I’m happy you decided to join me today. Today art is inspired by Rain’s Thursday Art Date prompt, “Fine Art: Pop Art”. Rain offered a brief description of what Pop Art but being a self-taught artist with little understand of the various artistic style and how they developed I feel ignorant even after reading what it’s suppose to be. I’m like the light is on but no one is home. When I think of Pop Art, comic book style images come to mind and so that’s the approach I took with my sketch this week.
In Procreate, I drew my gal then I added color by using the brush from the Texture library called Decimals to give it a newspaper print vibe.

I’m not sure why I wanted to illustrate a woman crying over a looser of a boyfriend other than it’s an easy emotion to capture visually. The next image is the same as the first, except I used my photo-editing program, Pixelmator. With the software, I liked how the Photographic 1 filter which primarily adjusted the background colors the most.
This week’s Thankful Thursday …
I’m thankful I have an appointment today to get my quarterly bio-identical hormone replacement therapy that was suppose to happen last month but the doctor was out of the office and it took this long to get a good time slot.
I’m thankful despite my low hormones the symptoms haven’t been so horrible. Usually, I get real bad brain fog where it’s kinda difficult to grasp things and I’m more forgettable which brings me to the conclusion that MAYBE the new brain supplements are working. Yep, we’re taking some with the hopes to improving our memory. Not that it’s bad but aging plays bad tricks on the mind and why wait until it’s obvious you’re in trouble?
I’m also thankful for my appointment tomorrow for my bi-annual eye exam. My prescription has changed so now insurance pays some on my new glasses. YAY!
Finally, I’m thankful for living in God’s beautiful country. A couple of weeks we were on the Blue Ridge Parkway, just south of Boone, NC. One of our favorite spots on the parkway is Price Lake. On that visit, I was stunned to see the lake emptied. This was the first time ever in the history of 40+ years of visits to the area to see this mystifying sight. I missed the opportunity to take a picture but we learned that hurricane Henry damaged the flood gate. Last Friday, we were back up there. I was happy to see the water level beginning to rise. We parked at the boat ramp to have a picnic. I thought it was interesting to see the stones stacked on the exposed shore line which will soon disappear and decided to immortalize the moment. DH said, “No human would stack rocks like this.” his spin of the Ghostbusters line, “No human would stack books like this.”

What you thankful for today?

Borrowing from Kat’s prompts, I will share with you, 5 Things I Miss About Going to School.
- Getting a new lunch box
- A brand new box of crayons
- New clothes
- Seeing friends
- fall weather
Wha do you miss about going to school? Anything? Everything? Or, you could less about those days?

I’m heading over to Rain’s Garden to browse the gallery of artistry. Drawing (pun-intended) music inspiration I’m pulling off the shelf a Smokey Robinson (1965) cover recorded by Linda Ronstadt 10-years later, Tracks of My Tears.
Join me tomorrow for a double punch with Friday Fun Stuff and Friday Funnies editions. That’s right editions with a ‘s’ as in more than one! Have a doodletastic day!

