
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Games People Play #music #artprompt

Thinking about Rain’s art prompt my mind went to the old song, Game People Play.  That’s not what Rain is looking for with her ‘board games/game night‘ art prompt and none of us certainly  like games people play.  Those kind of games only zap one of his/her energy and sanity.  Rain’s challenge did took me back to the days when we spent the weekends with DH’s parents in southern WV.  There isn’t a lot to do there, except to visit with family and that’s not at all a bad thing. In fact, we really loved it.  The evening hours were often filled with playing board games. Aggravation, checkers, or Dominoes were the top picks. We even went through a phase of playing Texas Hold ’em.  Papaw was a world champ playing aggravation!


We bought the board game Aggravation so that we could play at home.  It was a great game for a family of five.  After the kids got older we played a lot of backgammon.  We’d take turns two start off and the winner of that game plays someone new continuing to everyone had a chance.  DH could barely be beaten until the kids got older and wiser they learned strategy becoming pretty good.  I was awful usually.   What’s cool about our Backgammon set is it was a Christmas gift that DH got from his middle brother and wife when we were dating I think and we still have it!

Looking for inspiration on the Internet I was reminded of our early years how we’d play charades with our Sunday School class.  I was horrible acting out and trying to figure out the clues.  

I did this sketch hurriedly. I see a number of mistakes but that’ll give me something to work on another day. 😉

When I went to YouTube to look for South’s recording of “Game People Play”, I was reminded that The Spinners released a song (1975) wtih the same title.

I’m taking Brian’s lead counting my blessings with the Thankful Thursday community. 

  • I’m thankful to have had a fine man for our president for the last four years.  Donald J. Trump did much for our country despite what some might say.  He wasn’t perfect but I felt he had the best interest at heart, the American people.
  • I’m thankful for our good health.  We’re soon approaching the year march here in America when most businesses shut their doors including doctor appointments shut their doors to the public for period until safety protocol was put in place and then limited scheduling allowed. 
  • I’m thankful that businesses are opening again even though it’s not like before.  I continue to be thankful for home grocery deliveries.  This keeps us from having to go into a store. 
  • I’m deeply grateful that DH has not lost a day’s pay and is able to work from home.  His employer is having wonderful success with their employees independent, reliable work ethics away from the office.  That’s a beautiful thing!

I’m winding things up today with Kat’s Writing Workshop.  Writing was my first passion. I hope to revive this dormant side of me before it becomes a lost art altogether. This week I’m inspired to write a list of 7 ideas to make this your best year yet.

  1. Listen to more music if that’s even possible.
  2. Doodle, doodle, and doodle more.
  3. Bake more, like as in my 12 Months of Cookies idea I mentioned a few days ago.
  4. Use writing prompts to jiggle my memory.
  5. Get into a bigger, more comfortable home
  6. Exercise. Yes, exercise. I fell off the band wagon last year and I need to get going again. I have one life, one body, and I want to make the most of it.
  7. To continue finding solace in God’s arms whenever life’s worries become too much.  He is in control always. 


Yesterday, I asked a few questions regarding long posts and I’m seeking honest answers, so please tell me.  Do you mind it when I do a double or triple play with my posts?   I try to squeeze all I can into one post.  Part of me believes this is a good way to expose folks to what’s going on and perhaps give people a chance to join the a new daily hop and then the other side tells me that I’m swamping people.  Do you read everything or glean over the content to find the section you’re interested in?  Again, be honest.  This may influence how I choose to do things in the future. 

Alright, I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse through the gallery of artistry and you’re welcome to follow along!  I’ll be back tomorrow with an edition of Friday Fun Stuff chockful of giggles, fill-ins, & more! Come join the fun! X💋X💋, Cathy

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24 thoughts on “Games People Play #music #artprompt

  1. Those old school game day pictures are too perfect! I just love looking at vintage moments that were captured on film like that. And I love your list, totally intrigued by the cookie baking!

  2. The Joe South tune is one of Laurie’s faves (Even more the flip, Don’t It Make You Want To Go Home), and the Spinners’ song is one of mine.

  3. lol, I remember that song. We played it a lot when it was on the lists. But the last one I never heard. I never really liked playing games and my grsndkids always thought I was boring 🙁
    Take care,

  4. Honestly, Cathy…However you choose to write and share posts is completely your choice. If people are interested in a particular subject, they’ll linger and enjoy. Like any art form, writing is a personal expression of someone’s thoughts. Go with whatever flow pleases you!

    Now, as far as Mama Kat’s Workshop response, I liked what you shared and hope that #5 is something that happens soon for you!

    Stay safe!

  5. That’s a hilarious funny Cathy…I’d say a perfect “mimbo” lol! 😉 Charades!!! Oh my gosh I played that a lot as a young adult with friends when we’d get together for a few drinks. Lots of fun and you drawing is lovely! Nice photos and memories of playing board games…I never heard of Aggravation! Sounds neat! I do the same as you, I pack in as much as I can since I only post once a week now, so that works for me! Games people play…yes, I don’t understand it. With me it’s what you see is what you get and I’m very much into clear honest communication!

