Monday's Music Moves Me

I Can’t Wait For Christmas

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus

In case you missed my previous post, I shared my latest BOTB on Friday for those curious.  

It’s December!  Our music theme for the entire month is Christmas. This year, I added a couple of theme ideas for the 11th and 25th for you to follow if you want or do as you please.  It makes no difference to me as long as there’s music for us to enjoy and this week I hope you’ll share whatever Christmas music moves you! 

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.

4M co-hostess are featured in my right side bar underneath the banner. The guidelines are simple.  Every other week, a suggested (not mandatory) theme is given to build your song picks. YouTube and other music sites have options to create and embed playlists or individual songs into your post. On the off weeks, we dance to whatever music moves you (your choice)! To access the party, add your music post below, and visit others on the dance floor. Let the party begin! 

My artist features are ones I discovered this year.  John from The Sound of One Hand Typing shared Mindi in one of his 4M line ups and the other two are ones I stumbled on. 

I CAN’T WAIT FOR CHRISTMAS ft Mindi Abair, Vincent Ingala, Lindsey Webster and Adam Hawley
Ernie Haase & Signature Sound A JAZZY LITTLE CHRISTMAS album
Chris Standring SILENT NIGHT album

This week, I’m totally away from the blogging community. DH and I are taking a week of vacation. Over the weekend, we watched the Hallmark film, A Biltmore Christmas and that’s where we’re headed today. I plan to keep things relative simple this month because to me there’s no precious time of the year than Christmas. This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy

Monday’s Sparks….

“Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard, or too sad when you’ve got a Christmas tree in the living room.” ❧ Nora Roberts



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