Friday Sillies

Borrowed laughs

I cannot retell a joke correctly, unless it’s  in front of my face written on an index card so I can recite it to my captive audience line by line. Any attempt to display humor of my own would be a big flop. Simply put, I am not witty. Deep down, I envy people who easily use humor like a second language. It’s just native to who they are. There I admitted my short-comings. So, without pretense, I give to you borrowed laughs from across the net on this Friday Sillies.


Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. ~William James.


There is hope for the future because God has a sense of humor and we are funny to God. ~Bill Cosby




Humor is reason gone mad. ~Groucho Marx


It’s not often I get to play along with Hillary @ Feeling Beachie, but today is one of those days which I can indulge in her Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun.

1) I always answer texts.

 2) A love to fall asleep when it’s raining.

3) My dream pet would be a blonde Labrador named Yellow-dog. This name cracks me up and it comes from the movie, Funny Farm w/Chevy Chase. I highly recommend seeing it, if you haven’t.

4) I love sex more than chocolate. (Or ice cream!!) I swear THIS was the first thing that popped in my mind and yes, it’s an honest answer. That being said, if I’m gonna have sex then I have to have chocolate…dark chocolate, right? BTW, who came up with this question anyhow? lol Ahh, I see Purrfectly Pickles came up with questions 3 & 4. Well…way to go! 😀

Keep smiling!

Join me tomorrow for Saturday Song-suasion #3

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