Wild Wednesdays

Country Church

Thank you for joining me for another edition of Pencil Sketch Inspired Procreate Recreation Art Series Part 2. For those not familiar with what I’m doing, I’m picking up from last year’s A to Z Challenge theme more or less displaying artwork I would’ve shared in April had I participated in the annual event.  

Originally, I shared today’s pencil sketch in 2019 with the Scribble Picnic art community.  I felt my Procreate colorized illustration needed something more, something even Pixelmator photo-editor couldn’t give to my satisfaction and decided to turn my illustration into a painting-like image using the app Brushstrokes.

Pencil sketch


My depiction of a country church is based on the one I went to as a kid. It sat on a hill just above our house. Every Sunday morning, the bell rang minutes before the service started. Often times, we found ourselves running to get there on time.

Brushstrokes rendition of Procreate illustration

Beginning tomorrow after DH’s gets off from work, I am taking a temporary bogging break to spend time with him.  We’re using his vacation days to have fun in our own backyard.  Not literally but you know in our area.  Vacations don’t have to be faraway or fancy just as long as you’re doing something you enjoy and that’s what we’re going to do.  In my absence, you’ll find normal posts to publish on time. Coming up on Sunday I will reveal the winner from last week’s Helter Skelter BOTB Showdown.   This is CAAC signing off with Church Bells by Carrie Underwood. Have a doodletastic day!  X💋X💋, Cathy 

I am joining the wonderful Wordless Wednesday community hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus!


  • Stephen T. McCarthy

    Very nice, CAThy!
    I can almost hear the hymns wafting through the air and rising up to Heaven.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t know if it’s just mean and old country churches are a big part of my grassroots, but I feel God presences the best in those down-to-earth settings. I think it’s my emotional ties causing me to draw from God’s energy in these places in particular. I think no matter where we are with Christ abiding in us, then we are prong to sense God’s touch more easily because we know who we serve and who the Creator of all is. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and we’ll be sure to have a fabulous time! 😉

  • Marie

    Oh wow, I’m so happy for you two. What a great idea! Is it your second, third or fouth Honeymoon… 🙂 ? 🙂 You two have a wonderful time, be happy, be in love. It’s a wonderful thing you’re doing and a good time. It’s beautiful in the autumn out there I’m sure. Hope you take some pictures to share… if not a nice memory will do! Hugs, hugs and more hugs!!! You rest and have fun… I mean it now… you better listen to me or I’ll tell Robin on you! hahahahahaha Love you Cathy girl… as my granddaughter would say love you all the way around your heart!!!! HUGS

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Autumn colors are beginning to show around town. I don’t expect to see wide spread change until the end of the month. Cooler nightly temperatures are moving into the area starting tomorrow night getting down to the low 40s. Whew, that’s gonna feel chilly! I plan to take pictures of anything that catches my eye. That’s part of the fun of running around either while on vacation or just goofing off for the day. I’m looking forward to the colors in the higher elevations in the mountains. What a cute saying by your granddaughter! Love you all the way around your heart, too! {{HUGS}}

  • Alana Mautone

    I love seeing country churches. Your church doesn’t look anything like the church across the street from the apartment building where I grew up, but it brought back its own set of memories for me. Let me share a link where you can see a picture of it. It wasn’t our church but when I was a child my friends and I would throw rice at weddings and attend their annual bazaar. One of my husband’s cousins was married there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immaculate_Conception_Church_(Bronx)

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Rural living is home to more modest style houses of worship. There was a catholic church in a nearby town while nothing as elaborate as the one from your childhood, it stood out from everything else in the area. It’s interesting how different lives are lived. I love the old steepled country churches with a bell in the tower! That’s really special to me. Here in Knoxville, we’ve visited and have been members of some rather large churches but none of them hold the same warmth as an old country church with its hard wooden pews. 🙂

  • Sandee

    I love your drawings. You’re so talented. Beautiful in black and white of color.

    Enjoy your time off with DH. I know you’ll have a great time. No you don’t need to travel far to enjoy your surroundings.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs, Cathy. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Thank you, Sandee! You’re so kind. We’re looking forward to removing ourselves from our normal daily routine and having fun. I hope the weather cooperates. I’m anxious to see what the fall colors are doing in the mountains. 🙂

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