
I’m not sleeping…#AprilA2Z prep

but, I’d sure like to. On the spur of the moment, I decided it was time to step away from Blogosphere. Well… not entirely I will keep up with my daily blog reading and I have posts scheduled and of course, I will do return visits.

So, why take a break? A few months back, I committed myself to the big A-Z Blog Challenge and I’m facing that next month. Doing what I’m doing isn’t allowing me enough time to blog, visit, and plan. If I want to stay ahead of the game, then I have to get into the groove now and while it seems I’m relaxing on the blog, I am working feverishly to pull together my April posts.

Have you signed up for the April blogging challenge? If not, click the A-Z button in my right side menu to join and get the details. This is an excellent way to grow your following, create a regular blogging routine, perfect your flair, and make lots of new friends.

What are you waiting for? Scat like a Cathy before it’s too late!


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