Monday's Music Moves Me

‘Scary Band Names’ on #yourchoicesongpicks week

Hop over to see Sandee for more Awww Mondays fun-spiration!

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! How was your weekend? Can you believe it, this is the last Monday in October?  I’d like to say thanks to this month’s honorary co-host, Michele.  You did a furtastic job coming up with some pAwesome themes.  I’m sure I speak for everyone by saying, we’d love to have you back as co-host again! 

Alrighty, as you know some of the 4M members are still not up to par but trying to boogie when they feel like it and we hope you’ll join the party hosted by Marie, Stacy, ColetteAlana & little ole me. Now, lace up those blue suede shoes or hop in your socks, I don’t care just hit the dance floor with the 4M crew!

Just add your mewsical URL below and snag the link code to add directly to your post! One more thing, please tell me or my co-hostess if you’re a new follower in comments so I can do the favor in return & with that let me say thanks. 😉

The 4M theme is ‘your choice‘ song picks. Over the years I’ve shared Halloween themed songs.  This time around,  I’m going with ‘Scary Band Names‘ using this source for inspiration to come up with today’s 5 song playlist. Hit play to listen to them all without interruption!

Playlist contains these artists and songs:

Hollywood Vampires the American supergroup Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, and Steve Perry honor rock mewsic artists who died from excess in the 70s. Raise the Dead is the second title from their 2015 studio album. 

Of Monsters and Men is a five-member Icelandic alternative folk-rock band who formed in 2010. The song Skeletons is from their 2013 Live from Vatnagarðar album.

Jukebox the Ghost is a three-piece American power pop band formed in the Metro area of our country’s capital.  The studio release of the band’s third album, Safe Travel, yielded song pick Ghosts in Empty Houses.

Demon Hunter from Washington DC by brothers, Don and Ryan Clark in 2000.  I was totally fooled by the name and band logo and quite stunned to learn they are a Christian metal band. The Last One Alive is from the groups’ 7th studio album, Extremist, peaking at #38 on the Hot Christian Songs chart in 2014.

The Horrors hail from the Southend England.  The 2005 garage rock bandmembers include Faris Badwan (lead vocalist), Tom Cowan(keyboardist & synthesizer player), Joshua Hayward (guitarist), Joseph Spurgeon(drummer & percussionist), & Rhys Webb (bassist).  Something to Remember Me By released on their fifth studio album titled ‘V’ (2017). The album peaked in the UK at 8. 

The first three bands are not new-to-me but all the songs on my playlist are introductions.  I hope you enjoyed the mewsic.

Next time I see you on the dance floor, it’ll be a brand new month and honorary hostess, our very own Stacy Uncorked!  Halloween is a few days away, so please everyone stay safe! Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon. Don’t forget to fill your coffee cup up tomorrow morning for another edition of Cathy Chats.

X💋X💋, Cathy

Laughter is a great source of inspiration. It definitely does the soul some good. McGuffy’s Reader is the brain-child behind SPARKS. Have a sparkletastic
 day! 😉


  • XmasDolly

    Well…. TRICK OR TREAT! The trick is I went to the doctor today and they had me fill out tons of paperwork… it was a pain control clinic I was sent too, and I was never there before… soooooooooooo…. doctor says my surgeon wants him to to try the shot and it seems they have to put me out for this one. I don’t have a date yet, but I’ll let you know. Hopefully if this works NO MORE PAIN… at least for a while if it works, but hopefully it will be long enough for the nerves to heal & veins to go back into their right place and/or home! WOO HOO! PARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR TEEEEEEE NO TRICK, BUT A GREAT TREAT! ANYWAY thank you thank you thank you my friend and MANY CONGRATS ON THAT NEW GRAND BABY… do you have any more pics, are you going to a nice Post about your angel… you really should you know with nana holding on to that baby and giving lots of love!!! Anyway CATHY!!!!! I didn’t know you like this hard rock stuff??? REALLY???? Okay… well, I just wanted to stop by and fill you in quick and say YOU SOOOOOOOO ROCK & TRICK OR TREAT!!! LUV YOU GAL! YOU BEAUTIFUL LADY YOU!!! HUGS

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for popping by to boogie with me. Yeah, keep me in the loop with when your shot(s) take place. I know this can’t happen quick enough for you and I truly hope it helps you a lot. I’m not a heavy metal person but I couldn’t find mewsicians in any other genre with scary names. Luckily these songs aren’t super duper hard-core, guitar screaming, demonic-sounding picks. I was just trying to have a bit of spooktacular fun with my choices. 🙂

      Many thanks for the congrats on the birth of my little angel. I can’t wait to take more pictures of her to share. I’ve asked the others to share what they got but so far no one has sent anything with the except of DD#1. I guess everyone is busy, especially the new mama. That’s okay. I’ll get ’em all in good time.

