Hello, Kitten & Dawgs, a couple of days ago I shared my sketch of the evil Queen from Snow White and it was only natural with today’s letter prompt that I draw Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Can you name all the dwarfs?
From Snow White’s right side bottom up we have, Dopey, Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy, & Happy and on her left that’s Bashful.
Shoot, I’m just about to forget I need to squeeze in the results of April 15th BoTB between Dowling and Reed covering “Let The Mermaids Flirt With Me”. The scale totally swung to one side in this showdown and my vote would not make any difference (I went with Emily) in the end. The “golden mic” goes to…
Shine a light on my next art sketch? Share some “S” prompts for me in comments!
I’m heading off to link up with other fellow AtoZers and you’re invited to come along. I’ll see you on Monday for the next installment of Art Sketching through the Alphabet with “A to Z letter “T” or “Songs about Traveling” Monday mewsic theme!
A2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet post recap:
- “A” for Angels
- “B” for Boys, little
- “C” is for Cows, Chicken & Chicks, and Big Cats
- “D” for Dog
- “E” is for Elephant, Eagle, & Elk
- “F” is for Fence, Fox, & Frog
- “G” is for Girls
- “H” is for Horses
- “I” is for Iris
- “J” is for Jack & Jill
- “K” is for Kanga & Roo
- “L” is for Lighthouse
- “M” is for Mermaids
- “N” is for Nightingale
- “O” is for Owl
- “P” is for Princess & Prince
- “Q” is for Queen (Evil)
- “R” is for Rabbit & Roadrunner
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In my humble opinion, Snow White is your best overall effort to draw a human thus far!
You did a great job with Snow White and the dwarves or dwarfs, whichever it is, Cathy.
I never have been able to draw people, but I will try. I still haven’t convinced myself to pick up the pencil and sketch pad and just do it.
S prompts….saw, see-saw, sandals, South Carolina, sandpiper, sand dollar, sandwich, Santa, steamboat, steam engine, stars, sun, sailboat, snail, snake, Snoopy, snap, scissors, snack. How’s that?
Have a blessed day.
I didn’t know until I shared this sketch that some places use both Dwarfs and Dwarves. Disney used “Dwarfs” so that’s the way I’m going to spell it, too. You right, it’s hard to draw people especially facial expressions. I have a long way to go before I feel comfortable doing it. Great “S” list. Thanks for visiting!
Maybe I’ll take turns. haha
I was taught many years ago that dwarves, rooves, hooves, etc., were the proper way to pluralize dwarf, roof, hoof, etc. But, they do things differently these days.
While searching for the rules on this specific word, I found some sites that said Tolkien popularized “dwarves” in the Lord of the Ring series. Maybe. I don’t know about all that, I just know what Miss Elrod said to do.
I think that you’re doing a great job and, you know what? At least you’re giving it a go, unlike me, who is still bound my fear of failure. I have a whole slew of faces waiting for me to draw them if I ever just get up enough nerve to do it!
You’re welcome. Thanks for having such great posts.
That sketch is so beautiful
A Peice Of My Life
I’m trying to catch up. I love your take on Snow White and the Dwarves. You captured the faces well.
Birgit, I think everyone is playing the “Catch up” game about now. lol I’m struggling myself to touch each post I’ve missed but I believe I’m doing better this year than last. So, I’m happy about that. Maybe this means I’ll do even better next year. lol See ya soon and thanks for hanging with me throughout the challenge, dear!
Nice drawing, CATHY!
Yeah, that Battle was a blowout but I sure did like the song you chose! See ya on May 1st for the next round o’ BOTB, my friend!
~ D-FensDogG
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Yep, Mike blew the doors off this showdown. Poor Emily didn’t stand a chance against him. Thanks for the compliment on my sketch and I will see you on the 1st if not before, my friend! Have a good week.
Nice artwork, my friend! And, this BotB…I need to check it out. I was told I should join it. Yes?
Simple Man
Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~
Annie, yes do check out BoTB. I think you’ll enjoy the challenge and fun to put together two artists covering the same song. Plus, you’ll find the small band of members playing to be very loyal. Thanks for visiting, dear!
I think Snow White and for certain the dwarves is my favorite sketch that you’ve done on this journey. The different faces are captured so well.
Bravo Cathy!
Thank you, dearie! I’m delighted that this sketch is your favorite. I enjoyed testing my ability to try to capture each different facial expression and while it’s not purrfect, I am pleased with my first attempt. Have a good day!
Just the smile I needed on an overcast day with the threat of snow. I much prefer snow white and crew to the tiny flakes from the sky. I must say I would likely have sketched a snowman for S but that could be because I struggle with faces.
Lori, Did you say the threat of snow? Yikes! All we had to contend with over the weekend was lots of rain. It was bit cool compared to the 80s we were experiencing but not cold enough for snow. Sketching a snowman would be a fun one. Thanks for visiting. I’ll see you soon.
