Friday Sillies

Friday Sillies: Funny Cats on YouTube


Thanks for sharing part of your day with me. I have some funny cat YouTube videos to share with you. Grab a cup of coffee to settle in for some giggles on Friday Sillies with Funny cats on YouTube!


Finishing things up today, here’s my response to Hilary’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun statements.

  1. This week I had to schedule eye exams for us, and then a mammogram, & GYN visit for myself.  I’ll be good to get these appointments done for the year but I still need to set up my GI appointment. However, I don’t know who to go to within the practice now that my doctor has passed away. How do I find the perfect replacement?
  2. Honestly, do you think Russia is going to listen to the USA or that commi-Obama really cares what’s going on with the Ukrainian people? After all, if he and minions had their way they would like a dictatorship in America. It pays to stand watch over every move by a liberal politician so that our freedoms are not destroyed.
  3. Only the good die young. Age is a relative term, someone who passes at 50 seems young anymore.
  4. If I had I had a million dollars I would build a modest dream house, buy new  furniture, get a new car, take a vacation, help our family members,  invest in the stock market, pad our savings account, and enjoy life a little.

For my photo enthusiast bloggers, check out this week’s Skywatch Friday post.

Keep smiling and a have laughtastic weekend!

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Click here for Friday Funnies.




  • Rory Bore

    Thankfully my doctor is even younger than I — but she is originally from New Zealand so I do worry that she will return there at some point. She is awesome.

    The girls watched the cat videos with me – and loved every second. We had just finished watching a whole bunch of Simon’s Cat videos – if you have not seen them, check it out. they’re hilarious.
    It’s a kitty cat day around here! LOL

    • Cathy Kennedy

      The thing my doctor was only 6-years older than me. I was told he had cancer, but I don’t know what kind. I figured it must have an agressive kind because I had no clue to any illness when I saw him last October and in December I got a notice he was on medical leave. Really sad. But, today is supposed to be about laughter. Maybe Dr. L is smiling at these silly videos I shared. 🙂

      Yes, I have watched a few Simon’s cat videos before and they are funny. Thanks for stopping by, friend! BTW, I’m glad to hear your mother is doing better.

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