Wild Wednesday – music, hodgepodge, and art

Howdy-hi, folks!  If you’ve been reading CAAC for awhile, then you might have followed my April 2020 A2Z Challenge Pinup Girl Art Sketch series.  I finally completed bringing the last of my pencil designs in living color but we’ll get to those in a few.  I’m starting things off first with today’s WSC song picks with Wednesday Hodgepodge responses to follow and I finish up with my Procreate pinup girls X, Y, & Z “in living color” redesigns. 😉 

This week’s prompts are: A Song with Angel in the Title,
A Song with Dog In The Title, & A Song with Stand in the Title. Link up with Mary at JingleJangleJungle to join the WSC party!
WSC 9/22/21 playlist: 1. Kiss An Angel Good Mornin’ ~Charley Pride 2. Black Dog ~Led Zeppelin 3. Stand Up ~AC/DC

Here are my responses to Joyce’s Wednesday Hodgepodge questions this week.

1. It’s fall y’all! Officially that is and in the northern hemisphere only, so if you’re visiting from down under happy spring! Does it feel like fall where you live? Does it look like fall aka are the leaves beginning to change? What is your favorite fall color? Scent? Flavor?   It is feeling a little fallish for the first day of autumn.  Our over night lows are expected to dip into the 40s for the next couple of nights. Brr, that’s chilly for east Tennessee.  Honestly, I’m not sure that I have a favorite fall color.  I love all the hues and shades of the season.  My favorite all scent is cinnamon.  I tend to equate the scent with fall more so than winter.  I guess my favorite flavor is pumpkin spice.  I’m looking forward to having our first pumpkin spice latte this weekend.

2. What’s something you’re not? Tall.  That’s the first thing to come to mind.  I’m quite petite 5’2″.  I’m on the shorter side of average and on the few occasions I come across someone who’s shorter than me then I feel like a giant.  My mommy has shrunk over the years.  I don’t know how tall she is now but she has to be at least 2 to 3 inches shorter and that small of a difference really makes me feel like I’m towering over her. 

3. Share a favorite quote related to fall and tell us why it’s a favorite.  

4. Besides Thanksgiving, what’s your favorite fall meal? I suppose when I think of fall, I think of home-made chili.  In fact, I was just thinking about it and plan to make a big pot of it soon. 

5. Share a favorite photo you took last fall? 

Originally I shared this last November, unedited. This time, I adjusted the color giving the landscape more of an autumn effect. We’re far from looking like this which usually comes mid to late October. I have seen fall leaves hang on tree well into December. It’s the craziness thing if you ask me.

6. Insert your own random thought here.  I’m happy to finally bring to you the last of my 2020 Pinup Girl “in-living color” Art Sketch series with the last few letters in the alphabet. 

From April 2020 A-Z Challenge my X pinup girl design which I should’ve titled “Xray Vision Not Needed”
Original Yawn Pinup Girl artwork
I prefer prayer but Zen (original drawing) moments regardless if spent on the mat or sitting on the sofa as long as you’re having quiet time to talk to the Master of the Universe. That’s a good way to begin one’s day.

I dedicated a new page with quick links to all of my Procreate illustrations in this series which published this morning and is ready for viewing.  😉  I’m doing the same thing with past A2Z art series which are a work in progress but I will notify you when a page publishes in future posts.  Thanks for patiently waiting for the 2020 April A2Z colorized illustration completion, my friends.

You’re invited to join the blogger self-promoting linky party where just about anything goes in this edition of Wild Wednesdays!

I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

Off and on over the years, I’ve hosted the linky party mid-week and over the years the participants have dwindled considerably.  I’ve gone from Wordless Wednesday to not-so Wordless Wednesday for photo enthusiasts and now I’ve opened the party for everyone to join regardless of topic.  Have you lost interest in this linky party and others? 

Thanks for including me in your day.  I’ll be by your place soon to visit.  Tomorrow, I’ll be back with more artwork for TAD with Rain and I hope you’ll come by to check out my newest creative contribution.   Have a wild and wonderful day! X💋X💋, Cathy

Enjoy the first day of fall, my friends!

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