Wordless Wednesday

Forest City North Carolina #WW

Welcome Kittens & Dawgs! I hope y’all are enjoying the New Year so far. I know it’s too early to tell how things will play out but let’s hope for the best shall we?  I thought about doing a recap of photos taken last year but I didn’t do lot of photographing. I will share a picture or two taken over our Christmas break.

I shared this one in my Christmas Day post.

We’ve wanted to visit Forest City, North Carolina for the last two to three years after discovering it on the web but we never made it until now.  It’s a beautiful little town totally decked for the holidays!

Next year, we are going to make every effort to visit earlier in the season. I used my big girl camera for the first time in months and being out of synch many of my shots were under exposed considerably, so I had to use Pixelmator to lighten them just a bit. I hope you still enjoyed the stroll through this small Christmasy town.

[tweetthis]I linked up with Curious as a Cathy for some not-so #WW fun & I invite you join the party! #photography[/tweetthis]

Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.

1. It’s that time of year again…time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words (or phrases) they’d like to see banished (for over-use, misuse, or general uselessness) in 2018. You can read more about the decision-making process and word meaning here, (broken link, removed) but this year’s top vote getters are- unpack, dish (as in dish out the latest rumor), pre-owned, onboarding/offboarding, nothingburger, let that sink in, let me ask you this, impactful, Cofefe, drill down, fake news, hot water heater (hot water doesn’t need to be heated), and gig economy.  Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you’d like to add?  This sort of thing makes no difference to me. It seems like a waste of time to worry about what words are in or out. So, I really don’t have an opinion on it one way or the other, I will use what ever word(s) suit my mood.

  1. What’s something you need to get rid of in the new year? Other than weight, I’d have to say a whole lot of stuff. In recent years we made a stab at getting rid of items around the house but there’s still a lot more of organizing and tossing yet to do. I suspect if we’re able to move into a new place this year then it’ll be easier for us to sort through the rumble to decide what goes and what gets thrown away. However until that time, I hope to get rid of some things before said time. It certainly will make life easier on down the line if I can do that now.
  2. Where do you feel stuck? Sometimes,  I feel stuck in this house. It’s been a long time dream of mine to be in a bigger place. Last year, we casually looked for a new place but with DH’s eye health and restrictions we couldn’t do anything more.  We hope this year will be the year we actually can do something. Of course, he has two more surgeries set for this spring so I’m not sure if we’ll find ourselves in the same situation as last year but I certainly hope we can work around it better this year so to not put things off another year.

4. January is National Soup Month. When did you last have a bowl of soup? Was it made from scratch or from a can? Your favorite canned soup? Your favorite soup to make from scratch on a cold winter’s day? I had home-made chilli but I’m not sure if that counts as a soup, though.  I reckon the last time I had soup was from a can and more than likely it was tomato soup.  My favorite soup is Beef Stew and I plan on making a large pot of that really soon. We still have plenty of Christmas dinner left overs, so we’ll have this until its gone.

  1. Tell us one thing you’re looking forward to in 2018. The one thing I’m looking forward to this year is getting into a new home. This is a dream but I’m hoping to turn that dream into reality. This is the first time I feel closer to turning my dream into reality, though.  Of course, as I mentioned in #3 everything hinges on DH’s upcoming surgeries. It’s difficult to do these things with health-relate limitations. I’m trusting God to make a way for us.
  • Insert your own random thought here. On the night, we went to Forest City, we made a slight detour going home to see Biltmore Village.  I didn’t take any pictures there but I captured the image below of the Gate House to Biltmore estates across the street with my iPhone. It sorta reminds me of gingerbread house. 🙂
  • Have a good day and I invite you to join me tomorrow for the return of Thursday Two Questions (#T2Q)!





    • jodaley

      We live only about an hour from Biltmore and really wanted to go this Christmas season. It seemed like the calendar filled up before we knew it, and we never made it. Maybe next year! Happy new year to you. Good luck with your decluttering and the house hunt!

      • Cathy Kennedy


        Biltmore at Christmas is gorgeous! You’re closer to Asheville than us. I just wish it weren’t so expensive. Maybe one day we can see it again. 🙂 Thanks for the well wishes for the new year, my friend. Many happy returns to you, too!!

    • ghostmmnc

      Looks like a charming town, and the big window display is so pretty! I’ve never been to NC but for some reason that state fascinates me. Love to see photos of it. 🙂

      • Cathy Kennedy

        We visit the western North Carolina periodically throughout the year since the small communities I photograph aren’t too far from Knoxville. The Appalachian mountains which comprise the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Smoky’s are nearby most of the town and tourism help these areas. We like visiting them because they are generally quaint and homey feeling. We grew up in a southern West Virginia, so it’s nice to visit places like this. Thanks for visiting! 😉

    • XmasDolly

      Holy Cow Girlfriend, we’re talking totally awesome here! My favorite too of the ginger bread house…. ooops, I mean the Gate House! Love, love, love it!!!! Lovely pics and thanks soooo very much for sharing my friend! BIG HUGS!

      • Cathy Kennedy


        You’re most welcome, my friend! We love to see small communities decorated for the holidays. It was simply a gorgeous sight. I’m so glad we got to go finally this year and now that we’ve seen it in person, we want to return next Christmas season. 🙂

      • Cathy Kennedy


        It is a nice place at Christmas time anyhow. I’d like to go back after the weather warms to see what the town has to offer. I was surprised they didn’t have a candy shop. I think something like that would do well, especially around the Christmas season. I have no clue if they get much tourism other times of the year.

    • Stacy

      Lovely pictures, thank you for sharing them! I will probably never get to that cute little town so it was nice to have a virtual tour.
      I have long thought moving to a new house would make it easier to sort through stuff and get rid of a lot of it. I don’t expect to ever move again, though. These days I’m just hoping to add a large living room on and turn our current living room into a large dining room.
      Good luck with all your dreams and Happy New Year!

