Wednesday Hops

It’s All Downhill From Here!


The weekend is only two days away and counting.  Whoo-hoo!  Listen up boys and girls, it’s time for a mini history lesson.  Did you know on this day in history…

  • Apollo 13’s oxygen tank exploded in 1970?
  • That Butch Cassidy was born in 1866?
  • Tiger Woods wins his first masters in 1997?
  • The Germans captured Helsinki, Finland in 1918?
  • Sidney Poitier wins Best Actor Oscar for Lilies of The Filed in 1964?

Don’t fret, if you didn’t know.  You’re not alone coz I didn’t, either.  But now, you and I are a little more in the know, huh?


The rest of the week is all downhill from here, gang.  It’s not par-tay time yet, but… we can have some blog hopping party fun.

What do you say?  What’s that, I can’t hear you?  Oh come, on my grandma could out yell you!  Give it one more try.  “YEAH!”  That’s the spirit, I love hearing a loud joyful uniform response as this. It’s music to my ears.

  1. Should we classify cheesecake as dairy or a dessert? I’d have an amazing food pyramid if given the chance. Cheesecake is one of our favorite desserts.  I had never thought about where it should be on the food pyramid, though.  Most of the ingredients are dairy, so that’s where I would put it – right or wrong.  Would you like to see my recipe? If so, click HERE
  2.  How often do you get on a scale to check your weight?  I weigh in weekly on Sunday mornings.  This keeps me on track.  I know you can’t really tell with certainly from week to week because of the many variations which can come into play with the scales rise or fall (I like it when the scales do this best), but it gives me direction on how to step things up in the upcoming week.
  3. Do you wear an apron when you cook?  No, I don’t wear an apron.  There are some darling looking ones out there, but I would be afraid of ruining one if I put it on, you know?  Besides, when I cook I’m usually wearing casual clothes anyhow. It wouldn’t matter to me if I spilled tomato sauce all over it or not.
  4. Do you like to work in the garden? Tell us about your garden(s).  I like gardens, but I don’t like being a Gardener.  As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I have a black thumb.  When I plant something, I try to find a hardy plant which means, I go for flowering bushes such as roses or azaleas.  I tried my hand with tulips and daffodils, but they didn’t make it the second year after blooming.  That may be our soil and not my “kiss of death” touch.  In years past, I’ve tried growing tomatoes, but that was such a headache and very little yielding fruit that I finally threw in the towel.  I’m really tempted to give it another shot, but I have to remind myself how things usually turn out.
  5. Did you hug anyone today?  Absolutely.  I hugged my husband when I woke him up this morning and I hugged him again when he was standing in the kitchen.  Then just before he left, I gave him a second kiss.  When  my son got up, I gave that ole big bear a hug.  That boy stands like a redwood tree compared to me. lol

That’s it for now. Have a wonderful day!




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