
50 Q&A, Part 1 of 5

This week, I stumbled upon The  Organic Blonde (no longer working link). On her site, I found an interesting post. She listed 50 Questions for Finding Your Bliss, which I took as a personal challenge to share with you, my dear friends. I love the whole get-to-know-me-get-to-know-you concept through a Q&A session.

50 questions is a lot, which means a lot of thinking (my brain is hurting already), right? Let’s face it, none of us have time to read in-depth answers to 50 questions at one time. Am I right or am I right? I’m right, I’m right, I know it. LOL So… I’ve decided to break these up creating a mini series of 10 questions per post.

Warning…these really are deep questions. I couldn’t have come up with these on my own. Don’t forget your coffee…or tea, and enjoy.

(1). How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?  Mentally, I felt like I was 17 or 18 for yeeears. Why? I can only guess it’s because I got married when I was 17. Then something happened, I became a Mommy.  And again, my mental age status was my early 20s for the longest of time.  Now, that I’m approaching…eh em…50 in December, my age barometer says I’m 30-something.  I hope my mental age NEVER catches up with my physical age. LOL  Perhaps as they lay me to rest at a ripe old age, the pastor can say, “What a tragedy to lose someone in the prime of her life!”

(2). Which is worse, failing or never trying? I believe never trying is worse than failing.  You can fail at trying, but failure to try just creates deep seeded regret.  You will always wonder, “What if???” I say, live without regrets.  Life is too short, make the most of it.  If nothing else, you’ll certainly have some interesting stories to share with your grand kids.

(3). If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Many of the things we don’t like to do are usually out of necessity but have to be done. For example, I don’t like cleaning the commode. However, unless I do it then it won’t get done.  On the other hand, I would love to take an annual vacation. Practicality dictates otherwise because either time or resources aren’t available.

However, if you are in a job that you just don’t like then I’d say, “Do something about that!”  Go back to school or seek out that fantasy job as an actor/singer through a local playhouse or jazz club on the weekends or start that business you’ve always wanted to give a try.

Writing for children has been a long time dream of mine. I guess this is why I decided to do something about it when I did. I elected to not go the conventional way of publishing with The Tale of Ole Green Eyes. Sales are slow, but I’m not letting this weight me down. I have other stories in the works with an agent helping me on one of them.  I feel I’m already successful just for trying.  As for the rest, we’ll wait to see if financial success follows.  =D 

(4). When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? Oh heavens, I fear I will be one to say, I’ve said more than done.  The years have gotten away entirely too quickly and the chance to reach all of my dreams is dwindling. But, at the same time, I don’t think I will think too much about it as I come to the end of my life because of my happiness and contentment of where I am.

(5). What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? Hatred.  Since the beginning of time, hatred has separated people. I know this is something that won’t materialize while here on earth, but I know one day in our eternal home called Heaven there will be no such thing as hatred because all things will be perfect. The promise to come is in Revelations 21:4.

(6). If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? As cheesy as this sounds, doing what I’m doing makes me filthy rich.  I’m 99.999% happy as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend.  It’s so rewarding to give of myself in this capacity, such as cook for my family, solution finder, caregiver, … I also treasure the leisure I have to do the things I enjoy like writing, rubber-stamping, and chatting with a friend. Money surely can’t buy happiness, but happiness can surely make you rich among women. 

(7). Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? Absolutely! There was a time when I couldn’t imagine EVER liking being at home 24/7.  My eyes were soon opened to my heart’s new path when my first child was born. I knew almost in an instant my place belonged in the home.  God gets total credit for making this dream a reality, too.  We faced uncertainty with my husband’s job at the time my maternity leave was ending and I was terribly burdened with the thoughts of placing my baby in daycare, but thankfully a miracle was given to us at the 9th hour.

(8). If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? Holy smoke, this is a toughy.  As fast as the first 40 years have gone I can’t even begin to imagine how I would have lived my life.  Although, I’ve spent the last 23 years on the home front practically 24/7 and during that time I did things with my children, but I think the one thing I’d do over would be to take more personal time with each of them.  I’d also find a way for my husband and I to have a regular date night, especially in those early years of being a new mom and dad, which can drain you in some many ways.

(9). To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Everything I do is partly in my control. I know ultimately everything is in God’s hands. Going down road A versus road B can result in a different scenario. My prayer life is something I can control. Through prayer, I can ask God for leadership and direction. Whether or not, I see what He has planned for me is another matter. Sometimes, I want to see what I want to see resulting in misery.

(10). Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? I don’t think I’m worried about either per se, but I’d have to say, I always try to do the right thing instead of what’s popular.  It’s easy to be a sheep, but to be a leader? Well, that can be trickier to do especially with pressures of society/peers. I have to listen to my own personal convictions and I know within I’m going to be happy with my decision in the long run.

Why not pick one of the above questions to leave your response to in my comments.  Allow me the privilege of knowing you a little better, if you care to share.

This concludes part one of this short series of 50 Q&A. I hope you’ll come by for the next round on Tuesday, July 5th.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!



  • cathykennedy

     @4d15f681494572411f84f8ad5b2146fe’re most kind, really. These questions just spoke to me. I hope others will take to them, as well. About the best way of really knowing someone is put yourself out there, like this. Of course, I’m not super gutsy in getting super intimate on the net, if you know what I mean.

  • Jacqueline

    I love that you are actually ANSWERING these questions…. That shows a lot of fortitude to look at your life like this and share it with all of us…. I feel so honored to have helped spur this on.    Thanks for being a part of The Organic Blonde!

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