      • Cathy Kennedy


        Thanks for the return visit. I’m delighted you enjoyed the virtual light display of Forest City. I’ll let you know if and when we move the outcome of getting better organized. 🙂

    • messymimi

      That’s a pretty town!

      My hope is that your husband has an easy time with his surgeries and that you do get into a new place very soon.

      • Cathy Kennedy


        Thanks! I hope things go well with DH’s surgeries,too. With the retina reattachment it’s a constant care progress with special eye drops but thankfully he’s down to using only one kind of drops now 2 or 3 times daily. That’s a relief. I reckon he’ll have a similar post-op care when he has the other surgeries in the spring. Well…I’m praying that we do get into a new home this year. It’s been a long time dream and prayer for us to do this. I remind myself of the blessings we have and that if things don’t work out then it’ll be alright. I just hope God opens the purrfect opportunity for us and directs us to it. It’s a huge step and we’ll be strapped with a mortage again which I’m looking forward to but if God brings us to it then we’ll happily do it.

    • Birgit

      The pictures are quite beautiful and the town looks picturesque. I think it needs snow though:) Right now we have -22C here so pretty darn cold and the snow is pretty. I would love to get rid of some things but need to do this when hubby is not at home which is rare. I look forward to walking and not being in so much pain. I am not a soup person but my hubby is and he makes an excellent turkey soup. I have to say I do miss my mom’s chicken noodle soup

      • Cathy Kennedy


        Yeah, snow would’ve been purrfect in that little town! The western NC mountains get some snow. Asheville is a little higher in elevation than Knoxville, so they are more likely to get colder or snowier weather than us. I hear what you mean about the hubs. I have the same problem with mine but in all fairness, he’s coming around. He’s not nearly as bad to hang on to things as he was in the early years of our marriage. At least he’s learning to let go. 🙂 Seriously, you’re not a soup person? I love soups on cold days! It’s the purrfect thing to knock on the chill. I don’t make it often, though. Home-made chicken noodle soup sounds good. The turkey soup your hubby makes is it turkey noodle or something else? I made turkey noodle before but I like chicken noodle better. Keep warm and hopefully, your pain will decrease or go away altogether.

        • Birgit

          He makes the soup with rice and lots of veggies. I know, I think I am the only person in the world who is not a soup person. I eat it but I don’t miss it and rarely ask for it.

    • Marv

      Lovely photos! and Hodge Podge!
      PS if you want to know what caused that look on my face, come back to Marvelous is marvelous tomorrow and find out!

      • Cathy Kennedy

        Thanks for the return visit, Marv, and invite to learn why you look the way you do in yesterday’s photo. I’m heading that way right now. Have purrfect day! 😉

    • Patrick Weseman

      What a cool town to visit during the holiday season. Thanks for sharing and thanks for hosting. I don’t really eat soup but chicken noodle is the only one for me.

      • Cathy Kennedy


        Thanks for stopping in for the look back at last month’s festivities. You’re the second person who’s said they aren’t soup people. I don’t eat a lot of it but I definitely love it and wished I made it more often. Have a good day!

      • Cathy Kennedy


        Thanks! Forest City is a pretty little town at Christmas. The night we went over the temperature wasn’t too bad but by the time the sun set it got a bit chilly. It was a nice way to spend the Friday before Christmas.

      • Cathy Kennedy


        Thanks for the good luck wishes and for stopping in for a peek at the lights! I must admit, I’m a bit confused by the string of numbers below your text. Did your pup decide to leave a comment, too? 😀

    • Driller's Place

      I love how small communities decorate for the holidays. If the gatehouse at Biltmore is decorated like that, one can only imagine how the main house looks. Have a blessed week.

      • Cathy Kennedy


        We visited Biltmore once at Christmas many years ago and it was breathtakingly beautiful! Every room and hall decked for the season. I’ve wanted to return for years but have yet to do it. The tickets are just too pricey and I’m not willing to fork over the big bucks. Oh well…maybe one day, we’ll go again. 🙂

    • Thomas Anderson

      Hi, Cathy!

      I admire the pictures you snapped of enchanting holiday lights. One word I would like to see eliminated from the American vocabulary is “hate.” I need to get rid of my old pair of Sketchers Shape-Ups performance shoes because, after five years of daily use for exercise, they are coming apart. Unfortunately the Sketchers company has discontinued this line as a result of a $40 M class action lawsuit claiming it misled customers with its advertising. They were the best workout shoes I ever owned! We went shopping yesterday and I found a new pair of athletic shoes for my workouts but I don’t think I will like them as much as those Shape-Ups. Mrs. Shady makes delicious soups from scratch. We enjoyed some of her homemade vegetable beef soup a week ago. I agree that the best canned soup is tomato. Clearly you and DH are yearning for that new home. I hope next year at this time you are nestled into it and happy as can be.

      Have a wonderful Wednesday, dear friend Cathy!

      • Cathy Kennedy


        I hate it when something I love gets removed from production. Normally, when I find what I like and if I can afford it at the time I’ll buy a spare one or two. I’m having issues finding athletic shoes that I like, too. It’s really difficult to find shoes that are feminine yet give me the protection needed. I like mid-height tennis shoes for ankle support. Using my elliptical most anything will work but for every day on the go wear, mid-height athletic shoes is what I wear. Mmm, so Mrs. Shady is a soup maker. I bet her veggie beef soup is good. My MIL used to make a corned beef and cabbage soup that was delicious. I haven’t made that in years. I may have to do that sometime soon, though. Thanks for the happy wishes for us to get into a new home this year. It is really what we want. Have a good day, my friend and thanks for stopping by!

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