Friday Sillies

#Humor in general plus Friendly Fill-ins, & CTST

Good day, kittens and dawgs! How was your week? Hectic? Stressful? It’s time to put that stuff behind us, so put you happy face on and if you can’t do it then I’m here to make you giggle (or at the very least smile) with my newest Friday Sillies contributions with a little unwinding with a whole lot of other Friday fun stuff.

blondie roundabout sign
This is precisely how I feel when we use a roundabout. People zip too fast through these things. I really don’t see how this is a good idea.


Good-luck collecting the fine!
The moment your heart stops for good.
FS throw her chocolate IMG_4662
DH shared this image with me. I’m not the growling type, so this sounds like a good idea to get extra chocolate. 😀

Please share your funny post with me (and others) by leaving a direct link in comments.  Now, I invite you to email me  your giggles (funny picture, joke, video, song, …). If it makes you laugh then I want to see it! In the subject line say Friday Sillies and if I use it, then I’ll add a back link to your site.

Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins!


McGuffy Ann is hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins (click button to visit McGuffy) with Ellen from 15andmeowing.  Every Thursday, she posts four fun and easy blank statements for us to borrow, complete, and post on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.

Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:


1.I am most proud of how conservatives in all parties are coming together to support the team of Trump/Pence. Donald J. Trump is the new Ronald Reagan and offers hope to America and her people. 



2.I am embarrassed to admit some things that I can’t even mention. That’s how embarrassed I am. Maybe, I need to get over it, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Nope, I’m too embarrassed.


3.My super-power might be my happy energy. I’m generally a pretty optimistic person always looking at the sunny side of everything.


4.I really wish I could find a cure for Idiotitis. I can’t believe the way people latch on to trends; usually the more weird and most offensive fads grow exponentially.

minion idiotitis


Oops, no linky? No worries, click the Friendly Fill-Ins button and you can join the party there.


I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!

  • I celebrate democracy. Many countries can’t choose their leaders and while we still have this right we need to make our vote count every time.
  • I celebrate rain showers,  sunsets, gentle breezes, and star-filled skies.
  • I celebrate my new blog banner and the sense of patriotism it gives me.

What are you celebrating?

See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!


To continue the Friday fun, you may want to consider joining Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!

The weekend is just starting, so I invite y’all to hop back tomorrow for some mewsic with Saturday Songsuasion!

Have a super funtastic Friday! 😉


  • Rorybore

    The Blondie roundabout is humour perfection!! Love it. Gary Larson is one of my favourites. I used to get that Far Side desk calendar every year.
    Canadians are certainly watching your election with great interest. I don’t always understand the differences in American politics, but I know how important it is for our two leaders to have a great working, political relationship. Hopefully whoever wins will honour that.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Les, I think the world will watch the USA’s Presidential election. This one is going to be a historical one. Crooked, lying, I-only-care-about-myself Hillary will hand the USA to the highest bidding country whereas Trump wants to protect America/Americans, put Americans back to work, secure our borders, stop Terrorists, bring companies back to the states, cut taxes, …. Is Trump perfect? Nope, but I’m ready to hang my last dollar on him than HIllary. Please say a prayer for us during this race. We need strong, conservative leadership at all levels!

  • Josie Two Shoes

    I agree about things we are embarrassed about, most of us would probably never share the things that personally embarrass us the most! Being a happy person is a good thing, it is contagious! I so agree about idiotitis, sagging pants, chasing Pokemons, the list is endless, and some days it makes me feel very, very old! 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy

      You crack me up. I have an endless list of idiotitis and it continues to grow every day. It’s unbelievable what people do that makes me roll my eyes and think, What an idiot! lol

  • Al

    Gary Larson is classic and there’s lots of idiotitis this election season. But I can’t go with the Trump-Reagan comparison. Reagan: tear down this wall. Trump: I’m going to build a wall. But regardless of who we support, the right to vote is so important!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Al, Reagan wanted freedom for those oppressed by communism. This meant the wall had to come down. Trump wants to protect America’s freedom, economy, and culture. Unfortunately, a wall is necessary to keep out those who wish to do us harm. We only have room for immigrants who wish to embrace America NOT destroy her. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. You’re welcome any time!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Lori, I appreciate your visit. Yes, voting is very important. If we want to keep these liberties then we need to make sure the right people are placed in office.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Birgit, I enjoy Gary Larson’s work, too. I’m not a huge comic person meaning I’m not familiar with the artist by name. It’s their I recognize liking before I notice their name. The saying on the minion cartoon I’ve also seen it used with other characters like Daffy Duck and that might be my over all favorite because of his mannerisms. Thanks for stopping by for some laughs. I’ll be by to see you before the weekend ends. ?