  • 15andmeowing

    Great Halloween choices. Such a cute kitty too. Sorry I didn’t join this week, all my time was ised up trying to photograph cats in costumes 🙂 XO

    • Cathy Kennedy


      No apologies needed for not playing along with the 4M gang. I’m just happy you decided to drop by to boogie with me. Dressing cats is a hard job but photographing them makes the work doubly challenging.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yep, that’s right about laughing. Boy, do I remember when the class clown did something to cause an uproar which resulted in some form of punishment every time. 🙂

  • Mary B

    Great minds think alike! My post today is about Hollywood Vampires. The rest of the month is going to be Halloweenish as well. Tomorrow’s post is Rob Zombie.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I went by your place on Monday and noticed that we matched but then I forgot to comment. Silly me! Anyhow, we’re definitely on the same wave-length this week. 🙂

  • Birgit

    Some of this music is ok but I am not the most ardent fan but I like your unique twist to go with hellish band names. I love Witch Hazel especially her laugh and the bobby pins flying off

  • John Holton

    I enjoyed your set a lot better than I thought I would. Actually, I didn’t know what to expect and it enjoyed it. I did a Hallowe’eny post for Stream of Consciousness Saturday, so I did something different today. Guess I’m just not a Hallowe’ener…

  • DrillerAA

    Well, I have to admit, I missed the memo for the theme and just went with my choices. Oh well, maybe I will get it right next week. Great theme though. Even though I was never a fan of heavy metal hair bands, as scary names go, I’ll pick White Snake. Have a blessed day.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Driller, there’s no theme this week. It’s whatever you want so I came up with my own for “freebie” week. I’ll hop over soon to boogie with you!

  • Stacy Uncorked

    You never disappoint with your theme creativity, Cathy! 😀 Thanks for being such a rock keeping the train on its tracks while some of us have been scattered (and hopefully not just scatterbrained…heh!) You are a ROCK STAR and an awesome friend. 🙂 Thanks for the fun introduction to the scary band named bands – perfect for this week! 🙂 Have a great week, Happy Halloween, and thanks for the dance! 🙂

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M to you, dear friend! I see that DSK and Michele were up very late or up very early and beat me to the punch bowl. I agree with Michele that you came up with a great idea for a 4M post at Halloween.

    I knew the Hollywood Vamps from hearing them at Angels Bark, but this song of theirs, “Raise The Dead,” is new to my ears. I read that it is one of the three original songs on their album, the rest being covers of songs originally recorded by rowdy rockers who died before their time. I see that a deluxe edition of the album was released the following year and includes “7 and 7 Is” by one of my favorite 60s bands Love. I was shocked to read about the early demise of four members of that band. Leader Arthur Lee died in 2006 of acute myeloid leukemia. Ken Forssi died in 1998 of a suspected brain tumor. Woodwind player Tjay Cantrelli died in 1985, cause of death unknown. As Wiki explains, a 4th member, Bryan MacLean, “died in Los Angeles of a heart attack at age 52 on December 25, 1998 while having dinner with a young fan who was researching a book about Love.” He died Christmas Day while discussing his band with a fan!

    All the other bands are new to me and I enjoyed them. The video for “Skeletons” by Of Monsters and Men gave us a look at the Icelandic landscape. Of Monsters and Men, Jukebox the Ghost and The Horrors are bands with frightening names but they perform melodic styles of mewsic. I love metal and that includes Christian metal. The band Demon Hunter has a great sound and I intend to investigate their catalog.

    Thank you very much for this exciting and innovative playlist, dear friend Cathy. Have a tunetastic day and week!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I say it’s safe to say that Michele was just up late. lol DSK lives on the other side of the world (roughly 12 hours ahead of us). I was hoping you might like my selections. I know how much you enjoy a heavier sound even though most of my song picks don’t fall into that category completely but the band name makes you think they might. I, too want to investigate Demon HUnters mewsic a bit more. Thanks for joining me this morning, my friend. Have a good week!

  • Doesnt Speak Klingon (@NotKlingonRed)

    I’ve never heard of any of those bands. If you talk about band names with scary creatures in the names, the only one I can think of is “They Might Be Giants” and that only “might be” scary! And then, in name only because they are really fun.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’ve heard of They Might Be Giants. I was surprised to just now learn they have been around since the 80s but I’m not at all familiar with their mewsic. Do you have a favorite song by the group that you’d recommend? Thanks for boogieing with me this morning!

  • greyzoned/angelsbark

    Hi Cathy.
    Very creative Halloween themed post. Scary band names: love it!
    I am fond of Hollywood Vampires and their whole mission. The rest of the bands in your playlist are totally new to me. I have to say that I am loving Ghosts in Empty Houses by Jukebox the Ghost. I also really liked your second selection: Skeletons by Of Monsters and Men. I wasn’t expecting them to be so pleasing to the ear. From their name I was kinda expecting death metal…
    I liked the Demon Hunters’ video. Song was pretty good too.
    And the last one had a creepy face that I hardly could pull my eyes away from! Very interesting.

    Super fun set here. Thanks for the intro to some cool new-to-me songs and groups.
    Happy Halloween.
    And thank you for such a sweet welcome into the co-hosting gig…and thanks for your parting words too. Much appreciated! I think I’m on the books for January…

    talk soon,

    Michele at Angels Bark

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I figured everyone would do a Halloween theme today, so I decided to take a different route. 🙂 What surprised me the most of the band Demon Hunter is a contemporary Christian rock band. I surely wouldn’t have thought that by their name. 🙂 Thanks again for sharing the dance floor with me. Now, I’m off to visit you, my dear!

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