
14-03-2025 Vol 19

How Many Kings

Downhere is a Christian rock band from Canada that I discovered while pulling together this month’s Christmas Mewsic Marathon posts.   It was the first song from their 2010 Songs for Christmas album (YT playlist), ‘How Many Kings’ that touched my heart. The lyrics are beautiful. Read and follow along with the video below.

Are you on a budget? Do you need no to low cost gift ideas?  In my quest to bring you freebies this month, my little gift to you, I came across 100 Free Gift Ideas Your Friends Will Actually Want to Receive. It’s more than a year old but the list will get your brain mojo moving the right way.  T’is the season to be merry, so have yourself a happy Christmas season! 😘


X💋X💋, Cathy

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12 thoughts on “How Many Kings

  1. Hi Cathy 🙂 Oh, saving money on gifts is a MUST. That list is very good, I always think that giving and receiving homemade, home-baked gifts is so much nicer than anything store bought! I’m making pj’s for Alex as one of his gifts and also going to do a charcoal drawing for him. Of course, part of his Christmas present is going to be the awesome spread I make for dinner lol – a gift for me too! 🙂

    1. Rain,

      I know whatever you do for Alex is going to be amazing. You are quite gifted with your home-made cheeses, preserves, and lots yummy recipes. I’m getting hungry thinking about all of your foodie posts! M-m-m-m good!!

  2. This a brilliant song. I may have to borrow it to post in my marathon soon.
    There are many who claim to be kings and wear crowns believed to be of their own making, but as Christ told Pilate, no authority has any power without the consent of the God of all creation. But there is only one King of kings and Lord of lords. There is only one King whose birth was foretold in Isaiah and became a reality in Mathew and Luke. There is only one way for this lost world to be reconciled to it creator and Savior and that is through Jesus Christ. God loved us so much that He was willing to give up His Son for our salvation and only that Son was willing to step down out of heaven and go to the cross for us.Christ came to us as a babe, he went to the cross between two thieves, He rose from the dead and returned to the Father, and one day He will come again to claim His bride. Glory to God in the highest. May all of the blessings of this season live in your heart and home. Merry Christmas to all.

    1. John,

      You couldn’t have left a better comment than this! Beautifully written and true – Jesus the one true King gave everything for us and lives in heaven but one day soon He’ll come to take us home to be with Him forever!

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