A-Z Challenge

#a2zchallenge Gatlingburg, TN

I am into day # 8 of the A – Z Challenge. Today, I am making a mad dash to pull together my assignment after a hectic day spent at two doctor appointments. Not to worry ~ all is well. It’s just routine stuff.

Tuesdays are my official day of going random. This is actually a good thing, since I am kinda up a creek without a paddle so-to-speak with today’s post. Honestly, I have the perfect topic to talk about, but I don’t have the photos to go along with it. Can I still make it work? Let’ see…

Have you ever visited the Great Smoky Mountains National Park? If so, then you are familiar with the buzzing little foothills town known as Gatlinburg,, Tennessee. According to Wikipedia in 2000, the population is just under 4,000. However, during the summer tourist peak, millions of visitors from across the country converge this mountain community like flies do to honey. It truly is a sweet spot.

Gatlinburg is a popular honeymooners destination, as well as a great place to get hitched. I think, if I could have a wedding do-over then I would certainly liked getting married in one of these beautiful wedding chapels.

Cupid's Wedding Chapel
Click image to visit Cupid’s Wedding Chapel
Smoky Mountain Weddings
Click image to visit Smoky Mountain Weddings

You can even capture those blissful moments in your Gatlinburg chapel of love with local photographer, William Britten. I can’t speak for Mr. Britten’s work personally, but you can see some of his work on his site.

Gatlinburg is a fabulous get-away destination for newlyweds and families alike. Packed along the tiny strip of 441 running through the town are businesses galore – restaurants, shops, and attractions.

Places we have visited and enjoyed over the years are…

Ripley's Aquarium in the Smokies
Click on image to visit Ripley’s Aquarium in the Smokies. (all images borrowed from Google)
Space Needle
Space Needle (my images)

Any time is a good time when visiting Gatlinburg for the sweet tastes found at the Ole Smoky Candy Kitchen.  One of my favorite things to see to this day is to watch the taffy pull, which is visible from the street through the store’s big window. I guess you just can’t take the little girl entirely out of the woman.

Ole Smoky Candy Kitchen
Click image to visit Ole Smoky Candy Kitchen. (photos borrowed from various Google sources)

Before Gatlinburg becomes inundated with outsiders and the streets are shoulder-to-shoulder people, I need to take advantage of the light crowds to have my own little photo shoot to share with you. For now, why not take a peak at what you’re missing by not visiting Gatlinburg, TN!


**This is NOT  a paid advertisement for Gatlinburg, TN or any of the businesses mentioned. It’s me sharing a little piece of heaven with you from God’s country.**

Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit my lovelies at. Starting first with Les from Time Out For Mom wants  us to fill in the Blank:  “I am Not My…..

I am not myself today. Gee, Les has given me a platform to do some major ranting from and this is the best I can come up with? *slap forehead* The truth of the matter is, I am a bit out of sorts with the ole fuzzy thinking syndrome. However, after yesterday’s annual GYN appointment I am a bit excited. I discovered a new-to-me type of HRT and after talking with my doctor, then I decided to allow him to draw the necessary blood work to see, if I am a candidate for this new treatment. I won’t spoil it by saying anything else until I know for sure that I am going to be undertaking the process, but just let me say this, I’m really excited. This may be the miracle I have looked for. *fingers crossed, saying a prayer*

Patrice’s chats on the farmhouse porch questions this week are:

  1.  What has kept you busy lately? The #a2zchallenge and doctor appointments.
  2. Are you making or creating anything? The only thing I am creating is daily posts.
  3. What are you really hungry for right now? Actually nothing, I’m quite satisfied.
  4. What song has stuck in your head lately? Happy by Pharell Williams
  5. If I could celebrate my upcoming birthday with you, what would we do? I think we should take a drive along the Maine coast line to visit and photograph lighthouses for the one day. Maybe, we can stop beside a little road side shop and have a cup of clam chowder or a crab/lobster roll or both. Birthdays are special without a cake, so we could get a Maine baked Whoopie Pies. LaBadies’ Bakery is one that we have tried and liked, so that’s the sweet treat I would get you, Patrice. I think after the sight-seeing we might be too tired to drive home, so we just may as well make it an overnight stay in one of those lovely bed n’ breakfasts right on the water. We can sit on the porch and chat over a hot cup of chamomile tea discussing all the fun we had while kinda wishing our husbands could be there. Oh well…that’s what the pictures are for, right? To share with our husbands when we do make it home. So, what day is your birthday? I need to pack my bag! lol Well, you know I really can’t leave my DH behind, and I suspect you wouldn’t want to leave yours either for such a big, fun day as this. We can include them, but the chat and tea time on the porch will definitely be reserved for just us girls. *wink*

For now, did someone say coffee? Oh yes, that was me. Hee-Hee! It’s time to get another refill of Joe. As luck will have it, my last stop takes us to Starbuck’s home state to visit Stacy Uncorked. She is now back in Blogosphere doing what she does best  ~ random musings on Random Tuesday Thoughts ! I’m gonna to join her linky party now. Wanna come with?

Have a terrific Tuesday!




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