Good-morning, kittens and dawgs! How was your week? Hectic? Stressful? It’s time to put that stuff behind us, so put your happy face on and if you can’t do it then I’m here to make you giggle (or at the very least smile) with my newest Friday Sillies contributions and a little unwinding with a lot of other Friday fun stuff.
I found this on RD.com…
I prescribed an inhaler for a patient’s cat allergy. He came back a week later saying he was none the better. Turns out, he was spraying the inhaler on the cat. —Source: sunnyskyz.com

Please share your funny post with me (and others) by leaving a direct link in comments. Now, I invite you to email me your giggles (funny picture, joke, video, song, …). If it makes you laugh then I want to see it! In the subject line say Friday Sillies and if I use it, then I’ll add a back link to your site.
Got laughs? Share your giggles!
Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins!
McGuffy Ann is hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins (click button to visit McGuffy) with Ellen from 15andmeowing. Every Thursday, she posts four fun and easy blank statements for us to borrow, complete, and post on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.
Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:

My nickname is depending on who you ask. I’ve been called, “Shorty”, “Goofy”, “Four-Eyes”,… But, my favorite is what DH calls me, “Legs”. Oh you flatterer, you! My next favorite is the one best friend uses, “Caffy”. The reason for that is when I was little I didn’t pronounce my name clearly and it sorta stuck like a lifetime.

The first thing I ever won was I guess I probably won prizes for Pin-the-tail-on-the Donkey or other kiddie games, but the one thing that stands out is I won a pair of crystal bud vases at a Princess House party before I got married and I felt so lucky for having gotten them. I still have one of those vases today.

I have never been to the west coast or most of the western part of the country. The furthest west I’ve been is St. Louis.

Next year I’d like to see some big changes in my life. Starting with DH having a good job, returning to school, and be a bigger house.
Oops, no linky? No worries, click the Friendly Fill-Ins button and you can join the party there.

