Monday's Music Moves Me

5 80s party songs that moves me

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays! 

This month’s honorary co-hostess is, Robin.   Her final theme for the month is party songs.  Borrowing inspiration from this list of 80s party music I built a 5-song playlist.  Hit play to boogie with me!

Song tracks: 1. Footloose ~Kenny Loggins 2. Jump ~Van Halen 3. Celebration ~Kool & the Gang 4. The Power of Love ~Huey Lewis & the News 5. Give It Up ~KC & the Sunshine Band

The early years of the 80s I listened to quite a bit to the radio.  While in college, I drove downtown each morning with DH to use the city transit service to take the bus to school.  We often had the radio playing to catch traffic updates in between classic or pop rock records spinning on the turntable.  I’m pretty sure they still did that in those early years.  After graduation, entering the work force many offices had the radio tuned to station with a beat.  The employers never seemed to mind. It sure made work more fun and it created a friendlier environment.  However, once I retired to become a full-time mommy in 1988 the only time I listened to the radio was when we traveled to see our folks or the occasional trip to the mountains but I think I was usually asleep during those periods and that’s why some tunes escape my memory.  This short set of music I definitely remember because these songs fell in line in the early part of the decade. 

4M regular co-hostesses: Marie, Stacy, Alana, and Me


This is a music linky party. Every other week we have a suggested music theme (see weekly prompts here) to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our music enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

4M design by Cathy Kennedy

Marie update:  I spoke with our gal last week and she’s doing much, much better.  Her pneumonia and UTI has cleared up.  On the blogging front, she’s still having issues with getting the hang of it but Sandee from Comedy-Plus is giving her a hand.  I think after she’s feeling 100%, she’ll be back in good form again blogging and partying with the rest of us.  This is CAAC signing off, please check back tomorrow for the results in last week’s BOTB.  Have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy






















  • XmasDolly aka Marie

    Great tunes my friend. You never going to guess what happened… I thought Monday was Tuesday, and when I found out what happened I was so very angry and sooooooooo very embarrassed. So it took up all the nerve to write this note, so I finally got my new calendar and now we’re on the right calendar. I spilled my milk on my last calendar. So sorry. Anyway tomorrow is my mammogram we’re keeping tabs on the lump we found a couple of months ago, and so far it hasn’t gotten any bigger. I believe I told you about it. SO FINGERS CROSSED and any extra prayers you have please send them my way! Love you honey and I’m lovin’ my blanket it is so soft and hugable! THANK YOU SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! YOU’RE MY LITTLE ANGEL THE LORD HAS SENT ME FOR SURE! HUGS…. SEE YOU MONDAY FOR SURE UNLESS WE GET BURIED IN SNOW AND THERE’S NO ELECTRICITY…. OUCH! PARISH THE THOUGHT!!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LOTS OF EM”””’ HEY CAN I ADOPT YOU???? hehehehehe you’re so very sweet and such a cutie pie!!!!! HUGS

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I kept thinking Tuesday was Monday since DH had Monday off. Don’t worry about it, girlfriend! It’s been hard for me to keep track of the days of the week ever since I left the work place almost 34 years ago. The only thing that sort of keeps me from completely loosing my sense of what day of the week it is, is DH still works. I’ll be thinking of you today as you have your mammogram done. I think sometimes denser tissue gives doctors cause for alarm but thicker areas can be a normal part of a woman’s breast. I have a small place like that as well that usually raises a brow until they compare it my history. Sending hugs and good vibes your way. And, gracious let’s not have any negative thoughts about the weather. True, you live in a part of the country where that could happen but let’s not think about it. Speaking of weather, there’s a lone daffodil that popped up in our yard. Years ago, when the kids were small we planted some. This red clay Tennessee soil is hard to grow anything in so what we planted didn’t last for now but sometimes a stray bulb blooms. It’s really quite a cheerful surprise. 🙂

  • angelswhisper2011

    I loved to be on your Pawty, CK, not because you had such a great dance-list, but you also have your own DJ…who’s to awwdorable for words😸Now mousie wants to dance again too…MOL… That quote is just purrfect too. Pawkisses for a Special Twoosday just for you🐾😽💞

  • Sandee

    Awww, that kitten is adorable. I love the playlist for today. Adorable. I remember all those songs. Most were favorites of mine. I worked non-stop from 1978 through 2003. It’s good to be retired.

    I’m glad Marie is better. I sent here an email and told her to put the songs in she wanted and I’d do the rest, but checking Sunday evening there was nothing so I let it go. I know she’ll be back and read to rock and roll soon.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day. Love and hugs. ♥

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Retirement life is nice. I retired to be a full time mommy almost 34-years ago. It won’t be too long before DH can retire as fast as the years are clicking by. I sure do like that he’s able to work from home. It gives me more time with him even when he’s busy doing his own thing. You’re right, when Marie is feeling more like herself she’ll be back at it. Thanks for stopping by, dearie!