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Oh my gosh Cathy, I laughed so hard at your hubs Ghostbuster line hee hee… I’m picturing Bill Murray right now! Funny. Oh I miss bologna sandwiches with yellow mustard and butter on cheap white bread…though I’d never eat that now I miss that about school time!
Your art is wonderful! You understood Pop Art!!! And her line is just perfect!! I love her hair colour in the second image!
Another enjoyable post, Cathy!
Oddly enough, I was just talking with The Husband about Linda Ronstadt and, at the same time, her fabulous “When Will I Be Loved” came across the stereo. Such a tremendous talent and so very sad that she’s unable to perform any longer. Thanks for sharing.
Stay safe,
Hi, Cathy! You did a great job with the Pop Art. I like how you enriched the colors in the second version. I hope your appointments go well. I have to see my eye doctor next week, because I’m experiencing some double vision. The start of the school year always felt like the real New Year. I loved getting new school supplies. When I became a school teacher I went into overdrive. I still have to check out the new supplies each year. I moved a whole lot as a kid, so meeting new kids almost every year was a little scary. Have a happy weekend!
I think you are right,sadness is an easy emotion to capture visually.
Your photo reminded me of a place in Morocco I visited some years ago. It was good memories so thank you.
You make a great comic book artist Cathy … I can just see the whole story evolving from this one painting
Now I am curious …quarterly bio-identical hormone replacement therapy? Huh, what is it? I thought they didn’t do hormone replacement for women anymore. And, what new brain supplements? I am full of curiosity today. Love your choice of music. It brings back some good memories. As for what I miss about going to school, I think I miss the comradery of my class mates and the excitement of sports and some of the challenges of learning new things. I don’t miss the homework though, just sayin’. I am thankful for my family and my friends (including the ones I meet on line, like you) my pets and my current good health. Can’t ask for much more than that, right? So I hope you are able to answer my questions without my prying into your privacy. Stay well and yes, by all means enjoy the outdoors … fall is a beautiful time to be out and about 
Andrea @ From the Sol
Years ago, I did a two part post on Sottopelle HRT, here and here. This is what I started off with and while I do not use the Sottopelle brand now I’m told what I’m getting is the same thing basically but doesn’t have a trademark. As for the brain supplements, we’re taking a Puritan’s Pride product called Neuro-PS. I’m not sure how long we’ve been on it but it’s easily been several months to a year. Call it coincidence but I think it helps a little. Things don’t get forgotten quite as badly as they used to and I can hold onto info better. Other things could be a contributing factor but the change only happened after being on Neuro-PS. It’s kind of expensive but if it helps to keep my memory a little sharper then it might be worth the money. I hope this helps. I appreciate your visit and lovely compliments, my dear. Have a good weekend!
I think the second version with the more vivid color is more appealing and fits the pop art idea, I guess. This piece reminds of another art with a woman crying called Drowning Girl by Roy Lichtenstein – it’s an image I remember quite clearly though I have to look up the artist’s name.
The stacks of rocks? I’m thinking maybe someone is sending a message to someone else? Like a message in a bottle.
I’ve always like shopping for school supplies – pencils, pens, paper, notebook, I really like getting new notebooks and the fall weather.
Have a lovely day.
Excellent drawings, Cathy! I enjoyed going back to school for the same reasons. I’m very grateful I am past those years and wouldn’t want to be going to school during these times. Thanks for the mention and I appreciate it. Have a fantastic weekend!
I wouldn’t want to relive those days, either. It’s nice romanize about those lost days saving those frozen glimpse in time for a moment. Have a good day, my dear!
Oh Cathy, what a wonderful Pop Art drawing. It really does represent the beauty and comic book quality of the era. Both iterations are wonderful. I’ve known women who stay with loser boyfriends until they can no longer put up with them. This was great.
I enjoyed listening to that Linda Ronstadt song. It was lovely. Thanks for visiting me earlier and thanks for this thankful piece, too.
Thanks for your song of praise on my artwork. You’re such a sweetie. Oh yeah there are a number of women who wind up with loser boyfriends. DH always says women lack good judgement on picking the right guy but the guy knows a good woman when he sees her and I believe he’s right.
Thankfully, he’s a good guy making me a blessed gal! Thanks for the return visit, my friend. 
That’s pop art to me, and i really like it. In fact, i enjoyed the whole post!
Great drawing, you did really well with the eye details. Wonderful thankfuls. XO
You did a grand job with your pop art piece Cathy from the dotted background to that blond iconic flowing hair. Her tears really tell her story, maybe not so sad after all if her boyfriend really was a loser..?
Lot’s of things to be thankful for, I hear you regarding the brain fog, having an underactive thyroid has given me brain fog for the past 10 years, luckily some days are much better than the last, now that’s something to be thankful for..
Beautiful pic of the lake.. Happy TAD creative wishes Tracey xx
Thanks for joining me today. I appreciate your thoughtful comment and support. Rain does such an excellent jobs on the weekly prompts which not only challenge but educate me on various art type. Hmm, I didn’t know an under-active thyroid causes brain fog. Do you take meds for that? It’s crazy what weird stuff our bodies can do, not to mention totally frustrating. It’s dinner time, gotta jet. Have a good evening!
I love your sketches. I also love all your thankful things.
I love your list of going back to school things. I so remember getting new things to start the school year.
Love the video.
Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Interesting color you chose for her eyes. I’ve actually seen people with that color eyes.
I don’t miss a lot about going to school.
Love your art and the beautiful NC lake too!