Wow…another great drawing! I always loved Snow White but I love her dwarfs so much more!
Pam, Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs is one of my favorite Disney movies. Have you watched the TV series “Once Upon A Time”? I started it a few years ago but fell behind on the seasons when DH got laid off. I hope to pick it up again soon. Thanks for visiting. I’ll catch you soon!
Just call me Dopey today. Just cant seem to get my brain in gear. And, as usual, I am running behind on my tasks. Just when I think I’ve caught up – it starts all over again!
Jingle Jangle Jungle
#AtoZChallenge 1970’s Billboard Hits
Mary, no worries with being behind. I’m in the same boat as many are about now. lol Now, it’s my turn to play catch up after the weekend. Thanks for making time, my good ole pal, Dopey!
I could not recall a name of a single of the seven fellows.
This Dowling musician plays some fine resonator guitar. I liked both of your tunes.
Myke, Naming the Seven Dwarfs was a bit hard for me. I knew most but I always got a few of them mixed up, especially Sleepy and Bashful. I’m glad you enjoyed Dowling mewsic. Have a good week and thanks for visiting!
Love that you have Bashful hiding by himself. Appropriate
Emily | My Life In Ecuador | Sunsets near the equator
Great job on the 7 dwarfs, so cute.
Ellen, so glad you approve. Thanks for making me smile!
I remember when I used to get the Disneyland comic and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs were always one of my favourite cartoons – I think there was also an “Ask Doc” page. In writing my reply I had to check whether it was dwarfs or dwarves (as in the UK we seem to have both ways – partly due to Tolkien I believe) and as it was Disney I am using dwarfs!
Ahh, I didn’t know Dwarfs had two spellings. It’s good to learn something new every day. I’m delighted you stopped by for a visit. I’ll hop over to see you soon!
Your depiction is great – very characterful!
Thanks, Nick!
those dwarfs looks a little bit eager, don’t you think? I could never remember their names but I’ve seem to remember Happy & Grumpy, the others not so much.
have a lovely day.
Great sketch, Cathy! Looks just like the Disney cartoon figures.
I’m not surprised MIke Dowling won the contest. His voice was better, IMO. Looking forward to your T post on Monday. At least there’s a day off tomorrow. Will try to catch up. Have a good weekend.
Mike winning isn’t a surprise and like I was telling Tom his vocals are more to my liking but there’s just something about Emily that I liked a little more in this battle. Oh well, maybe it was my mood. Who knows but thanks for stopping in and for the lovely comment regarding my illustration! Have a good weekend and here’s hoping we can get caught up with the A2Z visiting before Monday!
Hey Cathy! Awesome drawing, you are one very talented artist! Great post!
S is for Social Media
Thank you, Karine! I appreciate your lovely compliment. Now, I’m off to see you!
Hi, Cathy!
It’s 5-something am. Just call me Sleepy!
This is a wonderful sketch of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! Snow White is beautiful and, with your artistic ability, you drew distinctly different sets of eyes and lips on the dwarfs and brought out the personality of each one. That drawing is an absolute winner!
I am shocked by the result of your band battle. Looks like your ears matched mine and we were the only two people who thought that Emily has a cute and pleasing singing voice. You got a good voter turnout considering how busy people are with the A To Z this month.
Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Cathy!
Good afternoon, Sleepy Tom!
Our routine for Friday evenings is to stay up a bit later to relax in front of the TV and depending on how late we’re up dictates what time we get up on Saturdays. We got up around 10 today but with all the rain we’ve gotten my allergies are kicking up and I have a headache which makes me tired feeling. bah-hum-bug!
I’m delighted you enjoyed this morning’s art sketch. Drawing the different facial expressions for the dwarfs was a bit of a challenge but it was rewarding at the same time. It’s not purrfect but I had fun with it and that’s the bottom line to me. However, if others like it then that’s like icing on the cake for me.
I knew Emily’s singing style may not go over well but it was a bit of shell-shock that only you and I voted for her in the end. Some voiced that they liked her but not enough to give her their vote. Mike’s vocals are overall my preferred style but there was something about Emily that stole my heart.
Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping by today, my friend!
I love the expressions you’ve captured on the dwarves faces and the engimatic look on Snow White’s face with that slight expression of shyness enhanced by her beauty. Great stuff.
Sally, thank you for popping by. I had hoped to visit your blog (assuming you have one) but I see you used your Facebook info and I’m not sure how to connect with you now.
I appreciated your kind words and am glad you enjoyed my artwork. Have a good weekend!
I am enjoying your sketches! You do them well.
Blogging from A-Z,
M.M. Hudson aka Naila Moon of:
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Thanks for stopping by today, Michelle. I’m simply delighted you’re enjoying my sketch art. Have a super weekend!
Mike Dowling pretty well cinched that match.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Mike Dowling slam-dunked this showdown!