One Last Time?!

Seriously, I had no plans to put up a mid-week post.  But, yesterday when I went out to get our grocery delivery I noticed a sign of spring.  It’s not uncommon for us to begin seeing the change in landscape.  Normally, the first thing I spot are the tiny sprouts on trees and bushes in our back yard.  The cold stretches of winter lingered longer this year than usual but we did get enough spring-like temperatures last week to begin this cycle and perhaps that’s why one lone very dormant daffodil popped up from beneath this old red clay Tennessee soil. 

Halide camera app used with iPhone 8 and photo-editing done with Pixelmator Pro desktop software

The thing is this, when the kids were small we planted a bunch of daffodils and tulips one year.  They didn’t do well but made a show the following year and got less frequent after that until they just stopping breaking the ground. However, ever so often this happens where a single daffodil or tulip emerges one last time?!  These sightings make me giddy, a promise of better days to come, and the end of winter soon to follow.  

I invite you to join the linky party where just about anything goes on Wild Wednesdays. This is your opportunity to self-promote your current post or another favorite.  No rules to follow, except to keep things family friendly and for only personal bloggers to use this link up.  Violators will be taken down.   

More Wednesday link up connections… Sandee, NatashaMarie, & Wordless Wednesday!

Have a wild and wonderful day!  Next up, Sunday edition of Monday’s Music Moves Me. Swing by to to hit the dance floor with me! 

1972 Country chart ranking song #56, “One Last Time” by Glen Campbell

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