lol I love it but it doesn’t like me too much. 🙁 Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, little furriend!

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