Friday Sillies

Birthday laughs, random giggles, & more

True, you’re not 30 anymore but you don’t look a day over 31! Ha-Ha!! Happy Birthday DD#1!!

Today marks the 31st anniversary of DD#1’s birthday. To honor her on her special day, I’m dedicating this Friday Sillies edition to her!

I’m rounding things out with these Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by the lovely, Ellen and Lorraine.


1. Summer is a good time to stay indoors where it’s cool and the bugs can’t bite me. Another thing good to do is sit beside an open fire in the evenings. This was one of our favorite things to do when visiting DH’s parents years ago. I hope with our next home, we can create an outdoor area to do such things.
2. The most recent day trip that I  made with DH was to Brevard, North Carolina last Friday. We had hoped to see the white squirrel again but they were no doubt someplace cool since it was a warm day. 
3. I thought I would grow out of popping my chewing gum, but I haven’t. This drives DH nuts, too!
4. I feel annoyed when people ask me to loan them money who have no intention of paying it back. Tell me, do I look like an ATM machine?


This is my last Friday contribution for the summer.  Beginning July 1st, I’ll be on a semi-break in Blogosphere. I’ve needed to step away from things for a long time. With sluggish internet activity, this is a good time for a hiatus. However, in the past, I’ve been known to slide in my purrsuit to enjoy a little downtime by slipping in an unplanned post (don’t be surprised). Between now and Labor Day weekend, I will post once a week as co-host on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me and I’ll hope to see you on the dance floor with your choice song picks!   

X💋X💋, Cathy


More Friday linkups…


  • Gilly

    Belated Happy 31st to your DD from the UK! Don’t blame you for taking a break – hope you are enjoying the sumer weather. Thanks for the Weird Al musical treat and hope to see you again soon. x

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for the bday wishes for DD. I’m working on trying to enjoy my break but so far not a lot of downtime for me. I’ll get there, though.

  • L.M.G. Miller

    Happy (very belated) birthday to your daughter! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! Heat and bugs make summer a difficult thing sometimes, don’t they? Stay cool!

  • Holly Jahangiri

    Happy (belated) birthday to DD#1! Thanks for sharing the fun, celebratory humor with the rest of us! I can’t believe I’ve just found your blog, and now you’re taking a break… but have a wonderful summer. I’ll look forward to reading more in the future.

  • Debbie D.

    Happy 31st Birthday to your daughter, Cathy! She shares the day with my husband, except he’s a lot older than that. 😀 Weird Al writes the greatest song parodies! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Yes, I noticed that. How cool! I love Weird Al!! I haven’t heard anything new from him in years. I wonder what’s up with that dude?

  • messymimi's meanderings

    Weird Al is great, i agree it’s better to be indoors, and by the way, could you spare a few bucks ’til payday? Heeheehee! No, really, i agree, i do not lend money. If someone is truly in need, i will help with gas or groceries, but no loans.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I don’t mind at all helping with gas or groceries but even that can get repetitive with some people. I know certain individuals have it tough just now but unfortunately, the hardships are self-inflicted and could’ve been avoided. That’s what bothers me the most. I hope this all turns around because we can’t do it anymore and that’s what we’ll have to tell them. We have to take care of ourselves putting money aside for a rainy day or with our dream house purchase. It’s just not going to happen if we keep giving our money away and that’s that. I’d love to win the lottery! 🙂

  • Cynthia J. Coleman

    Happy Birthday DD! Birthdays after 21 are tough, but the older you get, the more you realize that ‘ age is just a number’ or you panic when you reach 51 and it seems like you were 18 a few years ago. Hop you enjoy your break, Cathy.

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    I spent a little time outside today but not too much time. Today was the hottest day of our year (you wouldn’t think it was hot, but we in New York are wilting) so I just lay on the couch and enjoyed Weird Al. Would you believe I still chew gum? But I chew gum with xylitol (i.e. Trident’s mint flavors) nowadays.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I think the heat is relative to where we live, what we’re used to. I recall years ago while in college, I was downtown waiting for DH to get off work. It was in the winter with me still wearing my heavy coat sitting in the lobby, a couple stood at the reception desk wearing only t-shirts. I thought, how can they tolerate the cold on their bare arms? After they left I asked the gal behind the desk about the people and learned that they were from Canada, so I figured it must have felt pretty good here compared to where they came from. lol I often get a kick out of seeing people from further south visiting the upper elevations in the mountains. They usually have a fleece jacket on to break the nippy temperatures that we often find in late spring and early fall. We love it but those who aren’t used to it find it a bit too cool.

  • Rain Frances

    I love Weird Al 🙂 I love the funnies especially the kitty with the profile pic, that made me giggle endlessly, thank you! I can’t chew gum anymore or I’ll lose all of my fillings and teeth lol…I used to blow bubbles all the time when I chewed gum, I always thought that was fun! Hope you have a nice weekend – bug-free! I’m basking in the humidity (safely inside my screened-in porch of course!!) 🙂

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I chew sugarless (aspartame free) gum. It doesn’t seem to bother my fillings, so I can chew away! I try to not bask in the humidity by staying indoors with the AC going but even inside you can feel the humidity somewhat and it’s horrible when I have to be out in it. UGH, not fun!! Bug free, what’s that? The limited time we were outside, I managed to get a few bites despite keeping my legs and arms covered. Those suckers bit my hands! Owwwy!

