
Fall is Everywhere!

Fall is all around us.  Wherever we look…wherever we are… fall is everywhere! There are simple pleasures to behold and simple pleasures to bestow. Local artist, Jim Gray, depicts the season beautifully in his painting, ‘Autumn Shadows’.

Jim Gray The Great Smoky Mountains collection

Pleasures to behold…In the foreground, Mr. Gray delights our senses with the burnt shades of orange, yellow, and red on his canvas. You can almost smell the autumn fields musky, woodsy scent and the sweet, crispness of a breeze rustle through the valley. Suddenly, your eyes are drawn to the mountains’ shadowing hues of purple and blue. My breath is taken away just a bit. My heart yearns to re-visit these mountains…these mountains I call home…these mountains known to millions as The Great Smoky Mountains!

Pleasures to bestow….are gifts from the heart and home. Small pleasures of autumn’s fragrances: the sniff of cinnamony goodness in a hot apple pie cooling or the sweetness of molasses cookies baking or a whiff of hot cocoa on the stove top.


Or the gift of a new day from Our Creator and the chance to see an East Tennessee sunrise from atop Clingmans Dome.


Silhoutte of DH and Brittany @ 3mos of age. You can’t even see her in the picture because she’s snugly inside an infant front carry pouch. It made me think of a backpack with openings for the head, legs, and arms. 🙂


And, the joyful blessings from above watching little children playing outdoors on a fair October day!

Fall 1994 swing set fun with my darling three: Austin, Brittany, and Nicole


The sights, sounds, and taste of fall’s glorious celebration comes in an abundance through God’s love for me and you. I don’t want to miss a minute of it with my family in my lovely East Tennessee home. Wherever we look… wherever we are… fall is everywhere!

For more “Fall Anything” posts, click below.

Thanks, Miss Jenny for hosting!Save



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