All About That Bass?! #T2Q

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! Meghan Trainor’s song All About That Bass plays often on the radio. I admit it, it has a rather catchy melody. But, I have a problem with the lyrics. Not that the words are bad. Okay, there are few inappropriate ones like every other song. It’s the message it sends.

The average size was once a size 12 and today we see the average trend pushing a size 16.

These beautiful woman look to be in the 12+ size category.

I’m certainly not a size two (anymore) or a silicone Barbie and I think every woman needs to feel comfortable in her own skin, but to imply it’s okay to carry a heavy backside bothers me. We all know, if you have extra weight there, then it will be other places, too. I think of long-term problems developing for these lovely women. I don’t know, if this is the artist’s intent or not, but do you get the same sense about this song, too?

Anyhow, it got me thinking, so I want to pose a fun question to you and hope that you’ll feel at perfect ease in participating in this morning’s survey.
[wwm_survey id=”3″]

(A) shapely, toned booty
(B) a booty gone wild

I think there is a lot of hype with the whole image thing. Real women are not stick figures and have shape, some a little more than others. We are all not genetically made the same. It would be a dull world, if we all looked alike. Don’t you think?

The point of this isn’t to insult you, but to make you think. About what, you say. A big bottom many times means you’re carrying extra baggage other places. It’s essential to stay at a good weight for your age and height throughout your life. I know first hand this is not always an easy job.  However, I love myself and I hope you love yourself enough to make wise choices for a glowing, healthier you inside and out! Let’s face it, calories have a way of piling up before we know what to do, so I can shake it, shake it like I’m suppose to do because I want every inch of you me is to be perfect from the bottom to the top.

Okay, that’s my cue…it’s time to hit the elliptical for the day! Have a terrific Thursday and please feel free to join me tomorrow for Flashback Friday!


  • Lisa Southard

    I’m in the natural is best camp. And everyone makes their own choices, even if they might seem shallow and weird. I do not lack bass, I do love being healthy, I don’t mind other people’s choices except when they make ones even they don’t seem to like and moan about things that could be changed. Although we all do that a little bit sometimes!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      You have to respect people’s bounds for sure. I’m like you with the whiners, but you’re right we all do this a little. Change isn’t going to happen until you take action, though. I have many changes I need to implement, if I plan to get these unwanted pounds off before summer. lol Unfortunately, I have develop the crazy munchies lately. I think it’s stress related even though I’m trying to chill about things that are out of my hands. I guess it’s still bugging me on a subconscience level. *sigh* I’ll keep plugging away at it. I will be victorious eventually. Thanks for stopping by!

  • dcrelief

    Great post, Cathy. I’ve been on both sides of the wight game. It’s not about the bass, but about the heart. How much of a load can your heart take? I try to stay at the size I was, in tenth grade high school. It was and is comfortable. It’s healthy and in proportion to my height and bone structure. I have big bones – something few consider in the mix.

    I think we need the message of accepting each other as we are, but do we really? So much of what I read indicates we loop over and over, without real change of attitude. Hear again, I think about the heart. What we hold as precious may get bashed. At times, the thing about “not being a hater,” turns into the worse hateful attitude…a reverse discrimination, if you will.

    I like the song. I like her message. I wonder about the healthiness to the body and soul. Thanks, Cathy (smile)

    • Cathy Kennedy

      I have been on both sides of the scale, too. You’re right, one has to consider all aspects of where he/she needs to be weight-wise. The scales currently read 120 for me, but if I were taller and bigger boned then this would be an appropriate weight. However, I’m a very petite, small framed woman. So, I’m really a wee bit too heavy and am working my way back to where I’m more comfortable. I love myself too much to allow myself to sink into acceptance, if the scales read too high. Health problems are more prong to rearing its ugly head ~ type II diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, high cholesterol, …. However, it is every person’s responsibility to know where they should be and not fall for the big beautiful woman hype. Yes, these women are beautiful, but what about their health? That’s why I am concerned about hearing this song. Maybe, I’m being too sensitive on this matter and then maybe again I am not. That all being said, you’re right people shouldn’t fall victim to hating someone because of his/her size. Everyone deserves to be treated equally regardless of size. I appreciate you chiming in with your opinion, Dixie!

  • mariodacat

    M says she was born a size 16 as she has had trouble with weight all her life. She has gone down in size, only to go back up again.

  • Arlee Bird

    The other day I heard that the new body enhancement that has become very popular is butt implants. I personally don’t get it. Not sure why a woman think she needs to artificially enlarge butt, boobs, or whatever. I personally prefer natural.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

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