  • David E. McClendon Sr.

    The new banner is great, but the old one was too cute for words. I love your idea about idiotitis..I often speak of a higher level of stupid. I speak of this higher level of stupid when someone is pumping gas and smoking. Have a great weekend.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      David, The old header is very cute & I’m sure I’ll switch back to it. However, I wanted to saw my patriotic pride with it being an election year and I feel this is a very important point in our future. Will we elect a president who wants to continue tearing it down or one who offers hope by building industry, fixing the economy, cut taxes, and keep people out of America who are illegal or who want to kill us. The choice seems so clear to me yet many do not possess good judgement or common sense or plain don’t care what happens. All of these character flaws easily fall under idiotitis. OH yeah anyone who smokes and pumps gas clearly is infected with this disorder. lol Thanks for dropping in for some giggles. I’ll be around your place tomorrow.

  • Suzanne Gunter McClendon

    Awww that embarrassed bunny is too sweet, Cathy. Your new banner is beautiful. 🙂

    I like that minion. It will be interesting to see how things turn out in this election. I’ll be glad when it is over. I think it is interesting that you compared Trump to Reagan. David and I had a similar conversation earlier where I mentioned the possibility of that comparison. People held Reagan’s wealth against him, too. But, from this end of the economic scale, only rich people get to be president anyway. If I’m going to hate them because they have more money than I do, then I’d have to hate all of them. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Suzanne, We all can’t be rich. I’d love to be one of those people, though. lol But, I’m glad there are those who achieve such success because it allows me to dream of the same possibilities. The thing with Trump is, he doesn’t need this job and if he gets it, he’ll be taking a cut in pay. However, he wants it because he truly cares about the direction America is headed and wants to do something about it. The liberals (both sides) created a horrible, horrible mess and there’s no end in sight of their idiotic, destructive pattern. If allowed, they will run this nation into the ground where there won’t be a recognizable America anymore. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, my friend! Have a funtastic weekend!

      • Suzanne Gunter McClendon

        I’m willing to give being rich a try, too. haha
        I won’t begin to venture a guess about what his intentions are. Hopefully, they are good ones. I agree that he doesn’t need this job and it will be a pay cut. In addition to that, he won’t be in control of his own businesses while in office.
        With all of his money, he can pretty much buy anything he wants to have. Becoming president is one thing that he doesn’t have yet. I think the pay cut would be worth it to someone like that because they’d have this trophy to add to their collection. I don’t care what their reasons behind wanting to be president are. I just want them to care enough to do right by all of us, starting with the babies.
        Have a blessed weekend!

        • Cathy Kennedy

          Suzanne, Although I can’t say with complete certainty what Trump’s intentions are, but he seems like a man of conviction and that’s something we don’t see on the other side of the fence and most so-called Republicans currently in office are too wimpy to take a firm stand on protecting our nation from radical Islamic Terrorists, kicking illegals out of the country, making it hard on businesses, forcing factories and coal miners out of work, outsourcing product production, wasteful spending, giving money to other countries, blah-blah-blah, and the list goes on! Like you, if Trump gets in office I hope he can turn things around. Of course, he can’t do it along. He’ll need the help of the Senate & Congress to make it work. We the people need to make sure we put the “right” officials in power come November. Okay, nuff said. I don’t whatcha hating me for being too preachy on these political matters. 🙂 Have a fabulous weekend!

  • Liz A.

    There’s a roundabout fairly nearby. It’s not too bad to navigate, but I don’t try it during rush hour. Love the Blondie lyrics on that one.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Liz, Yeah going through a roundabout during Rush Hour is crazy. I think that’s what we did the first time we encountered one up north and there was little would could do about it other than to go with the flow, literally.

  • pilch92

    Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I like all the photos you put to go with them. The new banner is great too! Have a nice weekend.

  • Mary-The Boondocks Blog

    Your jokes were very funny. Thanks for the chuckles, it’s been a long week and I could use them and some chocolate.

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Your memes made me smile and laugh. The first one, using the Blondie song, is very clever. There is a roundabout near us that I need to use whenever I have a doctor appointment. It’s the only way to get to his office from here. That intersection is a free-for-all – like a figure 8 race at the stock car track. The nurse at the doctor’s office told me there have been numerous accidents on the roundabout because of the heavy volume of traffic and the confusion it causes motorists.

    Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Tom, My first experience ever with one of these was in Massachusetts. People were driving like bats out you know where and I had my fingernails dug so tight into my chair that I didn’t think I would be able to get them out again. We have a roundabout in town and although people go faster than they should through it, they aren’t as bad as those in Massey. I hate that thing and it’s such a stupid idea! Glad you enjoyed the humor, my friend.

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