  • 15andmeowing

    Happy Birthday to your daughter! My niece turned 31 earlier this month. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. No one asks me for money, I think they know I have none- it all goes to the cats 🙂 Nice collection of funnies. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

    • Cathy Kennedy


      The money we have is for savings and that’s what bums me out. We can’t get ahead for that rainy day or home purchase because of the occasional, I need money can you loan it to me. We’ve gotten to the point now to say, “I’m sorry we can’t do that right now’. Our needs/concerns are just as important as the next. When people sponge off of you then it becomes an easy way out instead of accepting that they can’t have what they want at the moment, even if it means it’s a necessity. It’s up that individual to earn the money. These same people assume because it’s just the two of us that we have it to spare which is the farthest thing from the truth. The last time I checked, we didn’t win the lottery. lol

  • sandy

    Loved all the funnies…and happy birthday to DD#1. Had to laugh about still popping chewing gum. I enjoyed your post and hope you enjoy your hiatus – I like to do that too sometimes and stay off the internet as much as possible. So hope you get that time to sketch like your mentioned above. Thankfully here, where I live not a lot of bugs but we do get some when the monsoonal weather starts – but nothing like in the south or midwest.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m keeping plenty busy while taking some time away from Blogosphere. Of course, I’m not completely gone, apparently. lol I am making time to sketch. I’m working on my A2Z illustrations bringing them life in living color so I can share those when I return to blogging full force. What’s this you have don’t have much of a bug problem? I wish we didn’t! They like to snack on me but not as bad as DH. Our youngest daughter told us that mosquitoes like O type blood people and that’s what DH is whereas I’m AB. However, when I was a kid it didn’t seem to matter. They nailed my legs over and over and over. I had so many welts on them that it looked like chickenpox or something and I had such a horrible time restraining from scratching the dickens out of the bite marks which were super duper itchy. Occasionally I’ll get a bite or two like that and it drives me insane. Have a nice almost bugless summer!

  • Sandee

    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday Dear DD#1,♪♪
    ♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

    Loved all the funnies.

    Rocking out on the video. I’ve always loved that song.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Cathy. Hugs and love. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Life has been busy. I’m sorry for not getting around to responding to everyone before now. Thanks for the birthday wishes for DD#1. 🙂

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Good morning, dear friend! I’m sipping my coffee and being careful not to spill it on your Friday Fun Stuff. 🙂 Happy 31st birthday to your daughter. Shucks, Cathy, you don’t look any older than 31 yourself! I hope your daughter enjoys the selection of Sillies you posted in her honor. I got a kick out of Fluffy the cat setting up an account profile on social media. The meme of the mouse complaining about the hole in the wall hotel is another funny one, as is the one with the dogs “liking” posts on their version of social media.

    I appreciated your Friendly Fill-ins and can relate to them. Here in Florida we endure the long summer and the biting bugs by spending most of our time indoors with the air conditioning running. I love mellowing out by an open fire in the evening. When I was a child we lived in a rural area and had an outdoor fireplace. My parents cooked burgers and corn on the cob on it and in the evenings we sat near it to keep warm. Years later I experienced the same pleasure when I went to the Shady Dell. The hangout had an outdoor fireplace where teenagers gathered in the evening to chat and dance on an adjacent concrete dance floor with festive colored lanterns overhead. It was magical. Popping your chewing gum is an endearing trait, Cathy. It tells me you are still coming from your youth and not ready to grow old any time soon. Good for you! If all the people who borrowed money from us over the years would simply remember to pay us back, we’d be set for life.

    I always enjoy Weird Al and his parody of the 2013 single “Happy” by Pharrell Williams is a hoot. I hope you make the most of your extra spare time this summer and take in the scenic splendor of your region. I’ll miss your Friday Sillies, but you can always post them on a Tuesday. 🙂 I wish you a safe and happy weekend, Cathy, and look forward to your 4M Monday on Sunday offering. Take care, dear friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Thanks for the birthday wishes for DD#1. Oh, I’d like to look 31 again. lol It’s funny looking back when our son was born, I was 32 and I thought isn’t this too old to have a baby? Now when I look at old photos, I think “Wow, how young I was then!”

      Oh goodness if I lived in Florida I don’t know if you’d ever get me outside in the summer. I’d have to hold up in my four walls until winter when it’s safer and more enjoyable to be outside. lol Your boyhood memories spent in PA sound nice. I love those kinds of memories. I pop my gum because I like the sound. My mom used to do the same. I wonder if she still does. I’ll have to ask.

      I am planning on enjoying my time away from regular blogging. I want to do more exercising, sketching, and organizing through the week, then on the weekends purrhaps DH & I can take some day trips on his Fridays off or look at potential new homes or do some outdoor chores. I haven’t really given much about blogging other than keeping up with the 4M series that I co-host. I’m in charge of maintaining things on the dance floor since the main dancing queen deals with health issues and technical problems. I’m happy to help until she returns. This is hop that’s very dear to her and I don’t want it to fizzle away while she takes care of life on her end.

      Have a good weekend, my friend! I think it’s time for another cup of coffee. 🙂

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