  6. You have never written a word or shared a painting that I was bored or overwhelmed with. I enjoy your wit and talents and if I were you, I wouldn’t change anything … this is your blog, after all and you should be able to use it in the way you enjoy using it. I love your pictures of your family playing games. We played games at my house too, but it was mostly between kids. My family had what we called family time while all still sitting at the dinner table. We all talked about what we did during the day, what we learned in school, asked questions that needed asking, shared opinions … it was a warm, accepting time and we learned a lot about how to treat people with kindness and accept ideas, even thought we didn’t agree with them. I hadn’t thought about those time in a while so your post prompted some wonderful memories for me … thank you for that. As for your hurried sketch … mistakes? What mistakes? … it is art, you don’t make mistakes in art … art is an expression of an idea in the moment it is not a school assignment. It doesn’t have to be perfect and to be honest, if there are “mistakes” you are the only one who can see them. You do make me smile … you and I have many different ideas about life, but I find you to be a joy and wouldn’t trade the time I spend with you over here for anything. Stay well, Cathy 🙂

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  7. Excellent post, Cathy! I enjoy your posts and yours is one of the few, I read rather than scan. Posts that are long with no images or divisions or with a feint font, I tend to scan. I agree with Debbie D. about using some sort of page divider. 😉

  8. I love the board games you shared. I never played Aggravation. It’s new to me. I DID play chess and checkers, though. Your photos are fabulous.

    It’s ironic you should ask us to comment on multiple context since for once, I did the same. I don’t do that, but time was not on my side this week. I guess I’ll find out if it worked for me, because it appears people think it works for you. I figure my posts are long enough as it is, I don’t need to add more content. I did like your bucket list and I read every word, but wouldn’t want to do that with every blog I visit. I have too many people I have to answer to and absorbing every word takes time. Thanks for asking, though.

  9. What lovely memories you have of games in your family! You don’t put too much in the posts, at least i do not think so. While i may not comment on everything because i sometimes have limited time to read and still do my posts, i do enjoy what you publish.

  10. I love your thankfuls, even though I’m not a Trump fan. I also love your list of ideas to make 2021 the best year yet. Baking is so much fun.

  11. Those are really good thankfuls and we enjoyed your photos and your art too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. Da,da,da da,da,da,da,da… I remember and like both of these song. Ah the days of board games. Thanks for the memories of great Games. Mind and People Games, Nah, not for me!

  13. Thanks for sharing the Joe South song – it brings back a lot of memories. ♥ Speaking of memories, I enjoyed your family photos and memoir, as well. And, the sketch looks fine!

    It is fortunate that your hubby can work from home, when so many have lost their jobs. My hubby is still working too, but has to go in. It’s a bit concerning, because there are over 1000 people at the plant. Thankfully, there were only a couple of COVID outbreaks, in a different department.

    Your posts are always interesting and entertaining, but sometimes they do seem a bit “ram crammed”, when you combine several different prompts on one page. May I offer a suggestion? Use some kind of a page divider, like a scroll, between subjects. Here’s an article on the subject:

  14. Fun Post! I love playing games, although it’s been far too long since I’ve played either a card game or board game. Our favorites were Monopoly, Gin Rummy and Uno.

  15. I sometimes miss your posts as you know but I do enjoy reading them and always like your pictures. I have been to some other blogs where it is one long written post about one thing and not interspersed with pictures so I think your posts seem ok to me. I love board games but never played Aggravation. It sounds like it is a good game to play. I love Charades and your art piece is funny. Don’t hate me but I am so happy Biden is in and orange man is out and I am also glad Biden put a stop to the pipeline which I never wanted. I am also thankful that I can work from home.
    I hope to organize the boxes of pictures and make some scrapbooks for Christmas. I hope to get rid of some things that just gather dust(as long as my hubby doesn’t see as he is a packrat).

    1. Birgit,

      I worry sometimes about my content being too long. I don’t want to bore people. I always love it when you visit, too.

      Of course, I don’t hate you for liking Biden. True friendship is being able to see past different views and still have a bond.

      I had to laugh about getting rid of stuff just as long as hubby doesn’t see you doing it. DH is the same way. I periodically ask him about stuff, sometimes he says toss it and others it’s keep it. I’m like but you never use it! The good news is he isn’t quite the packrat that he used to be, though.

      1. Thank you. I am on Facebook and my cousin and his wife love Trump. She posts a lot of things about Trump but also hateful things so I did post a funny where someone took the “So Long, Farewell” song from The Sound Of Music and created a funny anti trump song. She has known me since she met my cousin(he will be 80 tis year and I love him to bits) when I was around 8 yrs old. Well, she wrote, ” You people should look at your own government. You are rude and ignorant.” I have to say I was incensed and told her we all have a difference of opinion and that is aok but that she crossed the line when she made it personal. She apologized in a message later saying she meant to say the song piece was rude but it went out before she could correct it. I don’t believe her. I think my cousin, who loved my mom deeply, told her to apologize because he doesn’t want to lose me. He won’t but I really couldn’t believe it. Mind you, I am not the happiest with Trudeau and many of our MP plus others taking off during lockdown to have a fun time in the tropics. Now our Governor General resigned, the first time ever, amid major abuses she did and created a work environment that was very caustic. I tell ya, politics is just nasty.

  16. Charade o that was always somehow not so good for me, you painted a great picture for it!I think it’s so cute the photos! Great Videos!!!

  17. I love your posts however you want to put them out. I love your thankful things. We are so alike.

    Love the photographs of past years. I was looking at some of ours the other day. Fond memories.

    Love your drawing. I don’t see the mistakes, but then I’m not an artist.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

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