TV Shows

DWTS Returns!

It’s back! Dancing with the Stars is back that is. Last week DWTS gave us a prelude into the new season, but the real kick-off of season 12 was last night. Did you get a chance to tune in?

There is some good talent among the stars this season. I love watching this show! Usually, it takes me a few episodes to pick my top stars, but not so this time.

My personal favorites are: Chelsea Kane The Disney Dream Girl, Petra Nemcova The Super Model Survivor, Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing’s Best, Ralph Macchino The karate Kid, Hines Ward Pittsburgh Steelers’ Wide Receiver, Romeo The Prince of Hip Hop, and Kirstie Alley Cheer’s. These stars show the most talent, as well as the most enjoyable to watch perform.


Of all the stars I listed, it surprised me to see that Ralph Macchino has a nature talent on the dance floor. Who would have guessed? Not me, that’s for sure! Perhaps, his Karate Kid days paved the way for him to step into his dancing shoes with style. I mean, you must have coördination and flexibility to do Marshall Arts. These are two ingredients which work in favor of learning how to dance, in my opinion.

Ralph and Karina

In the past seasons on DWTS when they had a football great as part of their cast, then the football field is where their talent stopped – a bit left footed and rigid. Not that I didn’t liking watching them despite their lack of dancing talent. I always enjoyed seeing some of my favorite football legions getting foot loose or at least trying their best. Secretly I would hope they’d improve enough to take the win. I wasn’t expecting too much with Hines Ward, but would you know it, he delighted me when he took the floor. It’s wonderful to see Hines isn’t just good for scoring touch downs. I’m impressed!

Hines & Kym

Tonight someone gets voted off. It’s always a little interesting to see who stays and goes, but it’s also the toughest part to watch. I’d have to say Wendy Williams is my least favorite. She could really use some magic slippers to help her on the dance floor. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that none of my favorites get voted off, as I watch tonight’s elimination round. Stay tune for an update tomorrow!


  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Rebecca…there is a little bit of dancer in all of us. I know this is why I love the show. Of course, I bee-bop around the house all the time despite my lack of ability to actually know how to dance. LOL. Fixing to hop over to your blog. Thanks for the visit!

  • Rebecca Mecomber

    Believe it or not, I have never seen this show! I haven’t seen TV in a long time (@20 years). I do watch some Internet TV, but I miss a lot of stuff… have never seen American Idol, Survivor, etc.

    But it’s nice to know that dancing — elegant dancing!– has made a bit of a comeback. This would probably be a show I;d like to see.

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