Random Tuesday Thoughts

In like a lion and more randomness

In like a lion.

March swept in like a lion. Not a big snarling one, but more of the cute and adorable kind. Nonetheless, it came in like a lion. Mother Nature flipped her wig this weekend with temps in the mid-30s to low 40s with on and off flurries. Please, tell me spring is just around the corner!

Sunday’s weigh in made me really happy. The scales read 105.5!  I nearly did my happy dance but refrained till the reading is to my complete satisfaction. Not that I’m not delighted with being where I am now because I’m totally flipping out with excitement, but I want to be able to say, “I did it! I did it!” The finish line (or least the first stage) is in sight and I can smell sweet victory only a week away. Keep your fingers crossed!

Last week, DD#1 was sick. I had hoped it was only an allergy flare up, but by Wednesday she couldn’t go to work and wound up going to a walk-in clinic. As it turned out, she had the flu and pneumonia. Thankfully, she caught it earlier than DD#2. The doc put her on three scripts to battle her ailments and ordered her to not work until Saturday. The days off resting and continuous rounds of meds knocked this stuff right in the bud. Although exhaused, she sounded better on Sunday. I think she’s going to be okay. sigh

Celebrity Apprentice is back! This season they are calling it an All-Star Celebrity Apprentice with celebrities from previous seasons back on for a second go-around to win money for their favorite charities. Brett Michaels got canned first from the show. What a bummer, too! He is so entertaining. My least favorite celeb goes without saying is Omarosa.

Confrontations between the stars is part of the fun on Celebrity Apprentice but I don’t like it when the celebs are plain evil. I realize part of it is an act and then the other part…well, let’s just say a person has to have a seed of ugliness in his/her character to do a good job of pulling off evil for our viewing. That being said, some actors/actresses have more than a seed. Omarosa is one of these very seedy personalities.


Les @Time Out For Mom has an interesting prompt this week. It is…

Snog, Marry or Throw Off A Cliff

Here’s what you do. Pick your favorite male/female celebrity (or real person) for each category: 1) Kiss, 2) Marry, and 3) Throw off a cliff. Remember, this is all in fun or is it? I mean some of us seem obsessed with a particular actor. Did I mention he’s rather handsome? Don’t look this way coz it’s not me, friends. You’re gonna have to visit a certain host of Tuesday Coffee Chat to find out who her dreamy-eyed favorite celeb is.

I’m not much of a kiss and tell gal. If the truth is known, I don’t think I have ever thought about kissing a male celebrity, but if I had to pick one just for the sake of doing so for this little writing exercise then I think I would pucker up for Pierce Brosnan. My eyes met his the first time on network TV in Remington Steele.  His good looks, charm, and humor were infectious. I knew in the early 80s that one day he would be a perfect line up for 007 and I was right.

How do I even begin to consider another man for marriage since I have the best catch? My left brain (logic half) instantly tells me every actor in Hollywood would simply break my heart eventually, so why would I subject myself to such impending doom when I could otherwise avoid such torment? With that, then I would have to decline any marriage proposals fantasy or otherwise even from my favorite actor. The only man for me is truly my best friend & soul mate. Sorry, Pierce!

Throw off a cliff? This is an easy pick after watching Celebrity Apprentice last night. I would most definitely have no problem with throwing Omarosa off a cliff. It’s beyond my comprehension why anyone would want to be portrayed as a villain. There are several other female celebrities in particular who fall into this same category, who could take a long walk on a short pier or off a cliff and life would be a better a place for us all.

The gears inside my noodle are whirling. I’m thinking of ways to make the appearance of my post more friendly to the eye. I recently began to rethink my stand on this as the Wordless Wednesday group seems to generate a lot of traffic and then there are so many buttons to include in my post. So, I created a page just for this meme.

Which do you prefer,  being able to see blog hop buttons displayed in the post or somewhere special on a blog?

I oopsed last week & didn’t make it to Patrice’s for  Chats on the farmhouse porch, but I’m ready to jump in today. Here’s what we’re talking about….

  1. Who has the most outgoing personality in your family?  Between DH & myself, then it would have to be me. It’s not that he’s not personable but it usually takes a little while before he’s at ease with new people. I think he’s rather marvelous. However, if someone doesn’t know him then they often don’t understand when he’s joking around because he seems so serious and that’s what makes it so funny.
  2. How did you name your blog? Nothing catchy or clever really. I just decided to simply use my name and there’s no mistaken who’s hosting the blog.
  3. What’s your favorite topping for ice cream? Chocolate fudge sauce or hot fudge sauce or anything chocolatey. 
  4. Tell me about someone you know who would make a wonderful character for a book. Oops- please. I can think of a few family members who would make excellent characters in a book. My grandpa who wore a smile on his face and radiated from the inside out. No doubt it was Jesus’ light shining through him.  His light-heartedness and generous soul warmed many people’s lives with his zany, silliness, and joking nature. No one was safe. If you were within an earshot of his goofiness, then you couldn’t help but laugh whether you understood or not. 
  5. Please tell me up to three questions that you think I should ask on future farmhouse chats. 1. What’s the longest car trip you’ve ever taken without any hotel stops before getting to your destination? 2. Would you ever consider having bust enhancement surgery or a tummy tuck procedure? 3. If you could slide down a rainbow, what do you think you’ll find on the other side?

The weather forecast looks promising by the week’s end and I hope this means the rest of the month will be smooth sailing with sunny and fair conditions, so we can complete March’s idiom with…

Out like a lamb



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