I’m joining Lexa in Celebrate The Small Things. Here’s my list of celebrations!
I’m celebrating…
Being away from Blogosphere for the day. Hopefully, if things went as planned, then during the wee hours this morning we left for the mountains to witness the Presides meteor shower. They said this will be the best one in 20-years. Perhaps next week, I’ll have something interesting to share with you. *cross fingers*
What are you celebrating?
See what others are celebrating this week below and if you want to join the linky, then visit Lexa!
To continue the Friday fun, you may want to consider joining Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration! The weekend is just starting, so I invite y’all to hop back tomorrow for some mewsic with Saturday Songsuasion! Have a super funtastic Friday! ?
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You always post to nicely, yet with such fun! Thank you! I am so sorry that I am late. Life has been complicated lately. I appreciate you being a part of Friendly Fill-Ins! Hugs!
Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~
Sorry for missing this post…love the cat humour especially the first one. I think we say this to one of our cats every day and more than once. Hope you had a great weekend
Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope all your plans for next year work out. I only saw one meteor, we had cloudy skies.
Ellen, we went twice this weekend to see the meteor showers. I only saw a grand total of two shooting stars and I believe DH saw the same number, but different ones. I wish the sky was clear. Oh well, we had fun! Thanks for popping in!
HA! Yep, one of my nicknames was ‘Shorty’, too.
Short girls rule!!!!
If you do make it out here to the west coast, we will have to meet!! I think that would be awesome! Here’s hoping your hubby gets a great job next year – and you guys get a bigger house. I’m working on the hubby for getting a bigger house (with more property) since this one is way too small for ‘long-term’. Hopefully in the next couple of years we can sell this house and get one that will be *the* house we can grow old in. 
Nicknames, #Winning, Never Been, and Next Year – Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday Fun
Stacy, you’re a shorty, too? For some reason I thought you were tall. If we ever make it out west and in your neck of the woods, then I’ll definitely let you know. I hope you reach some of you goals next year, too. It’s difficult to know what size house you need until after you get in one with all of your stuff; not to mention the people that live in it all of the time or some of the time. Either way, it gets cramped up fast! lol
LOL loved all these that thinking cat on was a clever pun heheh!
Have a tanfastic day/evening Cathy
Thanks Steve! I’m glad you enjoyed the funnies!
West of the Mississippi (and yes, I know St. Louis is) is a great part of the country. Well worth exploring, if you get the chance.
John, we didn’t get to spend long in St. Louis. DH had a job interview there in February 2000. All I remember is it was cold and windy, but not as bad as it was in central Michigan where we were a few days previously. lol Why we even passed through south Chicago on our way to St. Louis. That was kind of a fun adventure.
Let me guess: you took I-75 to Michigan, then I-80 around Lake Michigan to I-55, which goes through St. Louis. Am I close?
John, After looking at Google maps that sounds like the route we took. It was a straight shot pretty much and I remember how exhausted we were by the time we got home.
Thanks so much for the giggles! It’s adorable your DH calls you “Legs”! My wishes for next year mirror yours, but the way things are going it may take 2 or 3 years. I hope you have a wonderful time watching the meteor shower!
Lexa, DH is a sweetheart. We went two nights this weekend to see the meteor showers with very little action to report back. The cloudy condition made for bad stargazing, but it was fun all the same. I remember 28 years ago we saw the Persides meteor shower for the first time and it was amazing. DD#1 was just a baby and we went stargazing with DH’s brother and his wife after they getting an impromptu invite to join them. It seems we went just north of the city and sat in an area, maybe it was a picnic ground, and watched the sky until the early hours. Everyone, other than me had to work the following day. Of course, I was geared to handle very little sleep in those days with an infant. lol I don’t do too way these days getting little sleep.
Thanks for the funnies, particularly the “thinking cat!” Hope you saw lots of meteors! It was mostly cloudy here so didn’t see much. Enjoy the weekend!
I don’t know how I forgot it, but I forgot to put “Shorty” on my list of nicknames…four-eyes and big nose, too. Good grief. I still get called Shorty all the time by people that haven’t made it beyond junior high (even though they are “adults” now). Sorry that you got that, too. I like “Caffy”. I think it is sweet.
If you go back to school, what do you plan to study?
I hope next year will be the best one ever for you. I also hope the stargazing is going great. I can’t wait to hear all about it.
Have a blessed weekend.
Suzanne, Yeah, I got called “Big Nose”, too. That always made me feel self-conscience. I use to hate my nose. It wasn’t unusually big, but my long straight hair did not compliment my face calling attention to my slender nose. I don’t have such a dim view of my nose now, though. If I go back to school, I’m sorta of thinking about web design. Stargazing was a bust, but we had fun nonetheless and that’s all that matters. You have a good weekend, too.
I’m sorry you got teased about your nose, too. Mine is fairly large and is not straight. I’ve never liked it nor had reason to. It has always been a source of torment. I try not to think about it anymore, though. I’m glad that you don’t have a bad view of your nose anymore.
Web design could be a fun program. Best wishes to you, whatever you decide to do.
You didn’t see any of the “meat eaters”, as we playfully call them here? I’m glad that you had fun anyway. It was too cloudy here to bother trying.
Go west young lady! Lot’s of interesting places to see and things to do. California is a nice place to visit, but you might not want to live there. I’d love to move back to Tennessee. After my visit this summer those feelings are reinforced.
Tossing It Out
Lee, It’s hard to bet East Tennessee. There are many places I’d like to visit, but not necessarily live. I hope you can move back when the time is right.
Nebraska is beautiful if you ever decide to go slightly west of St. Louis.
Noah, I’m sure if we ever go further west someday, then we’ll take in as many spots to see that we can. I’m sure Nebraska is pretty. There is so much to see and do in America!
Hi, Cathy!
Your memes made me smile. They are purr-fect for winding down on a Friday. The one showing the indecisive kitty at the pearly gates of heaven is especially a-mew-sing.
I can’t figure out how you would have the contradictory nicknames “Shorty” and “Legs.” One of them must be sarcastic. I often call Mrs. Shady “Taffy” because that’s how her mentally retarded brother pronounces “Kathy.”
I hope you guys were able to catch the Presides meteor shower as planned.
Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!
Tom, Shorty and Legs is a contradiction. I hadn’t thought to explain. I am on the shorter side of average for a gal standing just 5’2″. DH calls me “Legs” because he likes the way they look not because they are long. lol All I can say is for someone who isn’t tall I was blessed to be proportionately built and while my legs aren’t long they have a nice shape. Taffy is a cute, sweet nickname. I like it (and the candy)!
We got to the mountains around 3am Friday morning. On our way up to Newfound Gap the sky was clear. The stars were very visible, but when we reached our destination the fog and low clouds were socked in and at times it was hard to see what was in front of you much less than what was overhead. We wound up going back down the mountain a short way, but the clouds were settling over top of us no matter where we were by that time. Anywho, I did manage to see one meteor. It happened so fast that I couldn’t even point it out to DH in time to see and that was it for the show. We waited around until after 5am before deciding to head toward Asheville. We thought it would be good to get a head start on the crowds and venture to Mt. Mitchell. The low hanging, foggy condition stayed with us most of the morning. We did see pockets of blue sky, though, but still the moody skies remained with us until early afternoon easily. We thought about staying in the area until it got dark, but I was too tired and DH was more tired than me. Plus, the forecast was calling for cloudy conditions to continue. I think it’s going to be like that all weekend, too. It’s been years, since we’ve had a good opportunity to see the Persides. Oh well, December is another good time for meteor showers and although I hate being in the cold then that might give us another chance to see some shooting stars before the year ends.