
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Back Cover Teaser….The Tale of Ole Green Eyes


Wow, it occurred to me I hadn’t posted a synopsis of my children’s book! Am I goofy or what? Okay, don’t answer that one. Better late, than never as the old saying goes, right? Feel free to share my post.  I haven’t received my limited supply to sell autographed copies to friends and family but I did discover my book is showing on Amazon and Barnes & Nobles.  I’m sorry no image is displaying on these sites at this time but that will show shortly.  Feel free to email me, if you have questions. Thanks!




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11 thoughts on “Back Cover Teaser….The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

  1. Seeing your back cover makes it even more real. I’m happy for you, Cathy. Hopefully, this is just the first in a long line of books bearing your name. And might I just add that I can’t wait to read THE TALE OF OLE GREEN EYES? It seems like the type of book I used to love as a kid. -Amanda Nicole

  2. @Amanda…oh doesn’t it, though. I mean, when I first saw my illustrations with my text in a pdf, I was like, “OH, WOW!” I had to keep pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, you know? It was totally surreal. And, as I was telling blueviolet, now I just have this goofy, silly smile plastered on my face. LOL. If this is a dream, don’t wake me coz I’m enjoying it too much! Yeah, yeah, I can’t wait for you to read my book, too, and I’m sure I’ll have my copies to autograph and send on their merry way before long. I appreciate your support, girl! God bless!!!

  3. Hi Cathy, I checked out your new website and it looks great. Your book sounds like a fun read for young kids, I loved stories like this at that age.

    If you ever want some blog exposure let me know. I do book reviews and/or giveaways occasionally on my main blog. A lot of my followers are moms of young children. Guest posts from authors are welcome also.

  4. @Caren…thank you. I will keep your offer to review my book in my mind. My young reader’s category would be 6-8 years, but I think younger children would enjoy listening to the story. Have a good day!

  5. I can’t believe the day is finally here! After only about…46 years-lol! Can’t wait till this afternoon! See ya soon Cathy =)!!

  6. @Amanda…oh doesn’t it, though. I mean, when I first saw my illustrations with my text in a pdf, I was like, “OH, WOW!” I had to keep pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, you know? It was totally surreal. And, as I was telling blueviolet, now I just have this goofy, silly smile plastered on my face. LOL. If this is a dream, don’t wake me coz I’m enjoying it too much! Yeah, yeah, I can’t wait for you to read my book, too, and I’m sure I’ll have my copies to autograph and send on their merry way before long. I appreciate your support, girl! God bless!!!

  7. @blueviolet…thanks! I continually wear this silly smile on my face which has been plastered there ever since last week. That’s when I ACTUALLY got my first copy to hold in my hands — my baby!

  8. Seeing your back cover makes it even more real. I’m happy for you, Cathy. Hopefully, this is just the first in a long line of books bearing your name. And might I just add that I can’t wait to read THE TALE OF OLE GREEN EYES? It seems like the type of book I used to love as a kid. -Amanda Nicole

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