Monday's Music Moves Me

All Star Monday Blog Hops

What is blog hopping? A blog hop is a fun way to meet new bloggy friends. You literally hop from one blog to another. You can do as little or as many as you want. You’ll visit new blogs you may otherwise not have if it weren’t for the meme you participate in. Plus, it’s a great way to build your personal blog followers. Cool, huh? I kind of like to think of it as, strolling around my neighborhood visiting the ladies. Maybe I will stay long enough to share a cup of coffee with you, while I catch up on what’s going on in your life. I nearly always leave a comment and hope I get a return visit. But, above all, I never stress over these memes. I just go with the flow and when I land on someone’s home page, I usually know immediately if I want to take the time to get to know that person a little more.

Now with that being said, let me start off by saying this week I’m shaking things up just a bit. I’m comprising my daily memes into one blog post. Pardon me while I get my feel for this and I certainly would appreciate your opinion on this. When you play the blog hops, do you want to see separate posts or is one perfectly fine with just as so as it looks like the person playing has made an effort to join in on the fun?

The first meme up today is a new one to me and if you want to link up I invite you to visit one of the hosts, JamericaSpice for Monday’s Music Moves Me!

When  I was in the 6th grade, I was a part of the Glee Club.  Trust me, it wasn’t anything like ‘Glee’.  I sang one verse from this song solo in my first public singing gig when I was, but a mere child.  This song has been sort of special to me ever since.  I love being a friend for my friends to lean on and it’s nice knowing I have friends I can lean on, too.   This Monday, I’m participating in several memes and this one is a new one to me.  So, enjoy while you listen to my song pick for this Monday.

Next, it’s time to play Java’s  MEET ME ON MONDAY, be sure to click on her button to link up.

  1. Do you have a fireplace in your home?   Yes, but we do not use it as it’s not very efficient.

  1. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes.  Our first car was a little four-speed Ford Fiesta (1977).  Driving a manual transmission car is LOTS of fun.  That little Fiesta had the pick up for little ole four-cylinder.  It was a hoot to downshift as I accelerated onto the freeway. Whoo-hoo!  We bought a Toyota Supra in 1987, which also was stick and that was more fun to drive because it had more ponies under the hood.
  1. How many computers are in your home?  We have a desktop computer, which is the workhorse in the family and our son has a laptop for his school work.

  1. Are your taxes done yet? Do you do them yourself? Yep, yep!
  1. What is your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast.  This is the most important meal of the day and one I don’t skip.  I prefer fixing an omelet to kick-start my day.  It gives me the energy to face a new day and it keeps me from mindlessly snacking all the way through to lunch.

This is my last meme for Monday….(Note: This last meme doesn’t have a post for this week, but I’m watching to see if it goes active again.)

If you have a Monday blog hop you would like to share with me, please send me the link. I’m always eager to see what others are doing.




  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Stacy Uncorked…glad for your visit. Thank you for leaving me your blog address. Just took a peek and am now following you. Come see me again soon!

    @Xmas Dolly…I love your name. Gee, let me see, I bet you like Christmas, don’t ya? Just came from your blog, which I liked and am now following yours. I’ll be dancing with you again next Monday. =D

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Hillary…Aah shucks, thanks! But, trust me I had my moments when I wasn’t such a savvy stick shift driver. lol I was never quite as smooth with the clutch as my hubs. Now we have an automatic. I may be a disaster trying to drive a stick these days. =D

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Stacy Uncorked…glad for your visit. Thank you for leaving me your blog address. Just took a peek and am now following you. Come see me again soon!

    @Xmas Dolly…I love your name. Gee, let me see, I bet you like Christmas, don’t ya? Just came from your blog, which I liked and am now following yours. I’ll be dancing with you again next Monday. =D

  • Xmas Dolly

    Well, how ja do? Glad you like our meme. I took it over from someone else. She wasn’t doing so well & was tired of it. I happen to love music, so I got some friends together & WAH LAH! Thanks for playing along & I love your choice. My boys sing that song & harmonize too. As far as your questions. 1. No fireplace 2. Yes, I learned on a 1954 Plymouth on the column 3. 2 desk comp & 1 laptop 4. No & No. Hope to see you next week too! Our theme will be favorite male artists! Have a great week! Following you.

  • Cathy Kennedy

    @Lori…Many thanks for the heads up on your meme. I just requested your blog button code for this blog hop. I shall look forward to participating in this one, as well. =D PS: BTW, I love you blog!

  • dollycas aka Lori

    I love the music meme so much!!! Great song!!! I have a similar meme to Meet Me Mondays called Enquiring Minds Want To Know on Thursdays. I LOVE learning more bout bloggers and my followers.


  • JamericanSpice

    Oooh I used to love this song! Thanks for the re-intro! Love it!

    1. Yes I have a fireplace but we don’t use it. I think if we had better access to wood, we would 🙂

    2. No.

    3. 2 One desk and one lap

    4. Not yet, and yes we do our taxes ourselves.

    5. I love breakfast. It sets the tone.

    Glad you could dance along with us today.


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