Thursday Two Questions

Happy Birthday to You

Let’s face it, we’re all getting older. I don’t like it. You don’t like it. Turning another year older is better than the alternative, right? Yep!

Birthdays should not be gloomy. Birthdays should be a happy. A time for celebrating YOUR special day!

Like a brilliant light (maybe it came from so many candles aglow on my birthday this past year), the notion popped in my mind, “Why not honor my lovelies in Blogosphere on her/his birthday?

Everyone likes being remembered on their birthday, even if it’s a short warm, fuzzy message. Speaking from experience this tiny gesture really brightens my day and if I were a betting gal, then I’d have to say it does the same for you, too.

Last Thursday, I posed my 2TQ at the bottom of a very loooong post to see if whose interested in joining some birthday fun.  I got a few nibbles, but not nearly enough to make me hop for joy. I want soooo much to spotlight you — MY FRIENDS on the one day a year which highlights you because….specialtome

With that in mind, I’m casting my hook with a slightly revamped version of my T2Q with the hope to generate more interest. No harm ever comes from asking again, right? 😀

  1. Do you think it would be a fun feature on my blog to send out birthday greetings?


  1. Would you be interested in participating in this new weekly or monthly spotlight on my blog? If so, please leave your birthday (month, day,  & year or what you’re most comfortable doing) and your home page URL in my comments.


This post is linking up with two of my favorite blog hops. In Miss Jenny’s weekly Alphabe-Thursday classroom, today’s homework assignments is the letter “H” and my questions are linking up with Miss Amanda in her latest edition of Thursday Two Questions.  Why not come join us?

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