Twitter seems like such a big deal. I mean, people look at you strange, if you don’t tweet. I have a Twitter account. I tweet on occasions about my posts or re-tweet someone’s posts. That’s it. Tweets aren’t pushed to my phone unless someone mentions me.
Here lately, I began questioning what use is my Twitter account serving. The bottom line is, is Twitter helping me? Eh, I don’t know. Do you Tweet? How is it working for you?
Since I brought up the subject on Twitter, I would like for you to do me one favor. I’ve played Monday’s Music Moves Me for some time. Marie from Xmas Dolly is hostess of this weekly meme. She really wants to boost awareness and participants of this get-to-your-feet & dance hop . If you’ll be a sweetheart, then can you click Help, I’ve Gotta Boogie Fever! and tweet the news to all of your bloggy friends?
Photo editing is one of my newest hobbies. I like repairing old pictures. We have Corel Photo Shop and Adobe Photo Elements. One is easier to work on certain applications than the other, but for the life of me I can’t understand why both programs don’t have the same features. I need both programs to do what I want. What’s your thoughts about photo editing software? Do you own your own or do you use online photo editing? What frustrates you most about using these types of programs?
Sunday was my brother’s birthday. He would have been 46. I can’t help, but remember special days associated with him. Why, I can’t keep myself from jotting his name down on my calendar every year. Do you ever stop looking at the calendar when someone you love has passed away? Part of me is afraid, I’ll forget. I guess this is why I refuse to not keep him included in my life in this small way. Does that sound crazy?
Blogger introduced an editing layout several months ago. They called it an upgrade, but aren’t upgrades supposedly improvements? To be honest, I don’t think it’s as good as it was before the “upgrade”. The program acts sluggish now. Are you experiencing any problems with the Blogger upgrade?
The weather has been so unusual, unusually warm this spring. This is the first April I’ve worn my shorts. Normally, it’s a bit too cool on my legs to even think about wearing shorts. We have run our AC because it get too hot in the house as the day stretches into the afternoon. What do you think the weather will be like this summer? My fear is it’ll be suffocating, but it may surprise us all and instead it’ll be an unusually wet, cool summer.
The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and brighter. I am speaking of our final mortgage payment is insight. By mid-June, we’ll make our last payment and this house will be ours for good. What I find really interesting is, my deep desire to move into another place – my dream home with a couple of dozen or more acres of land! Life is to be enjoyed, and that’s precisely what I’m going to do.
Laughter is the best medicine you can never get enough of. This morning, my long-time, west coast friend sent this to me. It made me smile. Allow me to bring you a few laughs (despite the many truths in this parody) to your day, too.
Oops, it appears another YT video got yanked and no longer valid. Unfortunately I am an unable to plug it back in for your amusement.
For more random Tuesday musings or simply to have some fun visiting a friend over a cup of coffee, then hop with me.
Take a few minutes to enjoy a cup of coffee with your blog friends, as you enjoy some random reflections, considerations, or brooding. While you’re at it, join in on the fun – create your own post and link up! Have a terrific Tuesday!
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I’m a random tweeter, I’m very hot and cold with it. The same is true with FB I’m either on it all of the time or not at all.
I think keeping important people on your calendar after their death is the best way to make sure you never forget them. I find nothing crazy about that at all!
I am so beyond jealous that your house is almost paid off. I think we’ll be making payment after death!
Thanks for linking up with us!
I am sorry about your brother… but, I don’t think you ever stop looking at the calendar. I know, I don’t. My dad passed away almost 24 years ago, and his b-day still hits me….
I like twitter, but don’t use it enough – just not enough time in a day
I have a Twitter account, but I don’t do much with it aside from having my blog posts tweet automatically like a twit.
I do send off a Tweet once in a blue moon, or if I’m on vacation and can randomly send text tweets when I’m bored. I suppose at some point I should make it a point to spend time on there, but I like interaction and sending out random tweets and getting no response isn’t very fun. 
I’ve always used PhotoShop for my photo editing – right now I’m on version CS5 that I bought around Black Friday time and haven’t really needed anything else. Though Corel has some great features (and I bought that, too, but haven’t taught myself how to use it…yet!)
I’ve not had anyone that close pass away yet – closest was my FIL a year ago this past October…but I wasn’t close to him like a brother, but I do think of him on his birthday. I think if my brother ever passed away I’d never stop looking at the calendar.
Blogger frustrated me with their constant ‘upgrades’ and changes so I went self-hosted WordPress over a year ago and haven’t looked back.
I worry with this freakishly hot weather we’re having that the summer might be even more freakishly hot. I hope it’s the opposite and it ends up being an unusually cool summer…I could live with that.
Yay on your final mortgage payment! Isn’t it funny that now your house is almost paid off you are thinking of moving into a dream home with a couple dozen more acres? That’s what we’re doing – when my FIL passed he left some money, so we paid off the house and now are getting it ready to sell next spring so we can move back West where my family is…into a dream home with lots of acreage so I can have a brick-and-mortar wine and gift shop and winery.
OK, I’ve pretty much filled up your comments thing…thanks for helping keep the random alive each week!
Time Flies, Mother Nature’s Hot Flash, Princess Nagger’s Final Words
Thanks for stopping by! I agree about blogger’s ‘upgrade’
Sorry about your brother – I don’t think the loss ever really goes away. I’ve had two close friends pass away and I constantly wonder what I’d be doing differently if they were with me.
I’m afraid of forgetting my grandparents. They’ve passed away one last year one in 2007 and one in 2008. I started a tradition with my hubby that we go to dinner every year on my grandma’s birthday to her favorite restaurant. So I understand how you feel about feeling like you might forget. It’s sad and scary to think about.
I have a Twitter account and it seems to be helpful in bringing traffic to my blog. The weather here was nice in March but seems to have taken a dive in temps in April. I still write down the birthdays of loved ones who’ve passed.
Blogger and Google are driving e crazy with their updates.
Have a great Tuesday!
I always keep important deaths on my calendar. I don’t want to forget even if I don’t think I would.
I have a twitter but I’m like you. I don’t do much with it. Sometimes when I’m bored, I’ll stalk it for a while. That’s about it.
I don’t know about the upgrade. I didn’t do it yet and it hasn’t made me. I HATE change. I’m not good with it at all.
Thanks for linking up with us!!
I still keep my Grandpa and Grandma on my calendar. It reminds me to spend a day thinking about them and the memories I have of them.
I still send my other Grandma flowers on her and my passed away Grandpa’s anniversary.
I tweet. when I change my facebook status I also send it to twitter. Random crap to both.
I love blogger. I was using the “new upgrade” before it went to everyone. I do not post from blogger, I use windows live blogger. I’m not using a work pc so I can load it on both of my home pcs. the live blogger is easy to use and loads to blogger without a problem.
I’m not a fan of the Blogger “Upgrade” either. Photos load more slowly and I really don’t like the dashboard set up at all. I do like the changes to the post drafting page, but that’s the only good thing about it. It’s particularly hard to navigate on my netbook.
No one THAT close to me has ever passed away but I know that my husband will suddenly remember if it’s his late mother’s birthday and I always feel this odd sadness. It’s so hard to explain.