Wonderful pop art piece Cathy! Thanks for the reminder to be thankful. Linda Ronstadt always brings ‘blue bayou’ to mind.
Thanks! “Blue Bayou” is another good oldie by Linda Ronstadt.
Wow this is a great post. Love your art, you nailed the theme. I am glad you are getting medical things taken care of. I went yesterday to get new glasses. $361.00. No help here with glasses. I got the least expensive frames the offered. Uhhhgggg. I am thankful for credit cards. LOL
Linda Ronstadt one of my faves. Have a great day today
Everything medical related is horribly expensive. We always get the more expensive lenses which is what really drives the cost up on a pair of eyeglasses but the clarity is amazing. My prescription isn’t super bad which means my lens aren’t super thick but the thinner the better is nice. However, DH has a much stronger script so the super high index lenses are the way to go for him. There may come a day which we can’t do this but for now we just bite the bullet on the out of pocket cost. We may have to rethink this if our insurance didn’t reimburse us for any portion of the balance. I pay for ours with my credit card because I earn money back which I use to pay toward my monthly balance which is paid in full when it’s due. The smallest amount back we earn from ours is 1% which is what we get when I use it on paying doctors or other bills but that 1% adds up so some savings is better than no savings. I hope you earn cash back with your CC. Thanks for stopping in today. I’m heading over to our place now!
A young romance comic book woman crying over a loser boyfriend — so iconic! Marvelously done!
Yeah, that sounds about right! Hopefully, she’s truly done with him for good.
Hi Kathy, love your pop-art lady with the visible tears, very effective and great for the challenge today. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie
Hey Valerie,
I’m glad you like and thanks for the return visit, my dear. Have a doodletastic day!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Thankful Thursday Art Date With Rain, dear friend!
I like the pinup banner you created for this weekly feature. After reading your self-effacing description of the prompt, I concluded that you are like the great musicians who never learned to read charts, or the great self-taught singers. There are many such cases, and you, as a self-taught artist, are undeniably talented. Your Teary-eyed Girl shows genuine emotion. i can imagine her uttering the words in your caption. It pains me to realize how many real women find themselves in bad relationships but don’t have the means and/or the courage to follow through and leave the disrespectful or abusive man. I know you thank your lucky stars every day that you found a good man in DH, a man who treats you as you deserve to be treated.
I hope your HRT goes well today. Ditto for you eye exam tamale. That’s an amazing shot of the nearly dry lake bed starting to fill again now that the hurricane damage to the gate has been repaired.
I enjoyed your list of Kat’s 5 Things. Strange as it seems, both to you and to me, I never carried a lunch box to school. I always ate what they served in the cafeteria, and often regretted it. Like most kids, I looked forward to pizza day and dreaded creamed chipped beef day. My best friend carried a brown paper bag to school. Inside were Hostess Twinkies. That was his lunch every single day – two Twinkies, plus an ice cream sandwich and a carton of chocolate milk from the vending machines – not exactly the kind of meal nutritionists would recommend. I don’t know why his mama let him stick to that sugary diet year after year. Like you, I remember loving crayons. Remember how good they smelled when you opened a fresh box? Another thing every kid had (which kids today don’t need or use) was an eraser. I’m not talking about the one on the end of your pencil. I mean a large, stand alone rubber eraser that practically every kid kept on his or her desk. My dad worked in an office supply store, and I remember him bringing home to me a jumbo size rectangular green eraser, approx. 4″ long and 2″ wide and 1″ high. I loved taking that eraser to school. Remember how good it felt to be dressed in new clothes on the first day of school? The sense of smell really came into play back then, Cathy – the smell of the crayons, the erasers, your fresh new clothes and new text books when you first opened them. Also, the intoxicating smell of the copier ink on sheets of paper the teacher distributed to the class. Few of the above experiences are known to today’s children, and they are really missing something, because smells like those placed students in a “learning trance.” Today’s metal and plastic electronic devices cannot do the same.
Thanks for posting “Tracks Of My Tears” by lovely Linda to go along with your “Teary-eyed Girl” theme. Like Johnny Rivers, Linda Ronstadt was able to cover a good number of songs made popular by other artists and make them her own. Her soulful voice is missed in today’s mewsic world.
Thanks for the smiles and great sounds, dear friend Cathy. Have a fine day and I’ll see you tamale for Friday Funnies!
Ahhh, you made my morning extra special with your kind words. Yeah, I don’t understand women who stay in abusive situations nor do I understand men who mistreat them. It’s so sad. I’m definitely very, very thankful that my DH is sweeter than sugar to me. I couldn’t be more blessed. You know I hadn’t really thought about but you’re right kids today are missing out on so much. I didn’t care a lunch box after grade 4. I remember eating lunch at the cafeteria frequently grades 5-9 after that I think I brown bagged it or just got crackers and a pop. Yeah, we called soft drinks pop in southern WV while here in Tennessee everything is generally referred to as soda. When we first moved to Tennessee I remembered everyone called pop ‘Coke’. It didn’t matter what it was, it was ‘Coke’. I thought that was crazy. lol I liked getting those pencil top erasers. I don’t think I ever had a big rectangle eraser like yours but I did have the smaller pink ones. Wasn’t it difficult to use one that big? It seems it would erase areas that you didn’t intend to erase. Thanks for dropping by, my friend.
Regarding my big green eraser, you asked: “Wasn’t it difficult to use one that big? It seems it would erase areas that you didn’t intend to erase.”
Fortunately the situation never arose… because I never made a mistake. (LOL)
Of course, you didn’t! I should’ve known better to ask such a silly question.