  • Birgit

    I am so happy she is doing much better. Pneumonia is a tough thing to get through but I am glad she is on the mend. I love that quote at the end and wish I could aspire to that as I am a worrywart. Is it worrywart or worrywort?? Anyhoo, I enjoyed the fun music to listen to as it brings back fun memories. I danced to all of these but i would add Billy Idol’s “Mony, Mony”. I had a lot of fun dancing to this. I loved the bands like Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Depeche Mode etc… So much dancing.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      It’s worrywart. I’m very happy Marie’s over the pneumonia. I found out a friend’s sister who I also thought of as friend died in December from pneumonia only days after being diagnosed with lung cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with my good friend. The sounds of the 80s is a good way to reset my mood after such sad news. “Mony, Mony” is an excellent party song. Thanks for visiting, darlin’!

  • Eugenia

    I love 80s music and I love all of these songs, Cathy! I saw KC at Disney World many moons ago. They rock and get the crowd rockin’ along with them. Rock on!

    I am glad to know Marie is feeling better.

  • Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

    Jumping and dancing to 80’s music is such a wonderful start to the day. The sun is shining here and it just climbed into the 20’s. Enjoyed your music memories, too. I got to see KC and the Sunshine Band once at Disney World when I lived in Florida in the mid 70’s. And, best of all, continued good news about Marie.

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Oh that’s so super cool that you got to see KC and the Sunshine Band. I mentioned to Tom that I think it would be great fun to see them perform live. 🙂 Their music really gets you to your feet!

  • Thomas Anderson

    Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Pawww-some 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! I hope you had a good week and are enjoying the weekend with DH.

    Awww… I just wanna smooch that cute little DJ kitty. I can’t wait to hear the 80s tuneage he/she plays for us this morning.

    Your 80s song block begins with one of the catchiest (as in earworm) and most recognizable movie theme songs of the decade – “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins. Our MTV style station ran Loggins’ songs and video for Footloose, for Caddyshack (“I’m Alright”) and for Top Gun (“Danger Zone”): The movie Footloose was one of Kevin Bacon’s biggest early career successes, but he soon found himself typecast and his careen went into a slump when he took roles playing other types of characters. A few years ago, I watched Kevin’s TV series The Following and enjoyed it. I pulled a character from that series and hired her as a SPMM DJ. You will meet her soon. “Jump” represents a major bookmark in my life, indicating a change of chapters. It was the first song I remember hearing when I arrived here in Florida to begin a new phase of my life. Florida is where I have now spent more than half my years. A job opportunity in television brought me down here from PA and I have never looked back. As I might have mentioned before, “Celebration” is also a big bookmark, because it immediately reminds me of the night back in PA that I used the song as a mewsic bed for a video highlight reel showing the Philadelphia Eagles in action on the football field crafting their victory in the big playoff game that same evening. I whipped that highlight tape together just in time to insert it into my 11 o’clock newscast as the showender, playing us off the air as I now like to do with songs used in my Shady’s Place radio shows. “The Power Of Love” is yet another bookmark for me. It takes me back to late 1985 when I used the song as the mewsic bed for a five minute long video presentation introducing our brand new MTV style television station to advertisers. The disco band KC And The Sunshine Band hails from down here in Miami, Florida. I wasn’t tremendously fond of their sound or style in the 70s, but started to like them more as they matured in the 80s. KC’s 1983 release “Give It Up” was the band’s last major hit. It topped the charts in the UK and Ireland and made the top 3 in Australia. The single cracked the top 20 in the U.S.

    Thanks for the update on friend Marie. I am happy to learn that her health is improving. I wish her well as she continues to make steady progress toward a full recovery.

    Thanks for the morning mewsic & memories, dear friend Cathy! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week ahead. Keep in mind that this Wednesday I’ll be away all morning for my medical procedure in case you planned to post something that day. Take care, dear friend!

    • Cathy Kennedy


      Kenny Loggin’s hit song “Footloose” was very popular but didn’t see the movie until decades later. It never appealed to us. Kevin Bacon is a great actor. I think one of the first movies I recall seeing him in is “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles”. His role was very small and I don’t even think he any lines. He just sprinted toward the cab to beat Steve Martin to it who’s desperately trying to get to the airport to get home early for Thanksgiving. You were at age when these songs rose in popularity that you probably have some good stories to go with them. My memories are more feelings than anything. I always liked KC and the Sunshine band. It would be a hoot to see them perform. In the film, “The In-Laws” the group was used as they were the couples favorite band. By the way, “The In-Laws” is a terrific comedy and if you haven’t watched it, then I highly recommend it. Thanks for joining me early this morning, dear friend. Have a boogietastic week!

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