Friday Sillies

Friday Sillies: Random giggles

Okay, it’s not gonna be me.  I love my iPhone! Lets hear three hip-hip-hooray for capitalism!

I think Snoopy and DH are related…


Old technology teaches new technology a new trick…

I know what you’re thinking…


Finishing things up today, here’s my response to Hilary’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun statements.

  1. Daffodils in bloom remind me of Easter and Christ’s resurrection.
  2. I find eating slippery, slimy foods very difficult and disgusting to eat.
  3. My kin-people are scattered mainly throughout the southeast despite most were born in the Mountaineer state.
  4.  Too much liberalism is ruining this country! What we need is strong, conservative leadership!

Keep smiling and a have laughtastic weekend!




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